I don't think Insomniac will be handing this one since Sony own the IP rights to Ratchet and Clank, as I'm sure you guys know, so maybe it'll be Sony PR handling this. With any luck Insomniac won't be developing it and someone else will have a chance. Sly 4 was an enjoyable game, another developer won't make Ratchet and Clank a bad game.
Can't wait to see how the duo look on PS4 though. ^_^
My final thoughts on what is going down at Gamescom. How long is the conference? That will tell us alot. 90 minutes - 120 minutes means lotso live game demonstrations.
1.) Bloodborne live demonstration on stage, different area then behind the scenes at E3. Ends with boss fight tease ala initial leaked trailer.
2.) Rime live gameplay on stage, or long 3-5 minute trailer.
3.) The Witness showcase by Blow.
4.) New Uncharted 4 teaser trailer, again all in-engine
5.) Media Molecule new project reveal and live demonstration
6.) Guerilla Games new IP reveal and teaser video, in-game engine
7.) Ultra Street Fighter 4 announcement
8.) Tekken 7 showcase
9.) LBP3 showcase
10.) GTAV live demo
11.) Destiny RAID demonstration
12.) More DriveClub weather videos
13.) No Mans Sky showcase
I'm guessing a few third party title surprises along the way.
Insomniacs PR is probably busy with Sunset overdrive so i think they will go full R&C mode after the games out.
They'll probably do a PSBlog blowout or something like thisThey may change their schedule, but when it was announced they said fall
I guess it could pop up at TGS. Other than that i'm not sure where else they'd show it. There really aren't any games that they're releasing this fall that would match well with it in terms of including a trailer with it. And there aren't any other major shows after TGS.
forgot about this game3.) The Witness showcase by Blow.
My bets for Tuesday are these.
- Ratchet and Clank Redux getting a gameplay trailer with a demo coming this fall and/or comes bundled with LBP 3 or something.
- More gameplay on The Order, LBP3, DriveClub and Bloodborn. Bloodborn will get a release date for sometime next year.
- Proper gameplay trailer for Uncharted 4. After that, we get another trailer but for an Uncharted Collection (developed by Bluepoint; they did say they were working on bring a Classic PS IP to PS4 I think) with an Uncharted 4 Beta being included with the Collection.
- MM's, GC's, GG's and Studio Japan's PS4 games all get shown off! MM will be a game that uses the PS Camera and Move Controllers to create 3D platforming levels using the engine from Tearaway, GC making either a new Killzone game or returning to a old PS1 IP (Midevil maybe
? They DID hint that at the end of PS All Stars), GG's finally showing off there RPG game, and Studio Japan closing the show with a massive, huge revivial/new JRPG IP
- PS4 getting a new SKU; PS4 + Vita bundle officially announced for NA and EU this fall for 450. It will include a 16GB Memory Card, a year of PS+, and a big Sony game (I guess.....either Infamous or Killzone).
- More indie games coming to PS4/PS3/Vita. Hopefully will include the more 3D games coming to Steam (please, can A Hat in Time come to PS4? Freedom Planet coming to Vita?)
- Until Dawn getting re-born as a sudo-action/horror game with gameplay similar to Resident Evil 4 or still a game that heavily uses PS Move (but at this point, I don't know about that :l. The game has been pushed back a two years already, so I must be the motion controls getting in the way of the games development or something...)
- Surprise 3rd party exclusive announced (seeing that the Street Fighter producer is making SOMETHING for PS4 that isn't Deep Down......maybe Capcom developing a PS Fighting game? That would be amazing!)
- More Collections announced; Ape Escape and Level-5 Collections coming to PS3 and Vita. Ape Escape will include all three original games Ape Escape 1 (Based on the PSP but with higher-res character models/worlds and restoring the original PS1 game's controls), Ape Escape 2 and Ape Escape 3 with full HD and 60FPS (Vita having native res with 30FPS with controls modeled after the PSP Ape Escape 1 but with camera mapped to right stick). Level-5 Collection will include Dark Cloud 1 and 2 + Rouge Legacy. Studio Japan and Level-5 working on both projects and coming some time next year. (With this being new Collections, they will be cross-buy with Vita!)
