Japanese game is surely Bloodborne?
Japanese game is surely Bloodborne?
The think says both are unannounced.Japanese game is surely Bloodborne?
Nope, the retailer meeting is dated for July 3rd, after it was already officially announced. So that means it's a new Studio Japan game. But the various places saying it's digital only kind of dampens my expectations.Japanese game is surely Bloodborne?
It is an advantage to be in that position unless the earlier press conference is significantly more impressive. In addition; though Sony makes its plans well ahead of time, it allows them to make adjustments based on seeing MS's first.
Similar to in a contest where you get to see someone else try something first and adjust base don what you see.
Of course it is moot if MS does something ground shaking.
Ahh, but sadly that means the other one is not studio Japan. Probably MM, or GG, or someone else for the new IP. Either way, I'm really interested to see what Studio Japan has been cooking up.
But why would a press have a 30 minute extensive hands off look at a game that's playable on the show floor, for both publication review and general attendees?Maybe it's unannounced to them, you know, the press?
They have a slot reserved for 'game X', doesn't mean that it couldn't be Bloodborne.
This is what I'm thinking. 30min is considerable demo time after all and Bloodborne is one title that could provide that.Maybe it's unannounced to them, you know, the press?
They have a slot reserved for 'game X', doesn't mean that it couldn't be Bloodborne.
But why would a press have a 30 minute extensive hands off look at a game that's playable on the show floor, for both publication review and general attendees?
I know you're just trying to keep expectations in check, but it seems pretty clear it's a new title. But once again, I don't think it's gonna be on the same scale as Bloodborne, since it's digital.
you really think a live conference isn't planned WELL in advance, and then rehearsed and whatnot?
Sony can change very ... very ... very small things, but nothing major.
Ahh boo. That's probably it. Forgot that was already leaked. It would also make sense to have an extended demo of a move(and possibly morpheus) game.It wouldn't surprise me if that second one turned out to be Until Dawn since they've released multiple teasers for it.
The Sony Japan game is a big mystery. I'd love for it to be Gravity Rush 2, but Toyama isn't giving any hints about being in Germany. I know that Japan Studio just opened their own Niconico channel, so it looks like they're prepping some bigger stuff soon.
Would call it leak, if Sony themselves are hinting it?Ahh boo. That's probably it. Forgot that was already leaked. It would also make sense to have an extended demo of a move(and possibly morpheus) game.
As for GR2, man, the fallout from Vita fans would not be pretty if that's the case. I'm expecting Type-0 levels of butthurt for GR2.
Bloodborbe is officially announced, can't be Bloodborne.
Also "since it's digital." is official? Or just people expecting the "worse"?
During a live Q&A, i asked about that jp ps4 game, to the editor chief of everyeye.it ( italian site )
His answer was a bit vague, but long story short:
- he doesn't know exactly what it is
- new ip
- probably from japan studio
- not AAA but digital download game
the recorded q&a ( in italian obviously)
my question's around 01.00
Ahh boo. That's probably it. Forgot that was already leaked. It would also make sense to have an extended demo of a move(and possibly morpheus) game.
As for GR2, man, the fallout from Vita fans would not be pretty if that's the case. I'm expecting Type-0 levels of butthurt for GR2.
Ahh boo. That's probably it. Forgot that was already leaked. It would also make sense to have an extended demo of a move(and possibly morpheus) game.
Yeah, TGS was pretty cool. Too bad we havent seen anything from the new Gundam Game or EDF so far.
I've a feeling that we will see some cool Games, i don't care if they are Indie, Triple A, Free to Play or whatever. Games are Games. Also excited to try out Bloodborne![]()
Two spanish podcast guys who will go to Gamescom.
Two "secret dates" one for a japanese game, another for an unanounced IP.
japanese game: 30 minutes, other game: 45.
PS4 games, both unannounced.
"This is pre-release information, so I can't write anything about it. I don't think it'll make the fall, so we'll have to wait a little bit longer than that."
"But I've seen actual gameplay, and it is really just breathtaking. I saw less than 10 minutes of the game, but I really have to take my hat off to the studio for their amazing work. Oh by the way, this isn't about Final Fantasy XV; I wonder when that one is going to be released "
"But anyway, I am totally going to buy this!"
Maybe it's Kill Strain.
That sounds like Guerilla's game i think.
Guerrila Cambridge?
Because I still hold out hope for some kind of epic RPG from the main Guerrilla team. Kill Strain sounds like a shooter/survival game.
Too soon I think.That sounds like Guerilla's game i think.
Right. TGS was pretty good last year and truth be told I am looking forward to it a more than gamescom but I still expect several nice things to come out of gamescom.
