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Sony confirms PS3 games still won’t support DLC on PS Plus Premium (VGC)



Sony has confirmed that PS3 games, or any streaming titles, still won’t support DLC when they’re rolled into the upcoming PlayStation Plus revamp.

On Monday, the company confirmed that any streaming title won’t support DLC. While PS4 titles can be streamed, they can also be downloaded, and thus they can support DLC, however, PS3 games can only be streamed at this time.

While this has been the case since the inception of PlayStation Now, some had hoped that Sony would have implemented DLC support for the PS3 titles, especially following the disappointment of the games retaining their download-only status from PSNow.

The following PS3 titles have been confirmed for inclusion in the service:

  • Asura’s Wrath
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
  • Crash Commando
  • Devil May Cry HD Collection
  • Demon’s Souls
  • Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
  • echochrome
  • F.E.A.R.
  • Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
  • Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
  • ICO
  • inFAMOUS
  • inFAMOUS 2
  • Lost Planet 2
  • Loco Roco Cocoreccho!
  • MotorStorm Apocalypse
  • MotorStorm RC
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
  • Puppeteer
  • Rain
  • Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
  • Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty
  • Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time
  • Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus
  • Resistance 3
  • Super Stardust HD
  • Tokyo Jungle
  • When Vikings Attack
Several of the games included on that list have DLC that won’t be accessible by players as part of the service.

Asura’s Wrath had several DLC episodes that were released for the game, and it also had Street Fighter crossover DLC.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 had four downloadable content packs. The Revelations DLC let players play as Alucard. Two more cosmetic packs and a new power were also released via DLC.

Crash Commando had a DLC pack released for it named Heist Map Pack which also brought with it new trophies.

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West received a piece of single-player DLC called Pigsy’s Perfect 10 a few months after release.

Lost Planet 2 received several map packs as well as Monster Hunter crossover armour. A piece of DLC which saw players battle against the Helghast from the Killzone franchise was also released.

Both MotorStorm Apocalypse and MotorStorm RC both received DLC packs which were mostly new cars and tracks, none of which will seemingly be accessible as part of PlayStation Plus Premium.

Resistance 3’s Brutality Pack DLC featured new skins for characters, a survival mode, and seven new music tracks from Mastodon.

Finally, Tokyo Jungle received several pieces of DLC which included new animals to play as and costume DLC.
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Ffs can we get the PS4 leadership back in place?
Man wtf is it with you guys and this statement everytime there’s an issue? You think JIM is out there in the trenches coding and shit? Most of this stuff was prolly put in motion before he even got the job!

Like chill the duck out with this lynch mob mentality for some minor shit! They’re getting it sorted out the best they can and doing more than what most thought they would even get from these services from them! Jeez!!!


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This service was clearly rushed

Not rushed, they just joined 2 together and renamed them, without changing mostly anything on the back-end. People set expectations way too high and now between this and the PS1 emulation being 50hz and how they're labeling remasters like TLoU Remastered under Classics, so only the highest tier can access it .. all the original shortcomings are getting exposed again.
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That’s so ducking stupid. What a half assed implementation. Just have the PS3 titles include dlc by default , especially since soon you won’t even be able to buy them in the PS3 store.



Sony confirms PS3 games still won’t support DLC on PS Plus Premium (VGC)​

That’s so ducking stupid. What a half assed implementation. Just have the PS3 titles include dlc by default , especially since soon you won’t even be able to buy them in the PS3 store.
This service was clearly rushed
PS3 games are cloud gaming only, and you can't buy dlc for cloud gaming. It has been in this way since PS Now debuted in 2014.

In many cases most PS3 games included in PS Now didn't have DLC, or were the editions that included all the dlc, so there was no dlc to buy anyways.

If you are so concerned and interested on buying DLC for rented games that will become unplayable once you unsubscribe because you will no longer access to the game unless you buy it or resubscribe, you can still do it with the PS+ platforms that allow you to dowload the game (PS1, PSP, PS2, PS4, PS5) and have DLC (so basically PS4 and PS5).
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That’s so ducking stupid. What a half assed implementation. Just have the PS3 titles include dlc by default , especially since soon you won’t even be able to buy them in the PS3 store.
Yeah I'm surprised these versions don't include the DLC since you can't purchase anyway.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
They could release Asura with all the chapters...

If the game had a "GoTY" or complete version with everything in the package, they could.

But as it stands, right now a big portion of the end game is only available as separately purchased content. Which was a scummy move in the first place all those years back.


Man wtf is it with you guys and this statement everytime there’s an issue? You think JIM is out there in the trenches coding and shit? Most of this stuff was prolly put in motion before he even got the job!