- Sony announcing 3rd party's developing even more HD Collections; Capcom bring Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, Activison bring the Spider-Man games (SM 2 and USM), more coming.
- PS3 gets new SKU; very small model with 1TB hard drive (that can easily be removed) and has a year of PS+ included but no disk drive. Will cost 150$ and coming sometime next year (to not over-lap with PS TV sales).
PS Vita:
- 64GB Memory Card coming in September for EU and NA! That alongside new prices for the memory cards; 4 and 8GB cards discontinued, 16GB costing 20 bucks, 32GB costing 40 bucks and 64GB 60 bucks.
- Mega Packs coming to NA; they will range from 30 dollars (including 8GB cards) to 50 dollars (including 16GB cards). They will be based of the ones that was released in EU.
- More HD Collections coming; Ico Collection coming earily next year, Ratchet Dreadlocked coming this fall (made by the Mass Media, also ported the Trilogy to Vita), Okami, DMC Collection, and Resident Evil games (RE4 and RE: CV) coming next year, Prince of Persia and/or Splinter Cell Collections coming next year, and Silent Hill Collection (developed by Armpature or Bluepoint; I don't think Konami will want to fuck that collection up AGAIN I think :l) coming next year.
- Gravity Rush 2 still coming to Vita but also coming to PS4 (Vita version still pushing the hardware though). Coming some time next year.
- Oshoka and Freedom Wars shown off in montage.
- PSN games on PS3 coming to Vita; the bigger ones (many of the ones that are really great, like Mega Man 9/10 and Sonic CD 2011)
- .....I guess more Mobile ports; third party have been making lots of console quality games on mobile but they never landed on Vita X(. Stuff like Deus Ex the Fall, Xcom Enimie Unknown, Bioshock 1 port, ect should be on Vita.
I think that is it. I know this isn't modest at all, but if any of these things can happen, that will be nice
There isn't going to be some grand jrpg. Maybe an indie inspired by jrpgs like child of light.
Not expecting any real big announcements, just some indies.
forgot about this game
is there a release date?
So what time is this in EDT?
My final thoughts on what is going down at Gamescom. How long is the conference? That will tell us alot. 90 minutes - 120 minutes means lotso live game demonstrations.
1.) Bloodborne live demonstration on stage, different area then behind the scenes at E3. Ends with boss fight tease ala initial leaked trailer.
2.) Rime live gameplay on stage, or long 3-5 minute trailer.
3.) The Witness showcase by Blow.
4.) New Uncharted 4 teaser trailer, again all in-engine
5.) Media Molecule new project reveal and live demonstration
6.) Guerilla Games new IP reveal and teaser video, in-game engine
7.) Ultra Street Fighter 4 announcement
8.) Tekken 7 showcase
9.) LBP3 showcase
10.) GTAV live demo
11.) Destiny RAID demonstration
12.) More DriveClub weather videos
13.) No Mans Sky showcase
I'm guessing a few third party title surprises along the way.
So what time is this in EDT?
I'll see you after Gamescom.
My final thoughts on what is going down at Gamescom. How long is the conference? That will tell us alot. 90 minutes - 120 minutes means lotso live game demonstrations.
1.) Bloodborne live demonstration on stage, different area then behind the scenes at E3. Ends with boss fight tease ala initial leaked trailer.
2.) Rime live gameplay on stage, or long 3-5 minute trailer.
3.) The Witness showcase by Blow.
4.) New Uncharted 4 teaser trailer, again all in-engine
5.) Media Molecule new project reveal and live demonstration
6.) Guerilla Games new IP reveal and teaser video, in-game engine
7.) Ultra Street Fighter 4 announcement
8.) Tekken 7 showcase
9.) LBP3 showcase
10.) GTAV live demo
11.) Destiny RAID demonstration
12.) More DriveClub weather videos
13.) No Mans Sky showcase
I'm guessing a few third party title surprises along the way.
If Uncharted 4 does show up at Gamescom, I'm sure it will be a gameplay demo, as they've already had two teaser trailers for it.
