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Someone PLEASE shoot IGN's Douglass Perry in the face! Says Daytona USA is in OR2!


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Catalyst said:
Probably a temporary ban...but...why would you ban someone over a little letter like that, anyway?

More likely banned for the fact that he is a total dumbshit who never ever posts anything remotely approaching intelligent.


Schafer said:
More likely banned for the fact that he is a total dumbshit who never ever posts anything remotely approaching intelligent.

Then wouldn't half the forum would be banned in that line of thinking?


Pretty unprofessional to include false information. This just shows that Doug Perry should be re-examined sometime soon by the higher-ups at IGN.


Schafer said:
More likely banned for the fact that he is a total dumbshit who never ever posts anything remotely approaching intelligent.
Yeah, but uh, most of the forum does stupid things at times. I don't think he violated TOS. I've seen worse on here...like that one guy who still bathes with his 10-year-old son :)lol) and he didn't get banned on his troll-ness. Ah well. Here's hoping for a temp ban.


That must be one hell of a cozy life he leads if something this minor is what gets him this angry. I'd hate to see his reaction if, you know, something actually bad happened.


I do agree with Isamu, that Doug Perry is a moron. though I'm not gonna get too excited and passionate about it. I also agree that IGN shouldn't allow such misleading content on their websites. pretty lame.
It's one time that I wish someone got a heart attack when writing said letter. For those who have been creeping around the internet as long as I have, you know people who get that way are 99% pussies who get stepped on every day at work, with friends, and by family and bulletin boards are the only way they can release their life's frustrations.

As for calling someone unprofessional on a mistake they made on an article, that's ridiculous. Especially when you aren't a professional to begin with. Give the man some time to correct his mistakes. You act as if every "article" you guys have written are pieces of perfection...


:p This thread makes me feel good. Just shows that even though I play lots of games and read lots of forums that I still haven't reached this level of pathetic-ness. This is almost worthy of bishoptl's mail bag post that's now in the archives. I almost wish I worked at a website so I can see crap like this daily.

This is just a game. Even worse, this is just a friggin article about a game. An article only a fraction of people that are even considering buying this game will read. An article that will change immediately once the author realizes his mistake. A mistake I'm sure he would have been notified of regardless of how many emails were written by anyone in this thread, and how many "FUCK"'s and "SHIT"'s are placed in said emails

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Awwwww Mr. Perry is a fine man. The guy who got Spanx's name wrong on the Whiplash review, on the other hand... I will never forgive him!
WasabiKing said:
As for calling someone unprofessional on a mistake they made on an article, that's ridiculous. Especially when you aren't a professional to begin with. Give the man some time to correct his mistakes. You act as if every "article" you guys have written are pieces of perfection...

I've been waiting about 7(+?) years for him to correct some of them... Doug Perry really does suck.

But yeah, Isamu is a massive retard too.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
WasabiKing said:
As for calling someone unprofessional on a mistake they made on an article, that's ridiculous.

You don't think that a guy who gets paid to play games and then write about them repeating bullshit information he just read off a press release three times in his article is unprofessional???


metdroid said:
You don't think that a guy who gets paid to play games and then write about them repeating bullshit information he just read off a press release three times in his article is unprofessional???

So before reviewing a game, you expect the reviewer to complete every challenge and unlock every single unlockable, just to confirm the information printed in the publisher's press release? Sorry, most reviewers are expected to write more than one review a month. :p If you want to fault anyone for being unprofessional, it's the MS PR department, since they're the ones who didn't bother fact-checking with Sumo Digital before sending out the press release in the first place.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
no reason for damage control with perry here. he made a mistake - and made it three times. this isn't a situation where an editor shouldn't have been expected to know the nuances of a game's unlockables; he was making blind statements about the game for no reason. his statements were made as though they were fact, not speculation. there's a difference.

unfortunately, isamu is also an idiot.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
Tellaerin said:
So before reviewing a game, you expect the reviewer to complete every challenge and unlock every single unlockable, just to confirm the information printed in the publisher's press release? Sorry, most reviewers are expected to write more than one review a month. :p If you want to fault anyone for being unprofessional, it's the MS PR department, since they're the ones who didn't bother fact-checking with Sumo Digital before sending out the press release in the first place.

No, I expect a review based on what the reviewer experienced. If he didn't see an unlocked daytona he should have said "and reports have it that daytona is unlockable" or something. Not "Daytona is in here folks!!" How can we believe that they even play the games if they just rattle off press release quotes.


metdroid said:
No, I expect a review based on what the reviewer experienced. If he didn't see an unlocked daytona he should have said "and reports have it that daytona is unlockable" or something. Not "Daytona is in here folks!!" How can we believe that they even play the games if they just rattle off press release quotes.

