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Someone PLEASE shoot IGN's Douglass Perry in the face! Says Daytona USA is in OR2!


I wanna fucking puke!


Douglass C Perry(IGN OutRun 2 Review) said:
And if you REALLY love Sega's racing games, you can unlock both the original Outrun and Daytona USA. Yes, they're packed in here.

Oh yeah, did I mention that the original versions of OutRun and Daytona USA are here? Yeah, I thought so.

Plus, for $39.99 and the inclusion of the original OutRun AND Daytona USA, you can't go wrong.

What a complete fucking moron!!!!!!!

I seriously cannot believe how stupid, moronic, and uttery irresponsible this idiot Douglass C. Perry is. Going on and on to mention THREE fucking times that Daytona USA is in OR2 knowing damn well it isn't. And I seriously doubt he is ignorantly mistaking the original FULL Daytona USA game with the Daytona 2 bonus tracks.

I wrote to Darthsol, one of Sumo Digital's developers who's been hanging out on Gamefaqs just now....

Darthsol....I seriously, SERIOUSLY recommend writing to IGN staff on Sumo Digital's behalf letting them know either they correct this grave error or you WILL be forced to sue them for misleading and extremely false information! Because if you don't, Sega will mostly like get some very nasty letters from some angry people demanding an explanation as to why they cannot find the "original Daytona USA" game.

I am really steamed over this. This is worse than the review copy getting leaked over the net. IGN needs to fire this prick A-fucking-SAP! :mad:


I just sent him a nice little friendly email.....

ATTENTION Douglass C Perry:

Dude you are a fucking IDIOT!!!!!!! The original Daytona USA 1 game is not I repeat is NOT in OutRun 2 in any way shape or form! What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? We all know Sega *did* include a bonus track but it is from Daytona 2...NOT Daytona USA fucking ONE! Plus, it is a BONUS track and not the full game! Meaning you cannot drive the Hornet, the Phantom, Chum's Gum or any other cars from the Daytona USA franchise!! You are restricted to racing ONE bonus track from Daytona 2 *only with* the Ferrari.

Several people(including myself), have notified one of Sumo Digital's developers, who is kind enough to hang out on Gamefaqs and a couple of other boards about this mistake and I FULLY expect him to seek legal action against your stupid ass for misleadingly stating THREE FUCKING TIMES that Daytona USA is in OutRun 2 when it clearly is not. I also fully expect there to be severe ramifications towards you in the form of angry emails just like this one from numerous OutRun 2 owners when they find out Daytona USA is not in this game and that they made a grave error buying OR2 just for Daytona. The shit's gonna hit the fan when people read your review fully expecting a port of Daytona USA when they purchase OutRun 2.

You're such a fucking dumbass. Either you make a statement retracting the claims that Daytona USA 1 is in OR2 and make it CRYSTAL FUCKING CLEAR that it is infact simply a bonus track from part 2, or prepare to feel the heat and have your email box filled up with death threats(not by me) and a nasty letter from Sega demanding an explanation.

Stupid dickless motherfucker!


The best way to get someone's attention is by using the word 'fuck' clearly shown by isamu here.

Pat on the back, ol chap!


ATTENTION Douglass C Perry:

Dude you are a fucking IDIOT!!!!!!! The original Daytona USA 1 game is not I repeat is NOT in OutRun 2 in any way shape or form! What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? We all know Sega *did* include a bonus track but it is from Daytona 2...NOT Daytona USA fucking ONE! Plus, it is a BONUS track and not the full game! Meaning you cannot drive the Hornet, the Phantom, Chum's Gum or any other cars from the Daytona USA franchise!! You are restricted to racing ONE bonus track from Daytona 2 *only with* the Ferrari.

Several people(including myself), have notified one of Sumo Digital's developers, who is kind enough to hang out on Gamefaqs and a couple of other boards about this mistake and I FULLY expect him to seek legal action against your stupid ass for misleadingly stating THREE FUCKING TIMES that Daytona USA is in OutRun 2 when it clearly is not. I also fully expect there to be severe ramifications towards you in the form of angry emails just like this one from numerous OutRun 2 owners when they find out Daytona USA is not in this game and that they made a grave error buying OR2 just for Daytona. The shit's gonna hit the fan when people read your review fully expecting a port of Daytona USA when they purchase OutRun 2.

You're such a fucking dumbass. Either you make a statement retracting the claims that Daytona USA 1 is in OR2 and make it CRYSTAL FUCKING CLEAR that it is infact simply a bonus track from part 2, or prepare to feel the heat and have your email box filled up with death threats(not by me) and a nasty letter from Sega demanding an explanation.

Stupid dickless motherfucker!
demi said:
The best way to get someone's attention is by using the word 'fuck' clearly shown by isamu here.

Pat on the back, ol chap!

Especially before he even mentions the problem. Who wants to bet he quit reading before he even realized what isamu was mad about?


TheGreenGiant said:
its only a game mate. cry us a river.