The one from last year's special pre-launch live event with the VA who got kicked to the curb alongside the game's original directors.I am unaware of any teaser trailer, other than the one they showed at their pre-E3 conference...???
If Uncharted 4 does show up at Gamescom, I'm sure it will be a gameplay demo, as they've already had two teaser trailers for it.
I'm quite pessimistic about gamescom. Prove me wrong, Sony.
My bad, when I say handling it, I mean the marketing. I'd prefer to see another developer give it a go and see what they can come up with.
I'm want to hear a update on Gravity Rush 2
My final thoughts on what is going down at Gamescom. How long is the conference? That will tell us alot. 90 minutes - 120 minutes means lotso live game demonstrations.
1.) Bloodborne live demonstration on stage, different area then behind the scenes at E3. Ends with boss fight tease ala initial leaked trailer.
2.) Rime live gameplay on stage, or long 3-5 minute trailer.
3.) The Witness showcase by Blow.
4.) New Uncharted 4 teaser trailer, again all in-engine
5.) Media Molecule new project reveal and live demonstration
6.) Guerilla Games new IP reveal and teaser video, in-game engine
7.) Ultra Street Fighter 4 announcement
8.) Tekken 7 showcase
9.) LBP3 showcase
10.) GTAV live demo
11.) Destiny RAID demonstration
12.) More DriveClub weather videos
13.) No Mans Sky showcase
I'm guessing a few third party title surprises along the way.
So what time is this in EDT?
I'm quite pessimistic about gamescom. Prove me wrong, Sony.
Planetside 2 as PS4's MP shooter for this Holiday is my dream announcement
I'm with you on that one. It has to be almost out? Right?Planetside 2 as PS4's MP shooter for this Holiday is my dream announcement
Planetside 2 as PS4's MP shooter for this Holiday is my dream announcement
Yeah, what ever happened with that game.
First it was launch, then it was early 2014, then summer 2014, then late 2014, and now we haven't had any word on it in months.
What gives? I do not understand why this deal is taking so long?
I'll say the same thing I said to you before e3 when you made that unrealistic list.My bets for Tuesday are these.
- Ratchet and Clank Redux getting a gameplay trailer with a demo coming this fall and/or comes bundled with LBP 3 or something.
- More gameplay on The Order, LBP3, DriveClub and Bloodborn. Bloodborn will get a release date for sometime next year.
- Proper gameplay trailer for Uncharted 4. After that, we get another trailer but for an Uncharted Collection (developed by Bluepoint; they did say they were working on bring a Classic PS IP to PS4 I think) with an Uncharted 4 Beta being included with the Collection.
- MM's, GC's, GG's and Studio Japan's PS4 games all get shown off! MM will be a game that uses the PS Camera and Move Controllers to create 3D platforming levels using the engine from Tearaway, GC making either a new Killzone game or returning to a old PS1 IP (Midevil maybe
? They DID hint that at the end of PS All Stars), GG's finally showing off there RPG game, and Studio Japan closing the show with a massive, huge revivial/new JRPG IP
- PS4 getting a new SKU; PS4 + Vita bundle officially announced for NA and EU this fall for 450. It will include a 16GB Memory Card, a year of PS+, and a big Sony game (I guess.....either Infamous or Killzone).
- More indie games coming to PS4/PS3/Vita. Hopefully will include the more 3D games coming to Steam (please, can A Hat in Time come to PS4? Freedom Planet coming to Vita?)
- Until Dawn getting re-born as a sudo-action/horror game with gameplay similar to Resident Evil 4 or still a game that heavily uses PS Move (but at this point, I don't know about that :l. The game has been pushed back a two years already, so I must be the motion controls getting in the way of the games development or something...)
- Surprise 3rd party exclusive announced (seeing that the Street Fighter producer is making SOMETHING for PS4 that isn't Deep Down......maybe Capcom developing a PS Fighting game? That would be amazing!)
