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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
gofreak said:
Gamespot have video blog impressions from the show, and the playable demos:


Sounds quite impressed by the playable stuff - "amazing" for the first show of playable software on a system, apparently. The whole motion sensing stuff in Warhawk apparently works really well.

I know people are pooped about the price, but the actual initial game impressions coming back seem to be very positive.

FUCK!!! Incognito did the Tilt controller stuff for their game over the week-end!!!! And Resistance sounds so damn cool.


GAF's Bob Woodward
mckmas8808 said:
FUCK!!! Incognito did the Tilt controller stuff for their game over the week-end!!!! And Resistance sounds so damn cool.

I think that was a slight exagerration ;)

Oh, and Coded Arms? This is crazy, but PSM2, the mag with Half-Life 2 on the cover etc., said in the same issue that Coded Arms would be revealed for PS3 at E3 :lol


gofreak said:
Gamespot have video blog impressions from the show, and the playable demos:


Sounds quite impressed by the playable stuff - "amazing" for the first show of playable software on a system, apparently. The whole motion sensing stuff in Warhawk apparently works really well.

I know people are pooped about the price, but the actual initial game impressions coming back seem to be very positive.

You can obviously tell though that Jeff was still heavily dissapointed, and utterly unimpressed (another Sony Fanboy has died).


GAF's Bob Woodward
Matix said:
You can obviously tell though that Jeff was still heavily dissapointed, and utterly unimpressed (another Sony Fanboy has died).

He sounded impressed by the games, not by the price.
gofreak said:
I know people are pooped about the price, but the actual initial game impressions coming back seem to be very positive.

This is the downside to announcing the price now. It sounds like they pulled together some amazing playables but peoples attention are on the price instead of those playables.


Ahahaha! The real heat of the podcast starts around 14 minutes, for those looking for the goods. Although the full out shouting ends quickly, too. I think I'm also skipping over every word I see from Shane in print from now on. Journalist? Yikes.


Junior Member
Why exactly is Shane sticking up for the Ps3? This pricepoint is obviously a faux pas on Sonys part... what is there to defend? The $500 price point for a crippled machined? The $600 price point for system with all of the promised functionality of E3 2005? Give me a break.

Shane... honestly.


Chili Con Carnage!
Pikelet said:
this is the first time i have ever watched a full e3 conference and my god it was boring.

Sony ones always are.

MS ones are normally hilariously cheesy

nintendo ones have reggie.


Nick said:
$500 price point for a crippled machined? The $600 price point for system with all of the promised functionality of E3 2005? Give me a break.

Crippled? Are you saying xbox 360 and Wii are forever crippled? :lol

The price is high with justfication, same reason why PS2 is priced the way it is. Clearly most are not going to touch a PS3 at the price but there are people who will. Even the 20GB PS3 version has more going for it than any other machine but i think the first adopters will be the same types happy to pay a premium for HD equipment. This move to HD is proving very expensive in general. But amazingly there are peopel who will pay the stupid high amounts for HD and new equipement.

SolidSnakex said:
This is the downside to announcing the price now. It sounds like they pulled together some amazing playables but peoples attention are on the price instead of those playables.

Well unfortunately they have to price it earlier rather than later. I dont know where people got the idea it would be cheap. What they need to do most importantly now is at least make the 20GB upgradeable(if it isnt).


Nick said:
Why exactly is Shane sticking up for the Ps3? This pricepoint is obviously a faux pas on Sonys part... what is there to defend? The $500 price point for a crippled machined? The $600 price point for system with all of the promised functionality of E3 2005? Give me a break.

Shane... honestly.
Its "obviously a faux pas"? How's that, because you can't afford one?

A lot of y'all need to come to terms with the fact that Sony doesn't pander to you. They believe, and are probably right, that $600 is the highest price point that will allow them to move all their launch units. Thats all that really matters to Sony. When hardware sales slow they'll drop the price. Until then feel free to buy one of the other two systems.