I'm not crying at all. I really don't a give a fuck if it's rude or insulting. It's not like if I had wrote it politely and maturely it would have changed anything. I am pissed at this gentlemen and maybe...just maybe, he will read the whole thing. He'll probably laugh then delete it but who cares? He needs to know how much he fucked up by putting that claim in there.

The potential ramifications could be severe because of such an erroneous claim. Little Johnny's gonna go to Gamestop after having read this review and demand a copy of OutRun 2 because he thinks after countless of playing, he'll be unlocking a port of Daytona USA. When he gets home and discovers from other messageboards like this one that Daytona USA is NOT in OR2 he's gonna get his big brother to drive up to IGN's office and bust a serious cap in Doug's ass for printing false information in a review. And I fully expect our friend Doug to get a letter from Sega if he does not retract this outrageous claim.

Plus I just wanted to write an angry letter to someone because it's something I've rarely done and it just felt good. :D


Little Johnny's gonna go to Gamestop after having read this review and demand a copy of OutRun 2 because he thinks after countless of playing, he'll be unlocking a port of Daytona USA.

Wake up, nobody wants OutRun 2, little Johnny wants Burnout 3! BRING ON THEM SPARKS
ATTENTION Douglass C Perry:

Dude you are a fucking IDIOT!!!!!!! The original Daytona USA 1 game is not I repeat is NOT in OutRun 2 in any way shape or form! What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? We all know Sega *did* include a bonus track but it is from Daytona 2...NOT Daytona USA fucking ONE! Plus, it is a BONUS track and not the full game! Meaning you cannot drive the Hornet, the Phantom, Chum's Gum or any other cars from the Daytona USA franchise!! You are restricted to racing ONE bonus track from Daytona 2 *only with* the Ferrari.

Several people(including myself), have notified one of Sumo Digital's developers, who is kind enough to hang out on Gamefaqs and a couple of other boards about this mistake and I FULLY expect him to seek legal action against your stupid ass for misleadingly stating THREE FUCKING TIMES that Daytona USA is in OutRun 2 when it clearly is not. I also fully expect there to be severe ramifications towards you in the form of angry emails just like this one from numerous OutRun 2 owners when they find out Daytona USA is not in this game and that they made a grave error buying OR2 just for Daytona. The shit's gonna hit the fan when people read your review fully expecting a port of Daytona USA when they purchase OutRun 2.

You're such a fucking dumbass. Either you make a statement retracting the claims that Daytona USA 1 is in OR2 and make it CRYSTAL FUCKING CLEAR that it is infact simply a bonus track from part 2, or prepare to feel the heat and have your email box filled up with death threats(not by me) and a nasty letter from Sega demanding an explanation.

Stupid dickless motherfucker!

*pushes over the magazine rack*


go eat paint
I know it's been said before, but there are some misguided freaks on this board.

This reminds me of my next door neighbor, who was carted off to jail last night for savagely beating his girlfriend. The reason?: she wanted help putting together some sort of crib contraption and he was angry because that interfered with his plans to go hang out with his buddies. I guess in his world, a simple "I'll help you when I get back" or "Arrrgh, that interferes with my plans" or "No" just don't suffice. Crazy.
I agree this is an absolutely disgraceful show of unprofessionalism and, well plain retardedness.

I understand that many reviewers are busy and don't have time to play the whole game etc, but at least they will then often have the decency to do their homework on it to avoid making any fuck ups.

Not this fucking clown.

I've never followed his past shit much but I agree this guy is knob cheese.

But that man earlier in this thread - nobody cares. Except us and some reviewers (and goddamit, me). It made No 20 in the UK All format charts and the following week is at about No 40. That's fucking shit (by comparisaon Sonic H was at No 1 for at least 1 week).

And OutRun2 arcade is more popular in Europe than in US or JP (hence we will be first to get OR2 SP - and more of them - and a totally unique brand new cabinet) - so I doubt Xbox OR2 will perform much better in the US. A shame since it is obviosuly the best game ever.
isamu said:
I'm not crying at all. I really don't a give a fuck if it's rude or insulting. It's not like if I had wrote it politely and maturely it would have changed anything. I am pissed at this gentlemen and maybe...just maybe, he will read the whole thing. He'll probably laugh then delete it but who cares? He needs to know how much he fucked up by putting that claim in there.

The potential ramifications could be severe because of such an erroneous claim. Little Johnny's gonna go to Gamestop after having read this review and demand a copy of OutRun 2 because he thinks after countless of playing, he'll be unlocking a port of Daytona USA. When he gets home and discovers from other messageboards like this one that Daytona USA is NOT in OR2 he's gonna get his big brother to drive up to IGN's office and bust a serious cap in Doug's ass for printing false information in a review. And I fully expect our friend Doug to get a letter from Sega if he does not retract this outrageous claim.

