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Sony damage control team needed : Sony's iPod Killer SUCKS

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Bad Art ™
Sony claims it designed the player this way because ATRAC3 produces superior sound


If you love the Sony name, or the Walkman's size and design, or if you regularly take flights lasting more than 12 hours, you might be willing to pay $100 more for this new Walkman over an iPod. But, for everybody else, until Sony fixes the multitude of sins in this product, steer clear of it.



GAF's Pleasant Genius
Our verdict: While the new Sony is smaller than the iPod and has much better battery life, it is markedly inferior overall. It has a confusing, complex user interface that makes it hard to use; weak software for the PC; an oddball music format that makes loading it with songs tedious; and a companion music download service that offers less than Apple's. The iPod wins this round, and remains champion.

Translation: Sony's product is better, but we just want to bitch about ATRAC3+ and the perfectly fine SonicStage 2.0 because we "think" are "hip-enough" to do so.
ATRAC does sound better if you compare direct bitrates... but it's a mute point considering that Sony gives you very few bitrate choices when you encode the things. I'm tired of converting all my already ripped MP3s to ATRAC every time I want to make a MD disc... there's no way in hell I'd do it for a HD player.

I've been using Sonic Stage for awhile (rather than OpenMG), and while it's a superior program that's really not saying much. The latest version looks nice, but there's still so many frills for no reason. I just want a easy, non-bloated version thanks. I wonder if RealOne will work with this like it does with NetMDs.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Semjaza Azazel said:
ATRAC does sound better if you compare direct bitrates... but it's a mute point considering that Sony gives you very few bitrate choices when you encode the things. I'm tired of converting all my already ripped MP3s to ATRAC every time I want to make a MD disc... there's no way in hell I'd do it for a HD player.

I've been using Sonic Stage for awhile (rather than OpenMG), and while it's a superior program that's really not saying much. The latest version looks nice, but there's still so many frills for no reason. I just want a easy, non-bloated version thanks. I wonder if RealOne will work with this like it does with NetMDs.

Sem, you can ask it to store the converted OpenMG files on the HDD so it does not have to convert them all the time.


SonicStage sucks, just admit it. If it wasn't for that piece of crap MD's would sell a lot better. It's a huge negative. Also converting the files to Atrac is a pain, takes way too much and some files don't convert on the first try.

The best thing to do though is to get your music and either put it on a cd or make a cd image of them. Then use Simple Burner. It's a hell of a lot easier and faster. Much much better than crappy SonicStage.


Panajev2001a said:
Translation: Sony's product is better, but we just want to bitch about ATRAC3+ and the perfectly fine SonicStage 2.0 because we "think" are "hip-enough" to do so.

No - Translation: The hardware is better but the software that drives it and the data format that feeds it suck donkey balls.


Panajev2001a said:
Sem, you can ask it to store the converted OpenMG files on the HDD so it does not have to convert them all the time.

But then the OpenMG files are much bigger than the mp3 files. You lose a lot of space keeping those OpenMG files around.


Bad Art ™


Drunky McMurder
The captain of the sony damage control team responded first. You know, you could have let somebody else get the first reply and try to lend the whole thing a little bit of credibility. :p


Panajev2001a said:
Translation: Sony's product is better, but we just want to bitch about ATRAC3+ and the perfectly fine SonicStage 2.0 because we "think" are "hip-enough" to do so.

bzzzzzzt. wrong translation

marconelly, you are up.

aoi tsuki

Milhouse31 said:
http://www.rjamorim.com/test/multiformat128/results.html Too bad ATRAC completely sucks compare to every audio codec

and about sonicstage let's try something stupid way to judge his popularity:

"SonicStage rocks" http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&safe=off&q="SonicStage+rocks"&btnG=Search (Results 1 - 1 of about 2)

"SonicStage sucks" http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&safe=off&q="SonicStage+sucks"&btnG=Search (Results 1 - 10 of about 20)
i saw the results of the test, and i have to disagree. Using the same settings they did with LAME-encoded files and similarly-encoded ATRAC3+ files, i found the latter to sound better reproduce the WAV originals with slightly more definition on the high end. But the difference in sound quality is so small it's not worth bothering with, though the ATRAC3+ tracks were a hair smaller IIRC.