I think what really pisses people off is that Sony, had they not even mentioned a price point, would be looking like they stole the show before the other guys even got to the podium. Heavenly Sword, FFXIII, MGS4, an updated dual shock with tilt sensing, triggers, and improved analog sticks replacing the bananarang. They've proved themselves to have the superior product, but at a premium price. Now its just bitter overreaction because it'll be hard to afford.

Sony doesn't give a shit if you can afford one, just if they can sell out shipments. When they can't the price will change, not until.


Here's a pic of the (non-ingame)online store:

llTll said:
no . you are the retard for not thinking

xbox 360 . 20G is 400$. no HD DVD no Blue Ray nothing

100 $ u r getting Blue ray player inside the console + the DS3 functions

No, you are for trying to justify that shit, fanboy, given the fact that Blu-Ray is entirely unnecessary and if you think those DS3 functions are worth even a fraction of that price, you've gotta be crazy.

This shit is nuts.

Looks like it's a 360 or Wii for me.


pinkatrophe said:
No, you are for trying to justify that shit, fanboy, given the fact that Blu-Ray is entirely unnecessary and if you think those DS3 functions are worth even a fraction of that price, you've gotta be crazy.

This shit is nuts.

Looks like it's a 360 or Wii for me.

Wii mote and last gen hardware rebadged for the win! ;)

The Blu Ray is what people want thats why everyone is upset.


Junior Member
Drek said:
Its "obviously a faux pas"? How's that, because you can't afford one?

A lot of y'all need to come to terms with the fact that Sony doesn't pander to you. They believe, and are probably right, that $600 is the highest price point that will allow them to move all their launch units. Thats all that really matters to Sony. When hardware sales slow they'll drop the price. Until then feel free to buy one of the other two systems.

I think what really pisses people off is that Sony, had they not even mentioned a price point, would be looking like they stole the show before the other guys even got to the podium. Heavenly Sword, FFXIII, MGS4, an updated dual shock with tilt sensing, triggers, and improved analog sticks replacing the bananarang. They've proved themselves to have the superior product, but at a premium price. Now its just bitter overreaction because it'll be hard to afford.

Sony doesn't give a shit if you can afford one, just if they can sell out shipments. When they can't the price will change, not until.
I can afford one just fine. I'm a 19 year old COLLEGE STUDENT and I can afford one just fine. It's just that I don't WANT to pay $600 for a game console that is going to launch at the end of the year.

I do NOT believe. I used to, but it just doesn't seem smart to launch a system at TWO SKU's prices almost $100 above the nearest competitor (360) with a lot of the functionality stripped away for the 'tard pack.

Drek said:
They've proved themselves...
Okay. How?
Deg said:
Even the 20GB PS3 version has more going for it than any other machine...
Says you. This is called an opinion.


Drek said:
Its "obviously a faux pas"? How's that, because you can't afford one?

A lot of y'all need to come to terms with the fact that Sony doesn't pander to you. They believe, and are probably right, that $600 is the highest price point that will allow them to move all their launch units. Thats all that really matters to Sony. When hardware sales slow they'll drop the price. Until then feel free to buy one of the other two systems.

I think what really pisses people off is that Sony, had they not even mentioned a price point, would be looking like they stole the show before the other guys even got to the podium. Heavenly Sword, FFXIII, MGS4, an updated dual shock with tilt sensing, triggers, and improved analog sticks replacing the bananarang. They've proved themselves to have the superior product, but at a premium price. Now its just bitter overreaction because it'll be hard to afford.

Sony doesn't give a shit if you can afford one, just if they can sell out shipments. When they can't the price will change, not until.

Even if they lower the price it will be too expensive.

Your first price drop should put you into "casual gamer" range... their first price drop will simply take them out of the 3do/neo-geo stratosphere and put them into 360 range, by which point 360 will be 250 and selling like hotcakes.