Plus I just wanted to write an angry letter to someone because it's something I've rarely done and it just felt good. :D

First of all, let's think of this statistically; the amount of people who will bother reading this review - amount of people using this review as a measure on whether or not to buy the game - people buying the game soley on the fact they assume it includes Daytona USA. That is such a miniscule number that I doubt Sega will start filing grievances with IGN.

Secondly, the game doesn't ship until next week. I've no doubt IGN will make an addendum of some kind before then, probably apologizing, and anyone who read the article in the first place will probably take note of it if it's on the main page. So no one will buy the game under false pretense, and if they do, well, you shouldn't be buying a fifty dollar game just for a ten year old port.

Thirdly, you're an idiot. Perry is an idiot too, but at least he gets paid in spite of it. You make yourself look like a toolbox for absolutely no cost, other than your maturity. Next time you want to write an angry letter, by all means do, but don't sound like an eighth grader enthralled by his ability to cuss on the net and get away with it. If you want something that Perry may actually read and take seriously, try using grown-up words.
isamu said:
ATTENTION Douglass C Perry:

Dude you are a fucking IDIOT!!!!!!! The original Daytona USA 1 game is not I repeat is NOT in OutRun 2 in any way shape or form! What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? We all know Sega *did* include a bonus track but it is from Daytona 2...NOT Daytona USA fucking ONE! Plus, it is a BONUS track and not the full game! Meaning you cannot drive the Hornet, the Phantom, Chum's Gum or any other cars from the Daytona USA franchise!! You are restricted to racing ONE bonus track from Daytona 2 *only with* the Ferrari.

Several people(including myself), have notified one of Sumo Digital's developers, who is kind enough to hang out on Gamefaqs and a couple of other boards about this mistake and I FULLY expect him to seek legal action against your stupid ass for misleadingly stating THREE FUCKING TIMES that Daytona USA is in OutRun 2 when it clearly is not. I also fully expect there to be severe ramifications towards you in the form of angry emails just like this one from numerous OutRun 2 owners when they find out Daytona USA is not in this game and that they made a grave error buying OR2 just for Daytona. The shit's gonna hit the fan when people read your review fully expecting a port of Daytona USA when they purchase OutRun 2.

You're such a fucking dumbass. Either you make a statement retracting the claims that Daytona USA 1 is in OR2 and make it CRYSTAL FUCKING CLEAR that it is infact simply a bonus track from part 2, or prepare to feel the heat and have your email box filled up with death threats(not by me) and a nasty letter from Sega demanding an explanation.

Stupid dickless motherfucker!

You never dissapoint me, my friend. Did you alert your little boy-toy Eric that this Mr.Perry has been perpetuating falsehood? He may be getting his hopes up. :(


Does anyone else find this statement a bit funny?

I wrote to Darthsol, one of Sumo Digital's developers who's been hanging out on Gamefaqs just now....

Not necessarily that he is hanging out at Gamefaqs, but the fact that we didn't just need to know a message was sent, but a message was sent to a developer who was hanging out at Gamefaqs! Never sweat the details!


Ante Up
I sent this:

Re: Error in Outrun 2 Review

The entire Daytona 1 arcade game is not present in Outrun 2. The only bonus related to the franchise is a single track from Daytona 2. It is also important to note that no vehicles from the series are included (the player can only race these tracks using OR2 cars).

Please amend your article as it is quite misleading.


I'll be interested to see the difference in response (if there's a response at all).


Wario64 said:
Maybe SEGA's PR told him Daytona USA can be unlocked


maybe they set him up and placed a port of it only in his copy :)

Sho Nuff

BTW, on one of the press releases from Microsoft distributed with review copies, it stated that OutRun 2 included "the original OutRun and Daytona USA." Silly dinks.

Musashi Wins!

I recently read another review on IGN on a crappy game where the reviewer continued to go on and on about the 3rd person perspective. How it effected the game, what he liked and disliked about it. The review came out after the game did...in first person. Even the old shots were in first person. I couldn't figure out where he imagined it from as it wasn't a simple word choice mistake from his description.

Sho Nuff

Haha, I just realized he wrote that in the actual review. Good job Doug, way to let them press releases write the copy for ya.


Gold Member
Blame! said:
Because he's a complete fucking moron. Who are you, his boyfriend?

Blame! said:
Siamese Dreamer is a fucking tool. Hey dude, maybe you should, y'know, stick to your principles and boycott Halo 2.

You fucking genius.

I think right about now would be a good time for you to go back to the forum where you came from.


I kid, I kid (because I love).

It's just frustrating to see so many hyperreactionary idiots in the span of a few days.

Fuck Halo? Fuck Bungie? Fuck Frank O'Connor? Shoot Douglas C. Perry in the face?

It's Good To Grow Up Together.


Blame! said:
I kid, I kid (because I love).

It's just frustrating to see so many hyperreactionary idiots in the span of a few days.
:D Well your on a video game board, so you kinda have to prepare for it going in ya know?


being watched
More likely the people getting worked up about this are Nintendo and Sony fans who want Outrun 2 to bomb and would rather people think it's the straight arcade port with no extras.
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