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Somali pirates shoot at US warship, kill American hostages

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ChefRamsay said:
Train private yachters how to defend their boat?

I'm sure they have radar. When an unidentified fishing boat is on a collision course with your yacht, press the 'HALP PLZ NAVY' button, lock n load the XM8s and man the cannons, etc. until the Navy can respond.
Or like I already said, get some of these guys

Deku said:
Some people aren't responding seriously to me because, as I noted in the very post they are quoting, Iraq has the effect of muddying the debate.

I point out Somalia is a case study for exactly the kind of interventionist policy required to stabilize a country.

And please don't say we need tools for the people to overthrow the regime. Somalia is a patchwork of warring warlords. There isn't even one dictator to overthrow.

I am for example not advocating an invasion of Libya, as of yet, it is not a failed state. But I think people here fundamentally do not understand what a failed state is seem to lump all those 'brown' countries into one category, with the 'do not invade' check box ticked off.

It's a simplistic view. And I'm certianly not ashamed of holding the views I do. This is the same thread where someone nonchalantly rationalized the boater's death on their religion and blamed them for making the mistake of getting hijacked and killed.

Okay, lets suppose that the US military isn't already busy fighting other battles, let me ask you this: Do you seriously think people would be in favor of having their tax dollars spent on the invasion of a country that doesn't Harbor the Islamic terrorists that attacked their soil, doesn't have any resources that can be exploited, and has done little to no trading with the U.S. ?

You're basically acting like Woodrow Wilson before the first world war, and also you have to keep in mind(I mentioned this earlier) that literally hundreds of soldiers have been in the region trying to defeat the warlords. If the US shows up what will they do differently than the combined might of the UN and the African Union? use drones? use nuclear missiles? You say Iraq muddies the debate, Okay, so what about Afghanistan? is that region significantly more stable than it was almost 10 years ago? What about what happened in Vietnam? is that now a democratic country? How about the attempts to stop the spread of socialism in Latin America?

The people don't need more carnage. If you go in you'll destroy whatever shards of infrastructure they have left, and the situation will truly be hopeless. If you're in favour of sending a small amount of soldiers to supplement the peacekeepers already present in the region to tackle the government while simultaneously building roads, hospitals, schools and strengthening Agriculture then I totally agree with you, but to suggest that they need to be invaded for their own good is simply treating an infection with a butcher knife instead of a scalpel.
Deku said:
Some people aren't responding seriously to me because, as I noted in the very post they are quoting, Iraq has the effect of muddying the debate.

I point out Somalia is a case study for exactly the kind of interventionist policy required to stabilize a country.

And please don't say we need tools for the people to overthrow the regime. Somalia is a patchwork of warring warlords. There isn't even one dictator to overthrow.

I am for example not advocating an invasion of Libya, as of yet, it is not a failed state. But I think people here fundamentally do not understand what a failed state is seem to lump all those 'brown' countries into one category, with the 'do not invade' check box ticked off.

It's a simplistic view. And I'm certianly not ashamed of holding the views I do. This is the same thread where someone nonchalantly rationalized the boater's death on their religion and blamed them for making the mistake of getting hijacked and killed.

We aren't responding to you because Somalia is already a case study about interventionist policy: Fucked if you do, fucked if you don't.


Wait, did the US soldier kill the pirate after they all came out to surrender, or what there an actual fight, or was it just the case that only some of the pirate surrendered?

I ask because, even though these pirates are despicable scumbags, killing a man after he offers surrender is pretty shit and probably illegal.




Suairyu said:
Wait, did the US soldier kill the pirate after they all came out to surrender, or what there an actual fight, or was it just the case that only some of the pirate surrendered?

I ask because, even though these pirates are despicable scumbags, killing a man after he offers surrender is pretty shit and probably illegal.
Oh, will someone please think of the pirates.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Pirates — who currently hold 30 ships and more than 660 hostages
SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY? I didn't know it had even begun to reach that point. Take those fuckers out.


Trucker Sexologist
Suairyu said:
Wait, did the US soldier kill the pirate after they all came out to surrender, or what there an actual fight, or was it just the case that only some of the pirate surrendered?

I ask because, even though these pirates are despicable scumbags, killing a man after he offers surrender is pretty shit and probably illegal.
Well, someone on that ship offed the hostages and I'm sure the spec ops weren't too happy about it.


lightless_shado said:
Okay, lets suppose that the US military isn't already busy fighting other battles, let me ask you this: Do you seriously think people would be in favor of having their tax dollars spent on the invasion of a country that doesn't Harbor the Islamic terrorists that attacked their soil, doesn't have any resources that can be exploited, and has done little to no trading with the U.S. ?