It's not surprising that Sony's player doesn't compete with iPod, seeing on paper it looked like little more than a MDLP recorder with a hard drive. What really nagged me is that it can't be used as a removable storage device. Even the new Hi-MDs can do that. It's really annoying the Sony can't or won't get everything right in a digital audio player. i'd even deal with the ATRAC conversion (it's not going anywhere folks) if they would just work on their interfaces , software, and displays.


wait, wait...they are using USB 1.1 on a 20 gig player, and this is supposed to be a better engineered device?
uh, no.

aoi tsuki

Actually, i double checked the site. It doesn't explicitly say USB 2.0, but it has the following footnote:

Not all products with USB 2.0 connectors may communicate with each other due to chipset variations.

So USB 2.0 is assumed.


USB Cradle for PC Connection and Recharging connects unit directly to PC and recharges the internal battery by simply placing the Network Walkman® player in the USB cradle when the cradle is powered by supplied AC adaptor.

Damn Sony.
Scoobert said:
But then the OpenMG files are much bigger than the mp3 files. You lose a lot of space keeping those OpenMG files around.

Exactly. Why would I want two files that are the same song on my computer anyway? Plus I don't copy the same songs to different discs... each one is different. So I wind up with tons of files I'd only use once lol. I think it's a needless step.


i read the article, the USB version isnt mentioned specifically, the walkman did take longer to download the songs, but then again it had to convert the songs to ATRAC first.
the navigation is inferior, the display is inferior, the software is inferior.
only the battery life is the biggest advantage here. the size differences at this point is pretty negligible as far as im concerned.
sony has no chance at all combatting apple with this product.
Even with the battery life being better, Apple is closing the gap in this regard.. finally. Most tets ran on the 4G are actually pegging it aorund 13 hours (although the first few times the unit is used it tends to clock in at 8 to 10, some sort of break-in period for the battery according to ipodlounge.com).
Panajev2001a said:
Translation: Sony's product is better, but we just want to bitch about ATRAC3+ and the perfectly fine SonicStage 2.0 because we "think" are "hip-enough" to do so.

face it Pana....



And even i am moderately surprised
hold on - $399!? the japanese get fecked again!

"For my test, I used a very modest collection of 431 standard MP3 files. SonicStage 2 refused to transfer 15 of the files, posting a nonsensical error message. After that, it took an agonizingly long two hours and 13 minutes to transfer the remaining 416 tracks to the Walkman. By contrast, Apple's iTunes software transferred all 431 songs to an iPod in about four minutes."

Two hours 13 minutes? I though the claim was that it would be almost seemless when converting (which anyone who used ATRAC before would know is bollox).


Running off of Custom Firmware
Bah, this thing looked like shit from the beginning. Sony proprietary media formats = FUCKING STUPID. I don't even bother with Apple's AAC nonsense, and I OWN an iPod.


I absolutely HAAAAAAAAAAATE Sony for friggin' ATRAC-3. And for SonicStage.

The software is just so clunky, even 2.0, when compared to iTunes. I don't understand why they don't just create a nice, slim, HD-based *mp3* player (that supports other popular formats as well).
ipod vs sony?
battle for 4th place?

there are at least 3 better brands of hd based audio players out that killed, buried and pissed on the grave of the ipod


Panajev2001a said:
Translation: Sony's product is better, but we just want to bitch about ATRAC3+ and the perfectly fine SonicStage 2.0 because we "think" are "hip-enough" to do so.


Nice one Milhouse, you asked for damage control and you got it right up front :)


I love some of the dumb comments in the article. Makes me wonder if hardware reviewers are always writing with an agenda. Oh and I <3 Mp3 CD players


There's only one king:


iPod users just don't know better.


