
Sony Developing Film Based on ‘One Punch Man’ Manga Series With ‘Venom’ Writers (EXCLUSIVE)
Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinkner are set to write a live-action film adaptation of manga series “One Punch Man” for Sony Pictures.

Welp. This doesn't bode well. I've not seen Venom but the writers wrote both the new Jumanji movies so that's something in their favor. But if Sony and Avi Arad are hoping for their own superhero franchise then they're adapting the wrong property. One Punch Man is a comedy that takes the piss out of superheroes. And unlike other superhero comedies the main character is not a screwup, he's the most powerful superhero in a world full of them. It'll take a director with some great comedic chops to make that premise work onscreen. Plus you need to cast an actor who looks unassuming and kind of goofy to play Saitama.