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Sonic Mega Collection Plus games revealed...


jarrod: Not me - I think Sonic Team have been sliding into irrelevance since the days of the Saturn. Now I don't even bother looking at their new stuff (had to buy Billy Hatcher as filler for the Toys R Us buy 2 get 1 deal last year, got rid of it without ever opening it), since nearly everything they've done lately has been so disappointing. The classic stuff is where it's at IMHO.

Although a cleaned up Burning Rangers would be pretty cool. That's a game that woulda been so much better if it wasn't running on crippled hardware (I love my Saturn but damn, gotta be honest...)


I largely agree about Sonic Team, I thought their Saturn work was their height quality wise(and arguably Sega's as well). Chu-Chu & Samba were pretty good though actually, way better than their other post Saturn oferings. Puyo Fever also, the 'little' Sonic Team games still have something going for them unlike their big name action flops (Sonic/Hatcher/AstroBoy).


I agree with you on the Saturn - loved that machine when it was still viable :) Something was definitely lost when they transitioned to the Dreamcast, perhaps my tastes in games had changed, perhaps most people's tastes had changed, since it didn't set the world on fire like they hoped?

Even then, though, I thought Nights was a snoozefest, despite it looking great for the time. Yeah, yeah, now I've invited all the Nights fanboys to come in and flame me - perhaps someday I'll fire it up and learn to play it properly, ok?

...or maybe I'll be too busy playing the backlog of great games I've already built up :)

Oh yeah, Puyo Fever rocks, but even though the Fever mode is interesting and can be credited to Sonic Team, it's still a Compile game at heart. And WTF is with making a new main character and shuffling Arle off to the side?
You are just not playing enough Puyo Fever!!! The GBA version rocks :) Arle is the main character in the later courses in sigle player mode. The real WTF is what did they do with Carbuncle :(


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I wonder if Sonic 3D Blast will make me sick like it did all those years ago.


jcjimher said:
As far as I know, Sega used KGen (Steve Snake emulator) as a basis for the Sega Smash Pack for the PC, which included a couple Genesis games. Much later Steve Snake released Kega, an emu with Sega CD/32x support.

More recently, Sega used Gens (the current best Genesis/Sega CD/32X emu, made by a French guy named Stef) as the basis for the service of downloading and playing Genesis games through Real Player or something like that. And if I'm not mistaken, this was after Gens had support for the Sega CD and 32X.

I know both emulators are mainly programmed in X86 assembler, and porting them to the PS2 or Gamecube wouldn't be direct, but at least they have collaborated with both authors before.
Collaborated? As in the emu authors recieved payment or something? Interesting considering that other companies have used emulators without any consultation of the emu author. Though as far as I know, the emu authors were flattered that their emus were used despite lack of any notice.


Sega must've hit their head as they fell into the third party rink, because they aren't the company they used to be (or ARE they?).

"Eh? You wanted Sonic CD with that? Oh well, here's some Game Gear games instead and some games from the Japanese release we decided not to include in the American GC version."

"What's that? Shenmue 3? No, we have Shenmue Online though. It's kinda like a continuation. Sorta like how PSO is an evolution of Phantasy Star, but not really."

"Well after listening to the demands of our fans, we're giving you another Toejam and Earl. Oh, you wanted it to be good? Well you should have told us that from the beginning."

Ranger X

AniHawk said:
Sega must've hit their head as they fell into the third party rink, because they aren't the company they used to be (or ARE they?).

"Eh? You wanted Sonic CD with that? Oh well, here's some Game Gear games instead and some games from the Japanese release we decided not to include in the American GC version."

"What's that? Shenmue 3? No, we have Shenmue Online though. It's kinda like a continuation. Sorta like how PSO is an evolution of Phantasy Star, but not really."

"Well after listening to the demands of our fans, we're giving you another Toejam and Earl. Oh, you wanted it to be good? Well you should have told us that from the beginning."

this needed to be read twice.


Sonic 3d blast, is that the genesis or saturn version. Im assuming its genesis cause all the rest are genesis. I dont know what they had on on the GC version. The saturn version had really good music.


AniHawk said:
Sega must've hit their head as they fell into the third party rink, because they aren't the company they used to be (or ARE they?).

"Eh? You wanted Sonic CD with that? Oh well, here's some Game Gear games instead and some games from the Japanese release we decided not to include in the American GC version."

"What's that? Shenmue 3? No, we have Shenmue Online though. It's kinda like a continuation. Sorta like how PSO is an evolution of Phantasy Star, but not really."

"Well after listening to the demands of our fans, we're giving you another Toejam and Earl. Oh, you wanted it to be good? Well you should have told us that from the beginning."

