Hot Coldman
Were you expecting a Naughty Dog game to be good?
Jak II/3/X are the only mis-steps.
Other than that, they are world class.
Were you expecting a Naughty Dog game to be good?
Were you expecting a Naughty Dog game to be good?
Hey hey hey, Crash Bandicoot Warped is awesome.
Crash 2 and CTR would like a word with youWere you expecting a Naughty Dog game to be good?
Were you expecting a Naughty Dog game to be good?
qq, you have one week. One week.
Were you expecting a Naughty Dog game to be good?
No, this should've been Sonic in Mario levels. This is just strange. :lol
The worst part of Jak II's shitty checkpoints. Sometimes I feel like the narrative got in the way of them remembering how to design a platformer.Jak 2 may have the WORST checkpoints of any video game made in the last 10 years. There are times when you have to re-do the ENTIRE FUCKIN' MISSION, including the cutscene/dialog before it begins.
I dunno. I hope people don't dislike it. Otherwise I'll be sad.Wait...people hate Legaia?
Or do you mean people have never played it?
I know! I'm already going crazy! Maybe I'll get used to it...
Were you expecting a Naughty Dog game to be good?
I haven't played the Crash Bandicoot games
I haven't played the Crash Bandicoot games
Cortex Strikes Back, Warped, Crash Team Racing. Get on it.I haven't played the Crash Bandicoot games
Yoshi's Island? Arc the Lad II? Sora no Kiseki The 3rd? Devil May Cry 3: SE? Ninja Gaiden: Black? A Link to the Past? Tales of Destiny R: DC? Tetris Battle Gaiden? Terranigma? I'm seriously looking around at some of the games I have and I'm not sure what to say. I'd put Suikoden I on the list for nostalgia reasons.
The baby the baby the baby the baby? I remember being so psyched that it was a blend of first-person and third-person but I don't think the mechanic was that cohesive at all. Forget the story because I thought the gameplay could have been tightened up more.
I was thinking of putting CV4 on the list until I remembered how broken it could be. While some of the additions that CV4 adds make sense for making the game easier to pick up for newcomers, I just like Rondo a lot better because it uses the classic design in a good way. I liked being able to use more than one character, though. But I forgot to mention that I liked how there were untimed stages, meaning you could go around the level at your own pace.
Really? But that game rules.![]()
Oh well, a lot of people I know don't even know it exists! I love the battle system a lot in terms of experimenting with different combinations and figuring out what yielded Super Arts and random other Arts yourself. While bosses have a pattern they adhere to which makes it easy to respond to them, you still have to be aware that they can launch criticals on you. I love hunting down Lapis towards the end and playing all of the minigames in Sol because they're addictive (Baaaaaka Fighterrrrrrrr). And the voice clips are awesome.
The narrative isn't anything much to write home about outside of Noa's substory, but it's serviceable. The music is phenomenal and addictive as well.
VIII taught me how to read at 5 years old.Final Fantasy VII(Yeah yeah yeah, , look the game changed my life as a kid)
I have a cousin that had Def Jam: Fight for NY. I only played it with him like 3 times, didn't know the controls, and always lost despite somehow coming close.Def Jam: Fight for NY was fucking awesome. Had a friend that used to consistently whip my ass with Warren G and Lil Kim.
I have a cousin that had Def Jam: Fight for NY. I only played it with him like 3 times, didn't know the controls, and always lost despite somehow coming close.
We were too busy playing NBA Street V3
Also way to put all our throwaway lists to shame. :V
Jak II is terrible
NBA Street was godlike. I can practically hear the Gamebreaker music now.
V2 was better
why does this forum like making me feel oldVIII taught me how to read at 5 years old.
But I wanna say why. Just when I start writing, I feel like, "well, this game feels like one of my top games of all time too, but this one doesn't; hmmmm." I won't deny that I like those games very much.List all of them! We aren't asking for a dissertation on why you love X game, a throwaway name is fine too from time to time.
Ohhh myyyy gawd... seriously; that game reeked of outright weird design, and surprisingly no one from Nintendo who was supervising it said anything? :|That game should have allowed cutscene skipping on your first playthrough. Between the awful story, pixel hunt sections, forcing you to walk very slowly with the camera panned behind you for no reason sections and fuckin' having to aim the remote to fire missiles, that game is not Team Ninja Dog's best work.
That's one of the reasons why I become lukewarm towards CV4 outside of the music and presentation as well. It renders a lot of the subweapons null and void.Why bother using an axe if you can just whip up?
But the World Map isn't the biggest part of that game, just because you can buy Doors of Wind a little later on starting in Jeremi. It's a bit of a weird deterrence in the first part of the world, but even then I don't feel like the encounter rate is large enough to detract from the game overall.I know some people that won't give it the light of day simply because of the slow worldmap walking speed. I wish I could fix that myself just so I could get more people to play it.
Songi. <3 His theme is pretty much the first thing I think off any time a rival show ups in any game ever.
I still don't think any other RPG has done the whole "equipment you use shows up in battle" as well as Legaia does. Like, some games will have whole costume swaps at a time, but changing individual weapons, headgear, boots, clothing and armguards? It's just awesome stuff.
The best part of the Arts for me was how, after learning them, normal arts were executed snappily and without any delay. I can understand the "charge" for super/hyper arts to load the special effects, but seeing how smoothly normal arts are chained one after another will never stop being great to me.
I get really nervous whenever I enter water in Prime, it's just scary.Metroid Prime: I even remember being legitimately terrified when I was going through the pitch black biotech research facility where you first find the Thermal Visor.I was only 12 at the time, but it's still the only time that a game has had that strong of an effect on me
Ohhh myyyy gawd... seriously; that game reeked of outright weird design, and surprisingly no one from Nintendo who was supervising it said anything? :|
Subtlety isn't his best suit. Holy crap. He really insisted on "the baby"? But it sounds awkward sometimes in dialogue.IDK how much was Nintendo and how much was Team NInja Dog, but I do remember hearing Sakomoto INSISTED on "The Baby" translation. Not the child, or infant, or young metroid, or whatever the hell. It had to be The Baby. And the acroynm of the game had to be M:OM. And the ship had to look like a baby bottle. AND HEY DID YOU GET THAT SUPER METROID WAS ABOUT MATERNAL INSTINCTS WELL IT IS NOW.
He also insisted on the whole game being played with one controller. So you got these awkward ass 2d-to-3d transitions with the slowdown to try and make up for it.
IIRC, Magmoor Caverns is the only way in and out of Phendrana.
Why are you playing Jak II, anyway?![]()
Well, that makes going to Chozo Ruins at this point excessively annoying. Forward it is, then.IIRC, Magmoor Caverns is the only way in and out of Phendrana.
I recently got the Prime Trilogy but I haven't gotten any time to play it.
Oh of course, I've already completed the first two games and a little of the third one.Oh man, please do. All 3 games are worth your time.
For the purposes of this challenge, yes.Also, does it matter if I swear in the IRC chat? Just want to be clear about that.
Day 1 of the no swear challenge
Also, does it matter if I swear in the IRC chat? Just want to be clear about that.
Trying to cheat already...for shame eyeball, for shame.
That's cheating.Also, does it matter if I swear in the IRC chat? Just want to be clear about that.
That's cheating.
I didn't?also stop acting like i already swore >:[