Jaded Alyx
So much for the whole "Switch doesn't have a d-pad" thing. The game feels great in handheld mode.
Ok, I need someone to spoile me because I really want to know!!!
Is there Super Sonic in the game???
Way past cool!Bought the Switch version just now!
I just screamed YES!!!!! when. I got some weird looks but I dont even care. Pure joy.Hydrocity started
Also, had a beaminv smile on my face whenSonic travels to the future for Stardust Speedway act 2. Also that Metal Sonic fight was fantastic.
So much for the whole "Switch doesn't have a d-pad" thing. The game feels great in handheld mode.
I read a reviewer say this is the best platformer in over a decade, is that true?
If so I bet that didn't go down well with some folks lol
Yeah I was 4 seconds away from going over the 10 minute limit. Assuming there is a 10 minute limit in this game of course.
There are definitely multiple per level.
The earliest I've collected all Chaos Emeralds isChemical Plant 1
Yeah I was 4 seconds away from going over the 10 minute limit. Assuming there is a 10 minute limit in this game of course.
Yup. D-pad on Switch is fantastic. Feels better than Nintendo's previous d-pads for sure. Feels a lot like a PlayStation d-pad actually, which I honestly prefer.So much for the whole "Switch doesn't have a d-pad" thing. The game feels great in handheld mode.
Is it possible to collect them all in GHZ like with MHZ in S3K?
Yeah I was 4 seconds away from going over the 10 minute limit. Assuming there is a 10 minute limit in this game of course.
The boss sucks.
The boss sucks.
Pretty sure that's what the post was trying to say.In any redone zone, 1 act will attempt to stay true to the games act while throwing in some new ideas or mechanics.
The other act basically takes the theme of the level and pretends to have never seen any gameplay of the classic acts or the remixed one and basically do its own idea with the enviroment.
So are the "secrets" that you unlock not available during the first playthrough? I found the menu on the save screen under "no save" but it doesn't let me choose it on my main file.
So much for the whole "Switch doesn't have a d-pad" thing. The game feels great in handheld mode.
Any word on PS4 vs Xbox One version? Currently debating which system to buy it on...I'm assuming they're 100% identical as far as performance/visuals goes?
So far this is everything I hoped it was going to be.
Quick question about the chaos emeralds though. I want to enjoy the levels but I'm also stressing about finding the rings to head into the special stage. Is there a level select after you finish the game so you can easily go back?
Are there rings in each act also? Just a yes or no response is fine. If it's considered a spoiler please spoiler for others.
I've smashed about 5 blue sphere stages so far though! I was the only one who could do them back in the day with my friends hah
Excellent.1080p/60fps on every console. Go for where your heart lies.
so good
Where was that animated intro I heard about? I started playing the game this morning and didn't see it!
Where was that animated intro I heard about? I started playing the game this morning and didn't see it!
Had the same problem myself, not sure if that's the case with just the Switch versionWhere was that animated intro I heard about? I started playing the game this morning and didn't see it!
Is there a list of special stage rings anywhere yet? Struggling to find them now I'm past zone 2.
Also fuck the blue spheres stages, many of them are just bullshit.
Ending spoilers below:
But did theyjust link Mania to the story of Forces??
Love it. And I love the fact I went in to it overconfident. I'm a boss at blue spheres in Sonic 3&K I'll own these stages FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKFuck blue sphere
That is all