Meanwhile, nintendo will put out more units a month and build a larger install base in japan because their system is easier and cheaper to manufacture. They'll also have a larger library because developers will start gravitating to the system with the biggest base, and games will be quicker to make for it and less expensive. In some ways developers benefit from the rev strategy because game development costs don't go up. If ps3's install base doesn't move ahead quickly, that will start to become a more compelling argument. It could easily be DS vs PSP all over again in japan. Instead of dragon quest swords, rev might get a real dragon quest.

By the time they drop the price low enough to attract the ps2 audience, it will already be over.

I think their market share will shrivel with this system. but maybe they don't care.

edit: and maybe i'm full of shit... i haven't had any sleep yet.
Deg said:
Wii mote and last gen hardware rebadged for the win! ;)

The Blu Ray is what people want thats why everyone is upset.

No, I doubt that. If everyone was wanting blu-ray, they'd be hailing this price as a steal considering the price of stand-alone blu-ray players.

What I'm so pissed about is how some people are trying to even justify this. Hint: not everyone that wanted a ps3 HAS an HDTV nor cares for Blu-ray. While, at this point I may be representing a minority, all I wanted were games. Not fucking multimedia hub functionality where I can retrieve data halfway across the world while getting a russian massage, I just want good quality games and a solid online service. Not a gaming platform that could probably easily run most of its games on HD-DVD but decides not to do so to make some extra bucks off a media format that's expensive as fuck. Not fucking 7 player split screen functionality and 10 billion ports on the back that'll never get used by anyone who doesn't feel like exploring whether their dick can fit in them. All i wanted was a fucking AFFORDABLE, GAMING CONSOLE. Instead, Sony keeps trying to pen their console as some fucking home media hub first and foremost, and a game console last.

Instead, those of us who may have been loyal to Sony get shafted simply because we have better things to spend $600 on than a glorified video game box. Man, fuck this shit. Fuck this whole inflation of next-gen gaming prices as if the companies think their tin boxes are worth this much. SOMEONE GIMME A GOD DAMNED WII LOGO TO USE AS MY AVATAR. I'm fucking defecting at this point.

The first thing I'm doing with my next paycheck is buying a goddamned Saturn. >;\



If the Lair video was realtime (why show off CG for a launch title), then it's technically the best-looking game I've seen. I hope it's playable at the show.

The Naughty Dog title also looks great, but it suffers a bit from... dare I say... bad art.


Instead, those of us who may have been loyal to Sony get shafted simply because we have better things to spend $600 on than a glorified video game box.

$500. If, as you said, all you care about are the game-playing functions.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Drek said:
Its "obviously a faux pas"? How's that, because you can't afford one?

A lot of y'all need to come to terms with the fact that Sony doesn't pander to you. They believe, and are probably right, that $600 is the highest price point that will allow them to move all their launch units. Thats all that really matters to Sony. When hardware sales slow they'll drop the price. Until then feel free to buy one of the other two systems.

You'd be so fired if you worked for Sony. The last thing a company wants to say is "hey go to our competitors!" I think Sony is overestimating. They think the Playstation brand is going to carry them. But I don't know, I personally think that after the initial launch, the hard core gamers who aren't daunted will have it, then sales will dwindle. If the price doesn't become reasonable quickly it'll start losing third party support. And as the 360 and the Wii's sales increase because of the many people as you said, felt free to buy the other two systems, it'll be harder for Sony to catch up.

Neo Geo tried this whole "if you want good games you gotta pay the high price" shit, didn't work. And I personally think blu ray won't be popular fast enough for it to help Sony early in the game.

I could be wrong though *shrug*

Oh and Wrath of the Black Manta was a fucking great game.
GreenGlowingGoo said:
You'd be so fired if you worked for Sony. The last thing a company wants to say is "hey go to our competitors!" I think Sony is overestimating. They think the Playstation brand is going to carry them. But I don't know, I personally think that after the initial launch, the hard core gamers who aren't daunted will have it, then sales will dwindle. If the price doesn't become reasonable quickly it'll start losing third party support. And as the 360 and the Wii's sales increase because of the many people as you said, felt free to buy the other two systems, it'll be harder for Sony to catch up.