Junior Member
DCharlie said:
hold on - $399!? the japanese get fecked again!

"For my test, I used a very modest collection of 431 standard MP3 files. SonicStage 2 refused to transfer 15 of the files, posting a nonsensical error message. After that, it took an agonizingly long two hours and 13 minutes to transfer the remaining 416 tracks to the Walkman. By contrast, Apple's iTunes software transferred all 431 songs to an iPod in about four minutes."

Two hours 13 minutes? I though the claim was that it would be almost seemless when converting (which anyone who used ATRAC before would know is bollox).

Ha, the reason my MD player sits with dust is cuz of the ATRAC demands and Sonic Stage.

I wipe my HD from time to time and the fact I can't drag and drop all 2000+ songs make it a bitch to deal with that. I'm not interested in finding out how much space 2000+ songs will take up with MP3 and ATRAC versions. So, I just stopped using it. It's a bitch to transfer, it's a bitch to convert, a few songs won't convert. Do yourself a favor, stay away from Sony's music players. They suck.


I really like my Hi-MD Walkman, but that's probably because I've just been copying CDs to it, not MP3s. The one time I did try copying the few MP3 albums I have, it was indeed ridiculously, nonsensically slow, and I hate Sonic Stage. With CDs it's not fast either, but it would take a similar amount of time to convert those CDs to MP3, and you don't use ShitStage for that.


Coen said:
There's only one king:


iPod users just don't know better.

Nothing better, no BS 3rd party software, recording features, LCD remote. Now if they included AM radio as well this thing would be perfect :p
Coen said:
There's only one king:


iPod users just don't know better.

Dammit now i dont know if i want an ihp or an ipod. More battery life, but it seems harder to navigate and can you play songs just by one artist?

I guess want i want to know is why's it better?


MrPing1000 said:
Dammit now i dont know if i want an ihp or an ipod. More battery life, but it seems harder to navigate and can you play songs just by one artist?

I guess want i want to know is why's it better?

It depends on the User's needs. For me, I like to organize my sound files manually and I hate using some sort of middle-man software to organize and then start transfering to and from pc and mp3 player like most players use. I use the recording features quite a bit, for audio streams to lectures, and I sometimes want to listen to the radio which is quite convient. Consequently I take my mp3 player everywhere and usually the thing can last 2 days before I need to recharge so this thing is almost perfect. The only bad part is the amount of cables that I need to manage and make it look neat


Junior Member

And is there any good way to plug into my car stereo? I used to use my MD player that had those cassette type thingamabob that lets you listen in the car. I still have that, so I could use that but would I have to buy a special one for an MP3 player like IHP?

I have a ton of music in MP3 form that I would love to have a way to just drop it into a MP3 player and take in the car. No hassle, no crap, no conversion, just grab and go with good amount of space.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
I just bought a 30 gig Nomad Zen Xtra, so I'm out of the prospective customer line for a while, but the pricing for the Sony seems a bit high.


skinnyrattler said:

And is there any good way to plug into my car stereo? I used to use my MD player that had those cassette type thingamabob that lets you listen in the car. I still have that, so I could use that but would I have to buy a special one for an MP3 player like IHP?

I have a ton of music in MP3 form that I would love to have a way to just drop it into a MP3 player and take in the car. No hassle, no crap, no conversion, just grab and go with good amount of space.

Yeah, iHP basically acts like a removable HD so you can just create folders and then drag and drop your files in Windows Explorer. I basically use the cassette thing your talking about that plugs into the headphone jack although if I had a better car radio I would use the optical out for better sound :p


DCharlie said:
hold on - $399!? the japanese get fecked again!

"For my test, I used a very modest collection of 431 standard MP3 files. SonicStage 2 refused to transfer 15 of the files, posting a nonsensical error message. After that, it took an agonizingly long two hours and 13 minutes to transfer the remaining 416 tracks to the Walkman. By contrast, Apple's iTunes software transferred all 431 songs to an iPod in about four minutes."