- More Collections announced; Ape Escape and Level-5 Collections coming to PS3 and Vita. Ape Escape will include all three original games Ape Escape 1 (Based on the PSP but with higher-res character models/worlds and restoring the original PS1 game's controls), Ape Escape 2 and Ape Escape 3 with full HD and 60FPS (Vita having native res with 30FPS with controls modeled after the PSP Ape Escape 1 but with camera mapped to right stick). Level-5 Collection will include Dark Cloud 1 and 2 + Rouge Legacy. Studio Japan and Level-5 working on both projects and coming some time next year. (With this being new Collections, they will be cross-buy with Vita!)
- Sony announcing 3rd party's developing even more HD Collections; Capcom bring Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, Activison bring the Spider-Man games (SM 2 and USM), more coming.
- PS3 gets new SKU; very small model with 1TB hard drive (that can easily be removed) and has a year of PS+ included but no disk drive. Will cost 150$ and coming sometime next year (to not over-lap with PS TV sales).
PS Vita:
- 64GB Memory Card coming in September for EU and NA! That alongside new prices for the memory cards; 4 and 8GB cards discontinued, 16GB costing 20 bucks, 32GB costing 40 bucks and 64GB 60 bucks.
- Mega Packs coming to NA; they will range from 30 dollars (including 8GB cards) to 50 dollars (including 16GB cards). They will be based of the ones that was released in EU.
- More HD Collections coming; Ico Collection coming earily next year, Ratchet Dreadlocked coming this fall (made by the Mass Media, also ported the Trilogy to Vita), Okami, DMC Collection, and Resident Evil games (RE4 and RE: CV) coming next year, Prince of Persia and/or Splinter Cell Collections coming next year, and Silent Hill Collection (developed by Armpature or Bluepoint; I don't think Konami will want to fuck that collection up AGAIN I think :l) coming next year.
- Gravity Rush 2 still coming to Vita but also coming to PS4 (Vita version still pushing the hardware though). Coming some time next year.
- Oshoka and Freedom Wars shown off in montage.
- PSN games on PS3 coming to Vita; the bigger ones (many of the ones that are really great, like Mega Man 9/10 and Sonic CD 2011)
- .....I guess more Mobile ports; third party have been making lots of console quality games on mobile but they never landed on Vita X(. Stuff like Deus Ex the Fall, Xcom Enimie Unknown, Bioshock 1 port, ect should be on Vita.
I think that is it. I know this isn't modest at all, but if any of these things can happen, that will be nice
I believe its 1PM EDT
Surprises are welcome. Destiny and Drive Club stuff will get briefly mentioned during the press conference but won't get the spotlight
I don't see why that distinction matters. What was the last big JRPG announced at TGS anyway? God Eater 2?
IIRC, Capcom has an unannounced PS4 title being produced by Ono. I am guessing Niitsuma and his Marvel team have to be doing something, so it might be that.
Or I could be wrong and it could be a Capcom all stars, which is also welcome.
Japan has been handheld dominant for quite a while, but thats changed - just look at PSV sales. Its mobile or 3DS now, and the 3DS will never compare to the DS or GBA.
Sony really HAS to somehow get Monster Hunter onto the PS4. It has to happen. Would be MASSIVE. They need Dragon Quest back on the console as well. They need the utmost support from the japanese dev. community on all fronts. I think this gen Sony has the highest hopes of getting the support they used to get on the PSX / PS2. The PS4 is easier to develop for, it is very popular and building a large userbase pretty quickly, etc. They will just have to plop down some dough to help with initial development costs and any losses during the initial building of the userbase over in that country. Even MH would likely lose money in Japan right now with only 600K people to sell to.
The game is already up and running on PS4 i remember them saying they are delaying it to perfect the UI and controller schemes but surely that shouldn't take this long unless Sony is delaying it on purpose.
I'll say the same thing I said to you before e3 when you made that unrealistic list.
What what WHAT!? That would be amazing. I also am hyped for the GAF outfit.Just found out that PS2 is 60 FPS 0_0
10:09 in the vid
Are you referring to the losses that would bring if Capcom did that? Monster Hunter isn't a huge seller on consoles. It did just over a million in Japan on something as prevalent as the Wii. The handheld entries have gone as high as 4.8 million.
I can see PS4 getting a port of Frontier or Online, and maybe one of the handheld games. I don't see an original entry being a realistic thing.