Neo Geo tried this whole "if you want good games you gotta pay the high price" shit, didn't work. And I personally think blu ray won't be popular fast enough for it to help Sony early in the game.

I could be wrong though *shrug*

Oh and Wrath of the Black Manta was a fucking great game.

Agreed. They'll have no problem selling off their initial shipments to the ultra hard core gamers, but after that, they better drop the fucking price otherwise I won't be surprised if Microsoft easily starts getting a more secure #1 spot.


Junior Member
GreenGlowingGoo said:
You'd be so fired if you worked for Sony. The last thing a company wants to say is "hey go to our competitors!" I think Sony is overestimating. They think the Playstation brand is going to carry them.

Sony is cocky, and they think having "that name" (i.e. The Playstation) being attached to their system will make it an instant success.

Not so.

The proof lies in the iPod/Walkman debacle... in which there is one clear winner. The iPod is one of the most successful consumer products of the twentieth century, and the Walkman fell into obscurity. Every week we see a new "iPod killer" coming from Sony with the Walkman name attached, yet each and every time they fail. Horribly. If Sony doesn't clean up their act, whose to say the same thing won't happen with the 360 vs. Ps3 or Ps3 vs. Wii?


Nick said:
Says you. This is called an opinion.

Its not even remotely opinion. Its fact. To many first buyers the Blu Ray will be worth it worth it alone. Heck look at all the people here wanting the 60GB pack because of HDMI. Most i bet dont even have HDMI tv.

whose to say the same thing won't happen with the 360 vs. Ps3 or Ps3 vs. Wii?

:lol Wii and Xbox 360 are hardly Ipods. Far from it!

Funny how Wii and Xbox 360 fans think their consoles are perfect.:lol

gofreak said:
Do you have a link? I can't see it on the front page.

It shows up in IE but not Firefox or Opera... Cant download...

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
First off, I just want to say that I think the $600 sku is a very good deal for what you get. (PS3, Wifi, 60gig hdd, & Bluray player). Plus, Sony supports their hardware for 10 years. The thing is, most people cannot afford it!

At that price, the PS3 is not a mass-market device like the PSX and PS2 were. Its high end.

If MS is smart, they will drop the price of the X360 (both premium and core) by $100 today. They ate losses for years with Xbox and that merely helped them get their foot in the door. But now the situation is different. If they can drop the price another $100 they can bust the door wide open and the American market (and a large portion of the European market) is theirs. No doubt in my mind.

This pricing is almost as bad as when Nintendo stuck with cartridges. Sony has the third party support now, but if they can't move hardware like they need to after the first year or so (which they won't, not at this price) then it will dry up quickly. The gap between 360 and PS3 install bases in the US and Europe will be too big for the japanese third parties to ignore.

I'm still buying a PS3 at launch
(the $600 one)
but methinks Sony bit off more than they can chew this time.


Also, about Tekken 6. I have no doubt that the final game will look much better. Remember the first time Namco showed Tekken for PS2? It looked nothing like the game we ended up getting for launch (TTT). It looked much worse.


Some people just don't seem to get it, a shortage is likely, most weren't gonna be able to get it anyway this christmas. Sony's just doing what any sane business person would do, taking little to no loss or profitting from the high demand(yes even at such a price) rather than meaninglessly bleed cash. Why should they allow only the ebayers to profit from this situation/likely-shortage? They've seen what happened when ps2 launched, they've seen what happened when 360 launched, they've seen what's been happening in ebay, and they want in.

Smart move(though they should've kept quiet about the price for now, would've had e3 in the bag.), if they truly showed 20min of gt4 that's just fckd up, and the retard pack is just plain wrong.


pinkatrophe said:
No, I doubt that. If everyone was wanting blu-ray, they'd be hailing this price as a steal considering the price of stand-alone blu-ray players.

