No..."avalanche of games" was thrown around quite a bit
By whom? As one of the people who has to keep track of the insiders, who did I miss and what did they get wrong?
No..."avalanche of games" was thrown around quite a bit
That exact phrase was used, I think, by m0dus.No..."avalanche of games" was thrown around quite a bit
By whom? As one of the people who has to keep track of the insiders, who did I miss and what did they get wrong?
Wow, the impotent fanboy rage is pretty strong with this one
To people decrying its looks: im curious. its a smooth black box, what did you expect, exactly? Rims? Honestly, how is it radically different from the 360 slim, PS2, or the like? Need more big chrome buttons?
They spent way too long on the non gaming features. But, to their credit, they stated outright that they were saving the big reveals and such for E3 (and they damn well need to be, because i promise you Sony has an avalanche planned).
The sad truth is, leading up to EVERY one of these reveals, people work themselves into a fervor expecting they are going to see some manner of earth shattering exclusive announcement. To date, I argue that as far as actual games go, I have yet to see anything of the sort (be it wiiu, ps4, and now xbox1). It seems fated that people invariably create some of the most unbelievable expectations for themselves.
In short, I'd save my curb kicking and magazine-rack-overturning for E3.
No..."avalanche of games" was thrown around quite a bit
That exact phrase was used, I think, by m0dus.
The stuff is still coming, obviously (way too many first parties working on unannounced projects), but I guess recent events have led Sony to play its cards close.
Could be internal issues (delays, shake-ups, and cancellations galore), the volatile nature of early previews (look at The Order and its string of underwhelming demos...), or maybe Sony just doesn't feel the need to do much given PS4's strong sales already.
I think this is the first Sony PC in a long time that I'm not getting hyped about. Any reason to be guys?
Well, other than Bloodborne but that's a given.
speaking about avalanche
who is thinking that we might see just cause 3 a this gamescom?
Did you even see my post
But seriously, no not a whole lot....cept media Molecule's and Sony Japan new games likely showing, unless Studio Japan's new title is Bloodborne
Forgot about Ratchet and Clank, that is definitely going to be there. They said they'd reveal more later on in the year!
Suggesting m0dus was an insiderish who "Sony Insiders before E3 SONY IS GOING TO ANNOUNCE EVERYTHING. "Is the suggestion that modus is an insider or that there weren't a lot of games announced at e3? I don't understand.
People arent saying that, just a discussion about how insiders have become real quiet after the bloodborne leakYeah I think people need a reality check if they think Sony didn't show anything a e3. Holy shit that is ridiculous
People arent saying that, just a discussion about how insiders have become real quiet after the bloodborne leak
Yeah I think people need a reality check if they think Sony didn't show anything a e3. Holy shit that is ridiculous
No Mans Sky
Littlebigplanet 3
GTA 5 next gen reveal
Grim Fandango
Uncharted 4
The Order
Farcry 4
That's off the top of my head. Bloodborne could easily be the most important product this new generation. No Mans Sky could easily be one of the most ambitious products from any studio, let alone an indie.
Sony had a damn good show in my opinion. Had plenty of things I did not expect at all.
For Gamescom I am going in really having no idea but there are many ways in which it could go. But I would count on it being a showcase for the biggest titles on the console during the holiday and into 2015.
Most of the classics are so old that they could basically become anything. It's exciting to think what Syphon Filter or MediEvil or Omega Boost could be in shiny HD.I'm hoping for new IPs and fewer sequels. I loved my PS classics like everyone, but the past is the past. It's time to explore new gaming concepts. Sony's first party became my favorite because of their innovation and willingness to fund quirky, offbeat stuff. I want more of that. PEACE.
Woah. He was wrong, not an asshole. If being that wrong makes you an asshole, I can see where you're coming from though. Nah, his only crime was being fatally wrong concerning the personal and professional developments of Driveclubs former Game Director. He shouldn't have even dipped his toes into that territory. But he did, and he got himself banned. Prior to that, he had the best track record out of anyone.Isn't that the guy who lied about some dude leaving and it turns out it was because his son was sick? What a piece of shit that mortimer guy is.
Y2Kev out for blood !!By whom? As one of the people who has to keep track of the insiders, who did I miss and what did they get wrong?
To be fair, out dear Shinobi confirmed that Guerilla Games had a teaser trailer ready and rearing to go. Dinosaurs, Redheads, Awesomeness. Media Molecule was show ready going by their tweets at the time. And Santa Monicas game got canned.That exact phrase was used, I think, by m0dus.