You're basically acting like Woodrow Wilson before the first world war, and also you have to keep in mind(I mentioned this earlier) that literally hundreds of soldiers have been in the region trying to defeat the warlords. If the US shows up what will they do differently than the combined might of the UN and the African Union? use drones? use nuclear missiles? You say Iraq muddies the debate, Okay, so what about Afghanistan? is that region significantly more stable than it was almost 10 years ago? What about what happened in Vietnam? is that now a democratic country? How about the attempts to stop the spread of socialism in Latin America?

The people don't need more carnage. If you go in you'll destroy whatever shards of infrastructure they have left, and the situation will truly be hopeless. If you're in favour of sending a small amount of soldiers to supplement the peacekeepers already present in the region to tackle the government while simultaneously building roads, hospitals, schools and strengthening Agriculture then I totally agree with you, but to suggest that they need to be invaded for their own good is simply treating an infection with a butcher knife instead of a scalpel.

Opening a Nike factory there would do more good than cruise missles.


Obviously more went on than they've detailed yet but I'm sure we'll get more info. One thing that we do know for certain is that leveling an entire coast because of criminals is fucking stupid. Is development of the pirate seeking bomb moving faster than anticipated?


Suairyu said:
Wait, did the US soldier kill the pirate after they all came out to surrender, or what there an actual fight, or was it just the case that only some of the pirate surrendered?

I ask because, even though these pirates are despicable scumbags, killing a man after he offers surrender is pretty shit and probably illegal.

And if the report in OP is true (that a knife was used) it's easy to assume it was a killing for fun.

Still, live by the sword etc etc. (I abhor extra judicial killing but remain resigned to reality.)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
slider said:
And if the report in OP is true (that a knife was used) it's easy to assume it was a killing for fun.
Oh please, you don't always need a court for it to be counted justice. I'll give you "a vigilante action" but "fun" is way off.


Srsly said:
I'm trying to feel sympathy for world-traveling evangelists that were dumb enough to end up off the Somalian coast, but I just can't.

Surprised this troll account hasn't been perma-banned yet.


just hang every pirate found

fucks the bullshit atm where the worst they have to look for is getting released beacose no courts wants to deal with the bullshit and the best case scenario where they actualy do get captured and senteced to live in a nice confortable cell with 3 meals a day

Go deeper, there is more to this mindset than you think.
you truly are a one issue poster only


I understand little boats getting taken hostage but why don't these big oil tankers who pay ransoms of, like, $50+ million hire mercenaries to stay on the boats? Pound these little shitheads who try to climb on board.


Dice said:
Oh please, you don't always need a court for it to be counted justice. I'll give you "a mercenary action" but "fun" is way off.

Yeah, sorry "fun" was the wrong word. I nearly used "pleasure" but thought that was off too.


kylej said:
I understand little boats getting taken hostage but why don't these big oil tankers who pay ransoms of, like, $50+ million hire mercenaries to stay on the boats? Pound these little shitheads who try to climb on board.

I'm sure some do but hundreds of ships pass thru without incident. Is it really cost effective to arm each one with a small group of highly trained and expensive soldiers?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Alright. I just changed "mercenary" to "vigilante" as well. I knew something was off when I wrote that.


slider said:
And if the report in OP is true (that a knife was used) it's easy to assume it was a killing for fun.

Still, live by the sword etc etc. (I abhor extra judicial killing but remain resigned to reality.)

Assumption is easy almost by definition. It's silly to do it in this case especially when we so obviously lack details.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
kylej said:
I understand little boats getting taken hostage but why don't these big oil tankers who pay ransoms of, like, $50+ million hire mercenaries to stay on the boats? Pound these little shitheads who try to climb on board.

Liek I said, countries don't appreciated any vessels carrying weapons or armed individuals coming around their territorial waters. Also, presence of weapons/soldiers completely changes how that vessel can be treated in international law.


ChiTownBuffalo said:
Liek I said, countries don't appreciated any vessels carrying weapons or armed individuals coming around their territorial waters. Also, presence of weapons/soldiers completely changes how that vessel can be treated in international law.

If you're going to have a trade route in your territorial waters you better expect guns on board.


Banzaiaap said:
Yeah, fuck those poor people with no jobs, that happen to live on the coastline! FUCK EM I SAY.
Fuck em, what contribution are they making to the world anyways? NONE! KILL THEM ALL /sarcasm

i say just send fleets of badass navy seals out and murder all the pirate scum, fuck is this? middle ages-19th century? fucking pirates..


KHarvey16 said:
Assumption is easy almost by definition. It's silly to do it in this case especially when we so obviously lack details.

Yep, I was just thinking aloud. Just wanted to spur some conversation.

