I think Sony needs to Announce a new Ape Escape.
I like the way you think.
I think Sony needs to Announce a new Ape Escape.
Another potential reveal?
Another potential reveal?
Of course it is.Another potential reveal?
More likely Gravity Rush although a new Ape Escape or Siren game would go down very well with me!The press got invitations and in the invitation they're talking about an unannounced japanese PS4 game (from Sony) which will be there. Hopefully it won't be behind closed doors.
As per Housemarque likely present and thus Dead Nation 2, I would be interested in that. I have enjoyed what I've played of it for PS4 so far and would be interested in a native PS4 title, perhaps to allow 1080p60 and a lot more zombies not being tied to the old code.Another potential reveal?
dead nation 2!!!! they teased it a long time ago and pretty sure that is their next big game.
Gravity Rush seems more likely. It wasn't officially announced with a title and platform.
Also, preemptive fuck you to Yoshida for moving the game from Vita to PS4 (if the rumors are true).
Gravity Rush seems more likely. It wasn't officially announced with a title and platform.
Also, preemptive fuck you to Yoshida for moving the game from Vita to PS4 (if the rumors are true).
It's more wishful thinking than "rumors".
no way. im done with TLG.
A good game would have released by now. Only a bad game that is poorly managed with no real vision would take this long to develop.
Announce it if you like, prove me wrong would be awesome. But so done with TLG
It's a lot more than wishful thinking tbh.
So I wonder if Rockstar will appear at gamescom. Probably the exclusive stuff for gta v that the sony UK guy was talking about.
It's a lot more than wishful thinking tbh.
The press got invitations and in the invitation they're talking about an unannounced japanese PS4 game (from Sony) which will be there. Hopefully it won't be behind closed doors.
Another potential reveal?
I would love it if it was a cross-buy SSHD PS4 port. But I know I am in a minority here. They're probably announcing their next Resogun DLC pack.
What's the eastern time ?
Any pics of the invite itself?
Sorry for the bump, following this announcement, I spoke to a friend who works there (as a game design intern)n he sadly didn't want to give me any info on the project and he said we should get a first look at the game during Sony press conference.
The trailer pretty much seemed in line with the original game. There certainly wasn't anything in it to make you think "Hey, that's a PS4 game!"
Her model looks more or less the same as it did in the original. I think the best anyone that wants it on a console could hope for is that they'll make a PS4 version to go along with it since I doubt that they'll turn it into a PS4 exclusive.
Sorry for the bump, following this announcement, I spoke to a friend who works there (as a game design intern)n he sadly didn't want to give me any info on the project and he said we should get a first look at the game during Sony press conference.
Come on man.
Oh yes that would be cool as well.
I say we will see something of The Last Guardian at Gamescom.
After the storm of its potential cancellation before E3 and getting official response from Shuhei Yoshida and others I say they will show something like a teaser just to prove it is still alive.
TLG is too big to be re-revealed at Gamescom tbh. That's an E3 kind of thang.
I wonder if Quantic Dream will show anything? They've been quiet for a while.
So new Guerrilla IP
New Media Molecule IP
Ratchet & Clank Redux
Hungry Hoard
Shadow of the Beast
New House Marque game
New WIpEout
And three PS3 remasters announced
I think it's way too early to expect a new GG IP outside of a short teaser.
What's this?Confirmed:
New Sony Japan title
moving gravity rush to ps4 seems like too smart a move from sceja
but then again it's not a monster hunting game so maybe they don't really care
What's this?
Smart Move?
What are you talking about?
PS4 is bombing and moving GR to PS4 would piss the owners of Vita that is the best selling Sony console in Japan.
A PS4 exclusive spinoff or a PS4/Vita GR2 maybe(and i repeat maybe) would be acceptable, but moving completely GR to PS4 is not acceptable at all.
What's this?
The press got invitations and in the invitation they're talking about an unannounced japanese PS4 game (from Sony) which will be there. Hopefully it won't be behind closed doors.
ps4 is in dire need of Jpn gamesSmart Move?
What are you talking about?
PS4 is bombing and moving GR to PS4 would piss the owners of Vita that is the best selling Sony console in Japan.
A PS4 exclusive spinoff or a PS4/Vita GR2 maybe(and i repeat maybe) would be acceptable, but moving completely GR to PS4 is not acceptable at all.
That's all we know for now.
ps4 is in dire need of Jpn games
and GR2 is one
interesting they are announcing it at gamescom
no way they will steal driceclub's puny thunder with GT7...
PS4 lacks all the Japanese games, i don't see why GR should be the one passing to PS4 when there are many Japanese brands that keep staying on the PS3(Persona 5, Tales of, Atelier just to name some), first party dead franchises(Ape escape for example) or MIA projects(The Last Guardian)ps4 is in dire need of Jpn games
and GR2 is one
Smart Move?
What are you talking about?
PS4 is bombing and moving GR to PS4 would piss the owners of Vita that is the best selling Sony console in Japan.
A PS4 exclusive spinoff or a PS4/Vita GR2 maybe(and i repeat maybe) would be acceptable, but moving completely GR to PS4 is not acceptable at all.
Gravity Rush only sold 75k in Japan, so it honestly isn't a big deal. It's a great franchise the really deserves a chance on the big console to hopefully thrive, not just in Japan, but in the West.