The stuff is still coming, obviously (way too many first parties working on unannounced projects), but I guess recent events have led Sony to play its cards close.
Could be internal issues (delays, shake-ups, and cancellations galore), the volatile nature of early previews (look at The Order and its string of underwhelming demos...), or maybe Sony just doesn't feel the need to do much given PS4's strong sales already.
But I agree with not being so excited about sequels to less dormant IP. Give Hot Shots and Killzone and Ratchet a rest, por favor.
To be fair, out dear Shinobi confirmed that Guerilla Games had a teaser trailer ready and rearing to go. Dinosaurs, Redheads, Awesomeness. Media Molecule was show ready going by their tweets at the time.
Sony's E3 conference was never going to feature those games though.
I think people hype themselves too much. They're like "THE LAST GUARDIAN OR THE SHOW IS A FLOP" in terms of expectations, which is crazy.
What makes it worse is when dumb fucking "insiders" make up bullshit rumours about TLG being shown or other false crap that gets people boarding a phantom hype train which is only destined to crash.
You know, your fogetting something......that outside of Entwined and Grim Fandago....nothing was shown off for the Vita![]()
A big announcement at TGS that will help PS4 sale. Sound like a third party title.
A big announcement at TGS that will help PS4 sale. Sound like a third party title.
And before E3, the big announcements of the localisation of the big 3 Japanese first-party games were already done.
Until Dawn"This is pre-release information, so I can't write anything about it. I don't think it'll make the fall, so we'll have to wait a little bit longer than that."
"But I've seen actual gameplay, and it is really just breathtaking. I saw less than 10 minutes of the game, but I really have to take my hat off to the studio for their amazing work. Oh by the way, this isn't about Final Fantasy XV; I wonder when that one is going to be released…"
"But anyway, I am totally going to buy this!"
A big announcement at TGS that will help PS4 sale. Sound like a third party title.
Some expectations are reducing to nothing new being shown? What's going on lol.
Here's a recap all of the pre-GC news.
Rime will show gameplay footage or be playable at the event.
Housemarque's new game might be there.
30 minute closed doors demo for an unannounced Japanese game and 45 minute demo for an unannounced IP.
Detail about the JP game
Until Dawn
Media Molecule's new IP is expected by almost everyone now. That could be the 45 demo? Maybe.
When do you guys think we'll hear about the game Ono is working on (it's not Deep Down)? I guess TGS makes sense. This is probably unannounced game that I'm interested in the most due to the high chance of it being a fighting or action game.
A big announcement at TGS that will help PS4 sale. Sound like a third party title.
I don't think anything coming out from Japanese these days would qualify as a system seller.
I don't think anything coming out from Japanese these days would qualify as a system seller.
Single player Dragon Quest XI would.I don't think anything coming out from Japanese these days would qualify as a system seller.
Are the Japanese games from SCEJ?
So nobody is going to buy a PS4 in Japan for FFXV or KH3?
I don't think anything coming out from Japanese these days would qualify as a system seller.
The gamescom announcement? Yeah, that's a Sony Japan game. Of course just because it's a Sony Japan game doesn't necessarily mean it's being developed by them. They deal heavily in outsourced work like Hot Shots, Bloodborne, Oreshika, and Soul Sacrifice.
Some expectations are reducing to nothing new being shown? What's going on lol.
Here's a recap all of the pre-GC news.
Rime will show gameplay footage or be playable at the event.
Housemarque's new game might be there.
30 minute closed doors demo for an unannounced Japanese game and 45 minute demo for an unannounced IP.
Detail about the JP game
Until Dawn
Media Molecule's new IP is expected by almost everyone now. That could be the 45 demo? Maybe.
When do you guys think we'll hear about the game Ono is working on (it's not Deep Down)? I guess TGS makes sense. This is probably unannounced game that I'm interested in the most due to the high chance of it being a fighting or action game.
So nobody is going to buy a PS4 in Japan for FFXV or KH3?
Lmao. ok.At this point I really don't know. If it was coming out on 3DS or Vita sure, but PS4? I'm leaning towards no. It'll sell some of course, but a real "system seller"? Nah don't think so.
At this point I really don't know. If it was coming out on 3DS or Vita sure, but PS4? I'm leaning towards no. It'll sell some of course, but a real "system seller"? Nah don't think so.
Sony Insiders before E3
Then E3 came and Sony had fuck all outside of Bloodborn which leaked anyway.
The insiders that are trustworthy have shut up. The rest are shitting up twitter and random sites on N4G.