I want a review to help me decide whether or not I should purchase a particular title. If the publisher says that feature x is in there, and it's a feature that will potentially affect my purchase, I don't give a damn whether or not the reviewer 'experienced it personally'--I want to hear about it, and not couched in uncertain terms like 'reports have it', either. If the publisher or developer says it's fact, it should be safe to treat as fact--who should be expected to know more about the product, the people responsible for creating and publishing it, or a some reviewer rushing through a possibly-incomplete review copy on a deadline to write his review? Given the circumstances, I can't fault Doug Perry for quoting information from what should be a reliable source as fact, rather than assuming that just because he didn't manage to unlock those extras (or because they weren't present in his reviewable), they wouldn't be in the final at all, despite PR copy to the contrary.

Deku Tree

metdroid said:
No, I expect a review based on what the reviewer experienced. If he didn't see an unlocked daytona he should have said "and reports have it that daytona is unlockable" or something. Not "Daytona is in here folks!!" How can we believe that they even play the games if they just rattle off press release quotes.

Yeah, often reviewers want to make you think that they have played every aspect of the game because it gives them more credibility with gamers. If they have only skimmed the surface of the game and then cut and paste some other info from a press kit they should own up to their lack of first hand knowledge in their reviews.

In the future, I know I'll take Perry's reviews with a much bigger grain of salt if not disregard them completely.

Perry's little gaff is nothing. Nothing on GI's Paper Mario review and their policy. .. and who cares really? Daytona USA has been superceded by many newer games. You'd have to be a real SEGA fanatic / retro fanboy to want to play with sprites.

I think the level of vehemence + stupidity isamu has posted/presented in the past makes him good for a laugh at but only at his stupidity. I think he's 14 or something. It was in the how old are you thread.

Anyhow.. meh. I'm sure he'll be back with more goodness :D

* updated. Don't read them both


TheGreenGiant said:

Perry's little gaff is nothing. Nothing on GMR's Paper Mario review and their policy.

Ahem, Game Informer are the fucking Paper Mario 2 idiots. GMR is Fable. :D


Tellaerin said:
I want a review to help me decide whether or not I should purchase a particular title. If the publisher says that feature x is in there, and it's a feature that will potentially affect my purchase, I don't give a damn whether or not the reviewer 'experienced it personally'--I want to hear about it, and not couched in uncertain terms like 'reports have it', either. If the publisher or developer says it's fact, it should be safe to treat as fact--who should be expected to know more about the product, the people responsible for creating and publishing it, or a some reviewer rushing through a possibly-incomplete review copy on a deadline to write his review? Given the circumstances, I can't fault Doug Perry for quoting information from what should be a reliable source as fact, rather than assuming that just because he didn't manage to unlock those extras (or because they weren't present in his reviewable), they wouldn't be in the final at all, despite PR copy to the contrary.

What if the game was included, but was the worst port in the history of ports? Mentioning it three times the way he did, you wouldn't assume that, when in reality he's just repeating what a press release says. Saying "according to MS the game also includes the original Daytona USA although we haven't unlocked it and can't judge its quality" would be the only decent thing to do.


So before reviewing a game, you expect the reviewer to complete every challenge and unlock every single unlockable, just to confirm the information printed in the publisher's press release?

or...perhaps, he could have contacted the MS PR person to verify what was printed on the press release.
Miburou said:
What if the game was included, but was the worst port in the history of ports? Mentioning it three times the way he did, you wouldn't assume that, when in reality he's just repeating what a press release says. Saying "according to MS the game also includes the original Daytona USA although we haven't unlocked it and can't judge its quality" would be the only decent thing to do.

I was pretty annoyed that no review mentioned how shitty the port of Prince of Persia was in Sands of Time.

john tv

It's VERY OBVIOUS that this is all because he read the press release which was sent out a few weeks back with the review version that incorrectly stated that the original OutRun and Daytona USA were unlockables in the game. He should've just double-checked with MS or the developer first like everyone else did before submitting his review. Plain and simple. It's not like he murdered the president's daughter or anything, sheesh.


Nintendo Ate My Children said:
I just want to say how much I support banning the aggresively stupid. I can't imagine why anyone would be bothered at all by banning isamu permanently.

I can understand his anger, but actually going to lengths to want to shoot the guy... well, that and the tag he had before. I guess it might not be a perma ban, but I'm not a mod so I couldn't tell you.


works for Gamestop (lol)
If anything, this false info should give a couple more sales to Outrun2. How is that a bad thing? :p
I'm surprised people are sticking up for this Perry guy.
To make an error like that you have to be pretty damn incompetent.
We're not talking a spelling or syntax error, but glaring misinformation which betrays a degree of lazyness or plain lack of analytical skills, take your pick.
And this guy is still employed as a journalist? They actually pay hacks like that?
I think some sort of strict disciplinary action by IGN is needed to restore our faith in their journalistic integrity. Oh, wait, they never had any.


good credit (by proxy)
TheGreenGiant said:
You'd have to be a real SEGA fanatic / retro fanboy to want to play with sprites.

Daytona, the game in question, was made on the Model 2 3D arcade board, it wasn't sprites.

HOLY SHIT DUDE, OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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