What I'm so pissed about is how some people are trying to even justify this. Hint: not everyone that wanted a ps3 HAS an HDTV nor cares for Blu-ray. While, at this point I may be representing a minority, all I wanted were games. Not fucking multimedia hub functionality where I can retrieve data halfway across the world while getting a russian massage, I just want good quality games and a solid online service. Not a gaming platform that could probably easily run most of its games on HD-DVD but decides not to do so to make some extra bucks off a media format that's expensive as fuck. Not fucking 7 player split screen functionality and 10 billion ports on the back that'll never get used by anyone who doesn't feel like exploring whether their dick can fit in them. All i wanted was a fucking AFFORDABLE, GAMING CONSOLE. Instead, Sony keeps trying to pen their console as some fucking home media hub first and foremost, and a game console last.

Instead, those of us who may have been loyal to Sony get shafted simply because we have better things to spend $600 on than a glorified video game box. Man, fuck this shit. Fuck this whole inflation of next-gen gaming prices as if the companies think their tin boxes are worth this much. SOMEONE GIMME A GOD DAMNED WII LOGO TO USE AS MY AVATAR. I'm fucking defecting at this point.

The first thing I'm doing with my next paycheck is buying a goddamned Saturn. >;\


You really want one huh?

*comforts and hugs*

There there, everything will be okay. It will be...okay.

Anyways, slept on it. Still going to go down and preorder one but it's going to have to be the $600 one for wifi alone. No HDMI shouldn't be a problem for most people (i'm loving how it was a non-issue for the majority of people till yesterday and now it's a huge issue. I think it is too, but its just funny to see the bandwagon of hate grow and most people don't even know what the hell they are talking about on the subject). At $600 they are still taking a loss but at least the console is future proof and will have some very long legs. I see PS2 going further then PSone and PS3 might just average a good 10 years of life. Plus I fucking want Blu-Ray for my HDTV. As said before the 2 million at launch WILL sell out, no doubt. The question is how long will it take for the price to drop down to a more reasonable state for the casuals. I'm certain that's the factor that will decide what exactly Sony "wins" or not.

The configuration still just puzzles me though. I can see where wifi and HDMI are semi-costly components but HDMI is just not something you can just upgrade and eventually may be neccessary for movies though with this move leaving it out Sony might take a huge active role in keeping those ICT flags in place and set to HD over analog for movie companies. Which will help MS. I still need the HDMI though if the PS3 upscales regular DVD's. And leaving out the memory sticks is just crazy. It's really a very minor issue but one that just irks me because it makes absolutely no sense. There is no way that can be expensive. The fucking 200 dollar computer I bought my mom for Christmas last year at Black Friday has a plethora of memory card slots. It can not be a cost effective item to skip out on. And the fact it might have actually moved some Memory Stick sales, it's just so confusing on why they did that.

This confrence would have went so much better for them if they would have announced one version with HDMI, Memory Card Slots, WiFi and 20GB HDD for $499.


Holy fuck... Shane is freaking awful. How did he manage to get hired? He's as bad as some of the fanboys on here.

Btw, where are the PS3 size jokes? Isn't it funny how MS got heat for the XBOX size but nobody is giving Sony any for this thing? Where are the photoshops?

How are Japanese going to fit the PS3 in their homes?
Kuroyume said:
Btw, where are the PS3 size jokes? Isn't it funny how MS got heat for the XBOX size but nobody is giving Sony any for this thing? Where are the photoshops?

That's because people are hammering them over the price.


Kuroyume said:
Holy fuck... Shane is freaking awful. How did he manage to get hired? He's as bad as some of the fanboys on here.

Btw, where are the PS3 size jokes? Isn't it funny how MS got heat for the XBOX size but nobody is giving Sony any for this thing? Where are the photoshops?