Like chill the duck out with this lynch mob mentality for some minor shit! They’re getting it sorted out the best they can and doing more than what most thought they would even get from these services from them! Jeez!!!

Whilst what you're saying is actually probably true, but im gonna complain anyway.

I had this shit a few years ago, with Resident Evil Operation Racoon City. Played on PS4 with fiance... right up until the end of the disc content and found out there isnt DLC in PSNow (for RE ORC that's like half the game).

There isn't DLC in GP either I was told, but hey at least XB could dovetail it into BC, and offer a workaround. We had to play through half the game again before starting the dlc. Neither of us were impressed by that time at night. Game forever became known as Racoon Shitty round our house, but the game was fine, it was Sony's lack of covering all the bases that spoilt things.

PS4 basically strated by saying "Hey guys we bought gaikai/onlive, you're eventually gonna get complete PS catalogue on PSN." Then they started doing PS1/PS2 Classics, and whatever was available was even more hampered by regional store differences. For RE2 PS1 and DC2 I had to purchase on my USA account, because fuck Britian, I guess. They quickly nixxed those, presumabley due to forced trophy support instead of just throwing the iso up onto PStore/PSNow.

What they're doing now, taking out the Trophy mandate, they could have done as soon as they saw it made ps1/2 games on PS4 stillborn. And they STILL haven't learned their lesson(s) about dlc on PSNow, or proper BC (download from PSNow, or repurchase in PStore). Its been 10 years since Onlive and Gaikai, and these guys squandered it. This is just the latest in a long line.

So why did I say let's get the PS4 team back? Because half the long list is backended during Ryan's tenure.


Played Splinter Cell 1 on Series X a few weeks ago. It had all Xbox-DLC Maps integrated into the file.

Why isn´t Sony capable of this? Why are they don´t just offer complete packages(with all DLC) for their games?
Sony has no real interest and maybe no knowledge
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Played Splinter Cell 1 on Series X a few weeks ago. It had all Xbox-DLC Maps integrated into the file.

Why isn´t Sony capable of this? Why are they don´t just offer complete packages(with all DLC) for their games?
Not rushed, they just joined 2 together and renamed them, without changing mostly anything on the back-end. People set expectations way too high and now between this and the PS1 emulation being 50hz and how they're labeling remasters like TLoU Remastered under Classics, so only the highest tier can access it .. all the original shortcomings are getting exposed again.

Most people don’t realize that cell architecture is one of the culprit here! Also comparing Xbox who never had games on cell architecture and who has more experience in software and recourses - Microsoft and windows etc to a company, Sony who doesn’t have the same amount of resources is just impractical!

Anyway most of the old games people are playing on Xbox are the PC version! Thing that Sony can’t use for obvious reasons but sure let’s twist the narrative, how evil of Sony for launching a a new service and not make it 100% perfect!!!
It's getting worse and worse every time. Sony has some real management problems. They are clueless about their market and what their customers want. It happened with Nintendo, we had 3ds and WiiU... It's no good at all!

Sony is trying not to be MS and it's going to kill them. I don't care about MS but what they did with older platforms is called: respecting their legacy and users. F*ck you Sony!
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One of the green rats
That’s a pretty lame list of games. No Ridge Racer 7, no uncharted ( obviously.. got to sell the remaster )


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
How do these games handle patches? I assume since they’re all digital and streamed, they are the most up to date versions?

Yeah, if they're the latest up to date PSN PKG files from the PS3 versions, they'll have the latest patches applied to them.

Agent X

Can't support "Downloadable Content," if you can't download the games.

I suppose there's some truth to that, in the literal sense. :messenger_winking:

Seriously, there are ways that they can include additional content, and in fact have done so in certain cases. More on this in a moment.

They should just have the complete versions on the servers.

Since PS Now's PS3 games are streaming games, they are games that the user technically doesn't own. The user could have previously purchased a copy of that game for his PS3, but what's being streamed isn't the game that he bought for his own PS3, but rather another copy of the game that resides on some remote PS3 in the wild.

Now that we've established that this is technically "another game", we can see how this can be either a good or bad thing.

It is possible for a streaming game to have its DLC "baked" into the package This would give all PS Now players access to the added content, regardless of whether they previously bought the game or its DLC. I've seen a few games on PS Now that do this, such as fighting games that have additional characters readily available. It would be up to the publisher to choose to do this, but if they do, then that's a good thing.

The bad side of this is if the publisher does not make the decision to package the DLC into the PS Now game. In that case, the user gets the "plain vanilla" version of the game. Maybe you bought the game previously on PS3, and maybe you bought the DLC also...but you're not playing your game, you're playing "another game", and you don't have access to your DLC because this isn't your game.