People would probably bitch about Collection + even if Sonic CD was on it ("WhAR's KAOTIxxX???/"), or even if a Shenmue 3 came out and it wasn't some grand evolution in gaming, and they bitch even when they do release the stuff they want ("Panzer Dragoon on Xbox? LaME!" "Nightshade? It's not teh Ninja Gaiden! Sux"), so would it have really mattered in the end what they did?


belgurdo said:
People would probably bitch about Collection + even if Sonic CD was on it ("WhAR's KAOTIxxX???/"), or even if a Shenmue 3 came out and it wasn't some grand evolution in gaming, and they bitch even when they do release the stuff they want ("Panzer Dragoon on Xbox? LaME!" "Nightshade? It's not teh Ninja Gaiden! Sux"), so would it have really mattered in the end what they did?

If they included Sonic CD, there'd be a lot less bitching, since that seems to be the main complaint. People dont want Shenmue around period, so they were kinda screwed as far as that goes. Panzer Dragoon on Xbox was STUPID, but it's not like the game sucked.

Same goes for any game or company. The new Zelda will be heckled by people who probably got hyped on Halo 2 for the same reasons the new Zelda will be getting hype.

OoT still has its share of haters. No game is safe, but Sega more than often nowadays seems to be keen on pissing off its fans, and they did it again.
Never did get around to getting the GC version so it's a nice collection for me.

Have to agree with the people speculating that Sonic CD is being saved for a follow up collection. Considering how well the GC did for what was probably a resource-lite project why would they waste what seems to be a big draw on what seems to be a quick cash-in on Sonic Heroes doing well on PS2 (particularly in Europe).
AniHawk "Well after listening to the demands of our fans said:
Toejam ad Earl 3 was good. It played like the original, and even added things,maybe if Sega had put it on the Gamecube for you, then it would be good. ;) I never understood the hate for that game, it was fun. I even played it a bit more then Panzer Dragoon Orta in the beginnning.

As for Sonic collection , it is disappointing that Sonic cd is not in this collection, but for $19.99 I will get it for PS2, since the ole Saturn is up in the closet and Sonic Jam is packed away. Now I just wish the Sega ages would just come out in a collection for PS2 especially the Model 2/saturn ports.


Sonic CD probably isn't on there since Naka didn't have anything to do with it, and yet it's arguably the best in the series.


"Well after listening to the demands of our fans, we're giving you another Toejam and Earl. Oh, you wanted it to be good? Well you should have told us that from the beginning."

Toejam ad Earl 3 was good. It played like the original, and even added things,maybe if Sega had put it on the Gamecube for you, then it would be good. ;) I never understood the hate for that game, it was fun. I even played it a bit more then Panzer Dragoon Orta in the beginnning.

As for Sonic collection , it is disappointing that Sonic cd is not in this collection, but for $19.99 I will get it for PS2, since the ole Saturn is up in the closet and Sonic Jam is packed away. Now I just wish the Sega ages would just come out in a collection for PS2 especially the Model 2/saturn ports.

AniHawk is a Nintendo fan but he is not the type to like a game just because it is on a Nintendo console.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
RiZ III said:
Sonic 3d blast, is that the genesis or saturn version. Im assuming its genesis cause all the rest are genesis. I dont know what they had on on the GC version. The saturn version had really good music.
I second this question, the Saturn version was better.


sonic4ever said:
Toejam ad Earl 3 was good. It played like the original, and even added things,maybe if Sega had put it on the Gamecube for you, then it would be good. ;) I never understood the hate for that game, it was fun. I even played it a bit more then Panzer Dragoon Orta in the beginnning.

Wasn't my "joke." You'd have to take the issue up with MSIMagus.

And thanks Vargas.


goodcow said:
Sonic CD probably isn't on there since Naka didn't have anything to do with it, and yet it's arguably the best in the series.

Remove the orginal Japanese soundtrack, the bonus stage and the FMV and it's just a sloppier remix of Sonic 1.

But if Naka's non-involvement is the reason for the omission of Sonic CD then it doesn't explain why Flickies, Comx Zone and Ristar are part of the collection. Sonic CD has the same loose connection as those games. In the case of Sonic CD, it has former Sonic Team second-in-command Naoto Oshima at the healm and many of the same Japanese designers as Sonic 1 (enemy design in particular).
belgurdo said:
People would probably bitch about Collection + even if Sonic CD was on it ("WhAR's KAOTIxxX???/"), or even if a Shenmue 3 came out and it wasn't some grand evolution in gaming, and they bitch even when they do release the stuff they want ("Panzer Dragoon on Xbox? LaME!" "Nightshade? It's not teh Ninja Gaiden! Sux"), so would it have really mattered in the end what they did?

That is total nonsense. If you look, I think 99% of the bitching has to do with the fact that Sonic CD, and that game alone, is missing, and if it wasn't the case, most (including myself) would quite happy, with only a bit of "I wish" chatter floating about.

RiZ III said:
Sonic 3d blast, is that the genesis or saturn version. Im assuming its genesis cause all the rest are genesis. I dont know what they had on on the GC version. The saturn version had really good music.

I still say it's Richard Jaques' best work.
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