This is my personal theory of what happened with TLG anyway
So go back to 2009, TLG is announced. Hype all around, people are happy. A first ICO game for the ps3. Although little detail is given
Come TGS 2010 with a new trailer, more gameplay snippets, even a release window.
Although in house, this is what I think was happening, based on interviews and article. Miyazaki is apparently known for being extremely perfectionist and my take on it is that he tried to remake stuff times and times again. Problem is that the ps3 hardware was showing it's age at the time. That, and if we go by that old kotaku article (trust me, it's actually a good one) about Japan Studio at the time, the hierarchy and organisation was a mess, with probably a couple dozen projects done on the side.
My guess is that they tried for a while to make the game work for ps3 to no avail, then Miyazaki left the team but still kept an eye on it.
Not too long after, I guess they got wind that a ps4 devkit was being made and would be available and thus decided to halt production until they get a stable ps4 devkit to rework the game
Then comes ps4 release and they probably had to rework a lot of stuff from scratch to accomodate the hardware, and since so much had to be done and it's kind of a big deal to move platforms, they want to stay silent on it.
That's my tinfoil hat theory, but it seems rather plausible in some way. The big surprise for me would be if they decided to still keep it as also a ps3 release
Potential Big Announcements
Media Molecule New IP
Guerilla Games New IP
Sony London New IP
Sony Japan New IP
Stellar Announcements
Sony Bend PSN game
Giant Sparrow PSN game
Gravity Rush 2 for PS4/Vita
Beyond Directors Cut
Journey PS4
Until Dawn
Move game from Zindagi
What actually is gonna happen:
Knack - Game of the Year Edition
That sounds like Guerilla's game i think.
At TGS maybe.Damn pre-show hype threads. Now all excited about a JRPG.
I swear to god if it doesn't come to fruition im going to boycott these threads.
TGS is going to be really interesting this year, imo. Less so on Sony, but more so on the stance of 3rd-parties on PS4.
The expectation last year was that Japan was duly unprepared for next-gen transition, thus we're seeing the results of nogaems for PS4 in Japan in 2014. But we know devs have been flirting, and there have been preliminary/early work on some titles, unannounced as well as those announced last year.
IMO, this TGS will be the make/break for PS4 in terms of how much momentum they can regain until FFXV releases.
Why does he mention FFXV all of a sudden......it has to be SCEJ's JRPG.....omg please
What actually is gonna happen:
Knack - Game of the Year Edition
"wonder witch will come out first" jokes/memes
Wonder Witch 2 is coming out in October, WiiU only.
They already released the Game of the Year Edition on day one! I hope he appears in Bloodborne as a boss.
Wonder Witch 2 is coming out in October, WiiU only.
That sounds like Guerilla's game i think.
Wonder Witch 2 is coming out in October, WiiU only.
Stellar Announcements
Sony Bend PSN game
I think you're underestimating BEND.
As far as I know the studio is about the size or even bigger than Sucker Punch.
Ni No Kuni 2: Return of the Wonder Witch - PS4.
Looking forward to a lot of new things from Gamescom. Bloodbourne is at the top of that list.
Imagine if Ni no Kuni 2 was announced as a Wii U exclusive.
Hoo boy.
Also Until Dawn was a playable game on that leaked list.
I don't think media needs 45 minutes talk about the game when they can play it.
Isn't Until Dawn that PS Move game that was supposed to release on PS3? That game was announced like years ago. So I dont see how Until Dawn could be an unnannounced game, even if it is rebooted for PS4.
Wasn't it revealed with some Gameplay at like E3 several years ago? The game where you walk around in the dark with the flashlight, controlled with the Move Controller?
Is there a different Until Dawn?
Guess you're talking about Ueda here, right?
Nope, they're more comparable to Media Molecule. Around 50 I think.
http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/181082/postmortem_sony_bend_studios_.phpUncharted: Golden Abyss is a huge game, much larger than our core team of 55 people could hope to build on its own. To get the game done we relied on the hard work of several support teams. MK Productions (five people) did some of our large animated events; Scratch Image (three people) did almost all of our lip synching and facial animation; our producing team in Foster City (10 people) handled the logistics for everything, including localization, QA, interfacing with support groups, focus testing and more; the Sony music team (35 people) wrote and produced our soundtrack; the Sony sound department (34 people) developed all of the game's sound effects and VO; the Visual Arts and Services Group (32 people) helped with cinematic animation and motion capture clean-up; we did all of our motion capture at the Culver City motion-capture studio (30 people); and the performance capture director and actors (11 people) brought our characters to life. This doesn't even begin to count the many, many people working in Global Technology, Platform Architecture, Game Tech, HR, Finance, PR, Marketing, Management, as well as the many teams responsible for localization in Europe, Asia and Latin America.