So uhh, I beat the chemical plant boss, the timer stopped, but I'm "stuck" inside the machine. Any ideas?
It's a glitch some people are experiencing. You'll have to redo it.
So uhh, I beat the chemical plant boss, the timer stopped, but I'm "stuck" inside the machine. Any ideas?
So, Sonic fans, can you help me understand this series? I'm a huge platformer fan, and I used to love Sonic as a kid, but I'm having more trouble getting into it lately.
The main two things I'm wondering how to approach are the paths and the rings. Why are there so many paths, and is there an ideal one I should take, or should I just take whichever I want? And rings, you just lose them so fast. Should I be going for rings to the same extent that I go for coins in Mario? ie trying to get everything I can?
consensus is game is worth 20 bones? PS4 or switch?
I have no idea whether to get this on Switch or PS4.
I have a Pro Controller on the Switch and haven't really played any games that could show me if the d-pad was bad. Worried that if I play Sonic with it, it may end up being bad, but I have no way of knowing unless I play it.
How is it on Switch Pro Controller?
I'd got for the PS4 for the Dpad alone. The Switch either lacks one or when you do have one (Pro Controller) it fucking sucks!
The lack of a proper Dpad on the joycons and the Pro Controller's shitty Dpad makes me want to by this game on PS4.
Seriously, Nintendo really dropped the ball on their Dpad's this time around. I'll never want to buy a Dpad centric game for the Switch because of this.
It was incredibly easy for me.End of the sixth zone:I'll pick it up when I get home from work today.Fuck that Metal Sonic boss, man. Two parts, no less! The second half wasn't bad, but the first half was ridiculously hard. Took a while to even figure out to bounce the little white robot Sonic up at Metal Sonic when he's spin dashing, and even once we figured that out, it was very hard to pull off WHILE dodging the damn constant energy balls. As soon as the next zone started up, I turned it off for the night ... it was past 2 a.m.
Yeah with no diagonal inputs the Pro Controller seemed fine for me.I haven't experienced a single issue with the Pro Controller d-pad in this particular game. Also, the joy con "d-pad" feels good for this game, since there's no diagonal inputs needed.
Really? I think these are some of the best bosses in the entire series.
I haven't experienced a single issue with the Pro Controller d-pad in this particular game. Also, the joy con "d-pad" feels good for this game, since there's no diagonal inputs needed.
Jesus, chemical zone act 2 is completely amazing. Really seeing Christian and the team break free from the constraints of the prior level design and do their own thing. Just some jaw dropping moments and mechanics.
The Act 2 boss formessed me up pretty bad. I think I rinsed a good ten lives on it. Although I was on a bus with the sun glaring on the screen. But I think it's a particularly tricky one because of the projectiles.Oil Ocean Zone
Tip:Take out the two metal ends of the tentacles as soon as you can.
Jesus, chemical zone act 2 is completely amazing. Really seeing Christian and the team break free from the constraints of the prior level design and do their own thing. Just some jaw dropping moments and mechanics.
I have no idea whether to get this on Switch or PS4.
I have a Pro Controller on the Switch and haven't really played any games that could show me if the d-pad was bad. Worried that if I play Sonic with it, it may end up being bad, but I have no way of knowing unless I play it.
How is it on Switch Pro Controller?
consensus is game is worth 20 bones? PS4 or switch?
Really? I think these are some of the best bosses in the entire series.
Shit, I just realized I didn't try it docked yet. Game feels so at home in handheld mode.Switch. It looks so damn good in handheld mode.
And yea, I think it's worth it. Plays great either with joycons or Pro Controller.
And it only gets better.
This is easily one of the best games of 2017.
consensus is game is worth 20 bones? PS4 or switch?
That reminds me, what is the, uh, correct way to hit the boss forI'm assuming thatPress Garden Act 1?is not the preferred method.jumping into his saws and then hitting him during invincibility frames
I just fought him.
You have to stand next to the brown boxes until he attacks it. Then one of his saws will fall off then you hit him until it regenerates. Rinse and repeat.
I find them to be incredibly simple and most of them have far too much health.
You're not missing anything, maybe it will be fixed when you get back.Purchased on Xbone, but going out of town today until Friday. Bluuuuuuuuuuuuugh.
I did not realize this was a difficult boss for a lot of people.
Another tip is thatThat was always a super-easy way to cheese the original version.you can just hang out in the oil the entire time with no real punishment.
If you had rings and didn't fall off course then that sounds like a bug.
What the hell happened to this on Xbox One? The slowdown on Green Hill Zone Act 1 so far is ATROCIOUS.
This is really bumming me out, man.
Did it get better on other zones? I have Switch and PS4, so I'm not stuck with it on here.I want to preface this post with the fact that I freaking love this game so far.
However, I also have the Xbox one version and I did experience some hitching in Green Hill zone. I also experienced hitching in blue sphere which fucked me up bad a few times. Performance Patch please.
I love every piece of music I've heard in this game so far. Please tell me there is a sound test menu or that you can unlock one.
How do you guys feel about so much of this game being a "remix" and not 100% new content like the previous (real) Sonic games?
There's something you can unlock related to this, yes.
It took me like 20 seconds and I suck atIt's aggravating.
I'm on the 5th stage currently. I didn't look much at Sonic Mania before it released, but the fact i'm playing so much stuff i've already played before is very disappointing. Act 1 of a reoccuring stage is mostly something you've seen before with a few changes. Act 2 is a completely different, 100% superior version of Act 1...but the second Act doesn't stop Act 1 from essentially feeling like just filler gameplay. One of the early bossesI want to say it was really neat, but it dragged on way longer than I wanted it to.literally makes you play another [not sonic] game for like 3 minutes.