The solution would be for PS Now to recognize the player's PSN account, and enable access to the DLC that was previously purchased. However, I don't know how easy that is to implement on PS3 games. Would the player have to wait for the remote PS3 to download the add-on from another server and then install it? One of the nice benefits about streaming games is that they start up very quickly, just a few seconds after clicking the icon. Having to endure a lengthy download and installation process negates that benefit. If that would pose a problem, then maybe make it an option, and ask the user whether he wants to play the "plain vanilla" version immediately, or wait for the DLC to be installed.

How do these games handle patches? I assume since they’re all digital and streamed, they are the most up to date versions?

As far as I know, the remote games are all patched to the most current versions.


The solution would be for PS Now to recognize the player's PSN account, and enable access to the DLC that was previously purchased. However, I don't know how easy that is to implement on PS3 games. Would the player have to wait for the remote PS3 to download the add-on from another server and then install it? One of the nice benefits about streaming games is that they start up very quickly, just a few seconds after clicking the icon. Having to endure a lengthy download and installation process negates that benefit. If that would pose a problem, then maybe make it an option, and ask the user whether he wants to play the "plain vanilla" version immediately, or wait for the DLC to be installed.
Yes, this would be the proper solution, but would take more effort to have a system in place for this. This is how XCloud handles it. No additional wait time, the servers just have all DLC installed and it pulls the entitlements your account owns so you can access it as if you booted your own game.

I don't see why Sony couldn't do the same on their end. Problem is I guess not being able to actually purchase DLC as the PS3 stores are gonna be shut down eventually
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Yes, this would be the proper solution, but would take more effort to have a system in place for this. This is how XCloud handles it. No additional wait time, the servers just have all DLC installed and it pulls the entitlements your account owns so you can access it as if you booted your own game.

I don't see why Sony couldn't do the same on their end. Problem is I guess not being able to actually purchase DLC as the PS3 stores are gonna be shut down eventually

Fun fact, on Yakuza like a dragon, I can use the dlc classes whilst cloud streaming (despite not owning the dlc) :) (I might actually purchase them though, as they are only £3)


Played Splinter Cell 1 on Series X a few weeks ago. It had all Xbox-DLC Maps integrated into the file.

Why isn´t Sony capable of this? Why are they don´t just offer complete packages(with all DLC) for their games?
Sony is and has never been a software company of the likes of a MS! That’s why!


without changing mostly anything on the back-end
This. You see that their system and games/license management system they probably have introduced way back on PS4 if not PS3 isn't well-suited for this. We already see that with the backwards compatibility that is way better handled on Microsoft's back-end.

Agent X

Yes, this would be the proper solution, but would take more effort to have a system in place for this. This is how XCloud handles it. No additional wait time, the servers just have all DLC installed and it pulls the entitlements your account owns so you can access it as if you booted your own game.

You're right, and that's why I'm wondering if Sony could handle it the same way. (I truly don't know.)

I know that some streaming games already have their DLC baked in, which means everyone on PS Now gets access to it. The question here is that whether (for games where the publisher doesn't allow all-access DLC) if there is any way for PS Now to distinguish between users who purchased any DLC packs, and if so, which ones. Currently, PS Now doesn't make such a distinction, so everyone on PS Now plays the exact same game, regardless of whether they purchased all, some, or none of the DLC.

It might be easy for Sony to do this, or it might be difficult, but I doubt that it's outright impossible. In any case, this is something Sony should make an effort to address.

I don't see why Sony couldn't do the same on their end. Problem is I guess not being able to actually purchase DLC as the PS3 stores are gonna be shut down eventually

As of now, you can still purchase DLC on PS3. But, even if PS3 purchases cease, your account should still recognize your previous purchases.


Gold Member
that's beside the topic here...
Sometimes goty version get released on disc afterwards
It's actually not beside the topic. Many games don't receive a goty version. In fact, most don't. One is listed in this post. The PS360 generation is when developers started releasing unfinished games at full price. Streaming services not supporting DLC for games from that generation highlights a problem with how games are produced. This isn't only a problem with the digital future. This is compounded by a model where developers have historically released and continue to release unfinished games.


Can’t Git Gud
It's actually not beside the topic. Many games don't receive a goty version. In fact, most don't. One is listed in this post. The PS360 generation is when developers started releasing unfinished games at full price. Streaming services not supporting DLC for games from that generation highlights a problem with how games are produced. This isn't only a problem with the digital future. This is compounded by a model where developers have historically released and continue to release unfinished games.
Well yes...
When service is down and you own digital - you loose access to game
When service is down and you own disc - you loose access to patches and dlc
But it's still more of a loss with owning a game only digitally. Bloodborne for example, I own a goty disc with dlc on it.
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