Bullshit, I transferred 129 songs last night over USB 2.0 and it took well over four minutes.

I share the hate of ATRAC3/Sonic Stage, as an MD owner. It fuckin sucks.


Tag of Excellence
ATRAC3 only? Already erased it from my mind.

I'm thinking of getting an MP3 player down the road, why all the negativity on the iPod? The new one looks pretty decent.

That iRiver device certainly looks awesome.


TekunoRobby said:
ATRAC3 only? Already erased it from my mind.

I'm thinking of getting an MP3 player down the road, why all the negativity on the iPod? The new one looks pretty decent.

That iRiver device certainly looks awesome.

Ipod doesn't fit everyone's needs, some people want the ability to record voice or they may want something slightly cheaper, but MOST people will be pleased with an Ipod, which definitely has the best file management and the most intuitive controls.

aoi tsuki

Wellington said:
Bullshit, I transferred 129 songs last night over USB 2.0 and it took well over four minutes.

I share the hate of ATRAC3/Sonic Stage, as an MD owner. It fuckin sucks.
THANK YOU. i takes all of ten seconds to trancode and tranfer 4-minute, 256kbps CBR MP3s to my MD on my Athlon XP 1700+ machine, and that's over a USB 1.1 connection. A similar setup with the Sony player should've taken even less considering the faster connection and faster speed of the hard drive versus the MD.

i could take or leave ATRAC3 conversion. i'm assuming people here hate the actual conversion and not the format, which is on par with MP3 and close to AAC in my eyes. Regardless, transcoding from one lossy format to another is going to incur loss of sound quality, which for most people probably won't be an issue anyways.

i'm still debating on whether or not to buy a HiMD unit, or go with something like the IHP-140. The main problem i have with MDs is the same i have most players -- they don't support FLAC. But seeing as how i don't have much need for portable music, i'll probably just invest in a 1GB Memory Stick and play them off of my Clie.


Wellington said:
Bullshit, I transferred 129 songs last night over USB 2.0 and it took well over four minutes.

I share the hate of ATRAC3/Sonic Stage, as an MD owner. It fuckin sucks.

USB 2.0 seems slower than FireWire for some reason. Either way, I have a Mac and I had to reload 1000+ songs a couple of weeks back, took just over 10 mins.
Im going Hi-MD, the non-replaceable batteries of most HDD player bother me, plus i need some recording capabilities. The Hi-MD supports linear PCM @ 44.1 khz in 16 bit, true cd quality no compression, so if i need the top quality i have that option. It also has the mic and digital imputs i need.


ATRAC sucks. No getting around it, no point in making excuses for Sony's pigheadedness over the format. ATRAC sucks like the last starlet in a Dr. Fellatio flick, but it doesn't give you a happy ending. ATRAC just plain sucks. MP3s are here to stay, Sony's gotta get over that and stop shooting themselves in the foot with this ATRAC bs. If they wanted MDs to ever take off, they'd make it MP3 compatible. Until then, the format might as well die its much-deserved death. F Sony, and F ATRAC. PEACE.

aoi tsuki

Pimpwerx said:
ATRAC sucks. No getting around it, no point in making excuses for Sony's pigheadedness over the format. ATRAC sucks like the last starlet in a Dr. Fellatio flick, but it doesn't give you a happy ending. ATRAC just plain sucks. MP3s are here to stay, Sony's gotta get over that and stop shooting themselves in the foot with this ATRAC bs. If they wanted MDs to ever take off, they'd make it MP3 compatible. Until then, the format might as well die its much-deserved death. F Sony, and F ATRAC. PEACE.
And ATRAC sucks because..?

MDs have been around long before people thought to put music on their computers onto portable devices. They were originally a replacement for tapes, not CDs, and sure as hell not MP3 players. There's no heavy-handed DRM practices in Sonic Stage anymore, just the heavy-handed portions of suckage and bloat that the program has. Like i said, i don't see ATRAC going anywhere. It'd be like asking Sony to stop using Memory Stick.
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