But, if it is accurate I'd wonder why the chap used a knife rather than his firearm. Still, I'm sure when/if there is a "official statement" there won't be any controversial facts (and understandably so).


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
kylej said:
If you're going to have a trade route in your territorial waters you better expect guns on board.

Obstacles to arming crews include legal liability overseas, arms export controls, and the reluctance of insurers to cover voyages with armed crews.

I work with the insurance industry very closely, this would probably be the main reason.
slider said:
And if the report in OP is true (that a knife was used) it's easy to assume it was a killing for fun.

Or perhaps the pirates in the cargo hold put up a fight, unlike the ones who surrendered on the deck? You can't assume as much without proper details. I can assure you that spec ops forces do not take a life lightly.


Corporate Apologist

I wonder how much of a fight Somali could actually put up. Most likely a really good one, but you never know.

So, I heard the US has that warship with a railgun onboard...
I am not sure using a railgun would be the best weapon for old fishing vessels. You get to the point where the boats could even be so small it would just be hard to hit. Just use the normal cannons and aim the AA guns down.


Drkirby said:

I wonder how much of a fight Somali could actually put up. Most likely a really good one, but you never know.
Somalia is such a mess already I don't know if we could tell when we "won". See also: Afghanistan.


Corporate Apologist
We win when there is a stable Pro American puppet government in place!

But yeah, I know what you mean. If you can get a stable government in the area, which would likely would just take years of occupation (There isn't really even an army to fight, just a fleet of pirate ships that you need to sink), you could call it a "Victory." The question comes down to "Is it really worth the costs for a decade long occupation for the troubles they are causing?"

I mean, they eventually will stop being a ungoverned pirate state, given enough time (Or we will all die. One of the two)


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Devolution said:
This thread is going places. Blaming everything but the situation that encourages piracy in the first place.
Deku said:
current detterence is more or less sending patrols to deter some attacks, and paying the pirates to rescue cargo and hostages. With the occasional coup when it's an American or Russian boats that get hijacked and both countries go after the pirates. But usually ransom is paid quietly.

Essentially there is no real policy on somalia.

The only way to stop piracy is to fix the situation on land. And you can't fix that by wishing it or donating to Oxfam. You need to land troops to stabilize the country.
And this.

I like to call this the "Al-qaeda- Syndrome". Ignoring places like Somalia will lead to much worse things than a few hostages dying. Al-qaeda has taken over the place, making it is own base to operate from. It's a real threat that no one is takings seriously, I give it a few more years before we see another terrorist attack, before the US/EU decides to invade Somalia once and for all.

ConfusingJazz said:
We aren't responding to you because Somalia is already a case study about interventionist policy: Fucked if you do, fucked if you don't.
But no one really did anything did they.

Statement should be changed to: "No oil if you do, no oil if you don't."

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
antonz said:
I dont like being linked to Sarah Palin :p
Pretty sure only someone as dumb as Sarah Palin would think Thomas Jefferson supported loading up B52s and carpet bombing the entire coast of a country.
Enosh said:
just hang every pirate found

fucks the bullshit atm where the worst they have to look for is getting released beacose no courts wants to deal with the bullshit and the best case scenario where they actualy do get captured and senteced to live in a nice confortable cell with 3 meals a day

you truly are a one issue poster only
That's hilarious coming from you of all people.
This is getting out of hand. They're going to have to do something drastic to deter piracy in this region; economic opportunity isn't about to improve in Somalia so the only other option is to make them fear for their lives.

Execute any and all pirates on the spot; no quarter, no trial, and no pardons short of 1 to be picked at random and released to tell the others.
slider said:
Yep, I was just thinking aloud. Just wanted to spur some conversation.

But, if it is accurate I'd wonder why the chap used a knife rather than his firearm. Still, I'm sure when/if there is a "official statement" there won't be any controversial facts (and understandably so).

Don't know any soldiers? Depending on the fight, sometimes a knife is easier and more tactical to use.


WickedAngel said:
Execute any and all pirates on the spot; no quarter, no trial, and no pardons short of 1 to be picked at random and released to tell the others.
But wouldn't this be the exact same thing a pirate would do?
Drkirby said:
I am not sure using a railgun would be the best weapon for old fishing vessels. You get to the point where the boats could even be so small it would just be hard to hit. Just use the normal cannons and aim the AA guns down.

I meant to use it for Somali coast.
Steelrain said:
O.......K then...

The show is about pirates. That particular pirate ate a fruit that gave him such abilities. The joke is that in order to win these somali pirates would need to get their hands on such fruits and use such abilities, hence stepping their game up.

I'm sorry, it just seemed much wittier and lovely in my head.
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