How are Japanese going to fit the PS3 in their homes?

Yeah. Shane gets kinda scary.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Bladestorm is a launch title..?

edit - ..and looking at the trailer, yes, it is. Excellent news :) I hope they show off more of it at their booth.
Drek said:
Its "obviously a faux pas"? How's that, because you can't afford one?

Nope, you've missed the point, and so have Sony.

It's true, they absolutely can sell out their launch shipments with this price. That's unambiguous. What they can't possibly be thinking about is what hapens in April. People who early-adopt hardware or who buy lavish Xmas gifts will clean the shelves in December, but after that you hit a brick wall. During the months that PS3 needs to be sprinting ahead of X360, instead it'll be sitting there at a premium price.

The problem is that there's not much of a market for a $600 console beyond those early eBay-style adopters -- and the market for a $400 console isn't that much bigger (those are the people we've been calling the high-price early adopters up 'til this point, after all.) PS3 has to hit $250 to attract the casual purchase crowd -- that'll take them three price drops on even their cheaper (crippled) system, while Xbox 360 can do a $50 price drop and hit it for this Christmas. That's an astounding tactical error.

Ponn01 said:
This confrence would have went so much better for them if they would have announced one version with HDMI, Memory Card Slots, WiFi and 20GB HDD for $499.

That would've been arrogance with style. Then at least they could have tried t o effectively market around the "we have the premium product" line of reasoning. Now they just look like they have no clue what's going on, same way MS did last year.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm still shocked at the price announcement. Really, it didn't hit me right away as it doesn't affect my plans, but that is a REALLLLY high price and WILL turn people away. $400 for the 360 is already pushing a lot of people (based on anecdotal evidence) and seemed like a reasonable limit to what people would spend. People hear $400 and they cringe a bit at first but $500-600 is just way over the top.

Btw, where are the PS3 size jokes? Isn't it funny how MS got heat for the XBOX size but nobody is giving Sony any for this thing? Where are the photoshops?
I honestly believe that was the result of its styling rather than actual size. The 360 is no really a whole lot smaller, but the design makes it look so much more elegant. The original XBOX is an ugly piece of hardware that LOOKS fat and bloated.


Just listened the whole podcast.

Shane is crazy, and his fanboyism is wow lol
He also talks alotta bullshit.

Also saw the video Blog from gamespot, Jeff Looks very dissappointed with Sony.


The Translator
If only the price was the real problem.

I was looking forward to getting a PS3 shortly after launch (probably summer 2007) but yesterday was the day Sony died for me. I will not buy a PS3, never. No matter how many good games are on it. No matter if they are my favourite games.

Let's just summarize what happened (and this list is by no means complete):
They stole Xbox live
They stole Nintendos idea
They stole MS's triggers
They stole microtransactions
They stole the guide button
They stole the 2 SKU idea
They took out rumble and are lying about the reasons for it
They have taken out most the features announced last year:
-dual HDMI (is now no HDMI on the basic version and 1 on the premium)
-only 4 USB ports now
-no wireless for the basic version
-no router option
The PS3 is huge, bigger (quite a bit actually) than the original Xbox. And it is 5 kilos.
To top it off they are absolutely ripping people off for the "core" version. And 600 USD for the premium is a ripoff as well. No matter how you put it.

Sony have lost their way. No ideas of their own. They wanted to be the most powerful this gen, when they noticed that the 360 was close in power they added a harddrive to have something to brag about.

They noticed Nintendo was on to something with their controller, and they blatently ripped them off. In a very cheap way too, not only in style ("OMG, now this is what I call innovation") but also in execution - it looks a pain to use, a gimmick and not much else.

I hope they are not coming out number 1 this gen. But I also hope that they are not dropping the PS line alltogether if they fail, after all competition is good.

I can't believe the amount of damage controll going on, no way how you spin it - Sony have dropped the ball big time and I hope they are going to get punished for their arrogance and non inventiveness.
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