I wonder how the media is going to portray this, since they spent the past year basically saying nurses are living gods, writing stories about how we failed them when we refused to do what King Fauci said, and how anyone who refuses the vaccine is a redneck retard.
Smallpox eradication took decades of massive global efforts, and for polio it is still ongoing. These are also diseases that are so self-evidently horrible that I doubt you'd find many people who would refuse the vaccine.
The big issue, the core issue, is that our society went ape shit over something that isn't a big deal, and people are drawing a line when it comes to injecting some untested beta vaccine into their body, understandably.
Haha, yeah, the narrative is gonna go from heroes to egotistic pieces of shit so quickly it won’t be nice to watch.
Of course the higher-ups of healthcare in Italy are already peddling the idea on TV. Doctors who aren’t OK with taking the jab now are being painted as irresponsible idiots, and there’s those who are caressing the idea of making the vaccine mandatory already, at least for healthcare workers. The Prime Minister had to declare on TV that mandatory vaccination isn’t in the papers right now.
Smallpox was a highly contagious disease with a 20% lethality rate and unmistakable signs. Much easier to diagnose than COVID, hit people of all ages, could leave horrible scars, couldn’t be had twice in a lifetime. The original vaccine was literally cow pus, hardly something that would fly today.
Polio is extremely rare now, and whoever wants to dig into it a little will easily find out that most of the very few cases reported every year are actually caused by the vaccine itself. Diseases like polio were defeated more through sanitation and hygiene than through vaccines though, like any disease that spreads through orofecal transmission. Even the flu can be contained with masks and hand hygiene, as this winter is effectively showing.
The thing about most infectious diseases on which vaccination has built its reputation is, they are diseases that kill children. Smallpox, measles, polio, meningitis (both meningococcal and Haemophilus influenzae meningitis), pertussis and diphteria took a heavy toll on the infants throughout history, especially before the age of sanitation and food abundance (measles is extremely rarely fatal to a western-world child that’s well fed and has no immune system deficiencies).
But with COVID, the situation is reversed. You can’t peddle the idea that you’re saving children taking the COVID jab. This makes it quite more difficult to be widely accepted already.
It’s hilarious and sad at the same time how a lot of people are scared shitless of COVID, much more than the numbers would require, but those same people are hesitant about taking the shot while at the same time they want all healthcare personnel to take it. And I think we
will see sanctions against reluctant doctors and nurses in the near future, because scared people need a scapegoat and they
will turn on yesterday’s “heroes” with a little push from MSM.