Competence based learning is the new trendy buzzword, but even before that teachers didn't only test for knowledge. Reading, writing, speaking, calculating... these are fundamental competences and if you master those, you're able to teach yourself most other things too.
Besides, how are you supposed to check if a student has mastered a specific competence? Through testing of course!
Learning stuff by heart and acquiring knowledge through basic studying are important training for the brain so it can memorize things better. These activities heavily accelerate the formation of dendrites which are important to store more information. Basically, your brain is not a hard-drive it is the opposite: The more information you acquire, the more dendrites are being formed, the more knowledge you can memorize. For example, somebody who masters 3 languages can learn a fourth one in half the time than somebody who only speaks a single one.
Here are the dendrites being formed on a single synapse through the simple effect of basic studying and reading:
In essence, the more you learn the more you're able to learn. In contrast, passive learning and excessive media consumption (tablet, mobile, tiktok, youtube, etc...) reduce dendrite formation by about 40%. We are basically turning our children into mindless zombies.
I cannot fathom why we so desperately seek to move away from that tried and true formula.
This will only lead to a further dumbing down of the educational system.