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Sony successfully patents Death Stranding style environment changes


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

The patent, submitted by Sony Interactive Entertainment in 2019, was granted yesterday (December 7). It credits Hideo Kojima as the inventor, and a summary of the patent describes the invention as a “terrain radar and gradual building of a route in a virtual environment of a video game”.

Going into more detail, the summary describes it as “a method for influencing a gaming world of a video game” and plots out a way for online players to affect the terrain of single-player worlds, which are delivered to localised (single-player) versions of the game through a “cloud gaming system”.

“The method [includes] determining that a first path has been traversed one or more times by one or more characters,” and explains that it then changes “the first path based on a number of times the first path has been traversed by the one or more characters.”

These “characters” seem to refer to other online players, as the filing describes “cross-pollinating the first path” after it has been “improved across the plurality of virtual environments”.

Further down, the patent describes pathways that physically widen based on how many players have walked along it – an existing feature in Death Stranding.

In total, this all sounds very similar – if not identical – to how players can affect the environment of others in Death Stranding. In Kojima’s last game, players could build bridges, tread paths and leave other useful supplies to help others who followed after, despite being in separate single-player worlds.
Animated GIF
So sony trying to wall up features/ideas which other developers may use to better their game
if other devs had a patent for every new game feature or mechanic then the industry would be very stale...this is where its heading


just imagine these lawsuits patents decades ago,everyone would patent first person third person, there is so many games that could patent games like mount blade ,etc but tthey do not becuase its horse crap


Sony might as well pick up Namco's mini game loading time patent that expired while they are at it...........oh

This could just be a loophole Sony is using to cover themselves. There is likely another (if not multiple) patents that describe a similar thing but this will be "Sony's version"


This sucks

The only upside being that this likely means Sony may have more Strand games in their future

Fare thee well

Really, how will it be good for anyone to be afraid of lawsuits with every idea they come up with for future games?

Is this really the best legal system we can come up with?
And i thought buying VR excusivity was already a shitty move by Sony. But this tops it easily. Imagine Ubisoft or Rocksteady or would have a patent for their games. Sony would be screwed.


Gold Member
Yeah you can't really blame Sony covering their base when software idea patent is a thing. The change must come from the patent system itself not allowing these things to be patented.
This is unfortunately sad but true. Especially in the sue happy culture we live in.
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software patents generally are bad but there are patents that companies register so nobody else do and patent troll everyone, is possible they wont go after another software using it so this is not necessarily bad news until there is a case where they go after a developer
Exactly, people always jump to conclusions without thinking.

Patent it first and keep it open source so someone else wouldn't come in and patent it and lock it behind a pay wall.
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Oh wtf Sony. Software patents need to go away. The money is already made. As if they didnt use game comcepts others invented originally...

The problem with patents is other can patent something you did before. Don't think they will sue other companies using this.


Yeah you can't really blame Sony covering their base when software idea patent is a thing. The change must come from the patent system itself not allowing these things to be patented.

And to add a bit more most software patents created by these big companies are not even used to block somebody else to use the same or similar tech. It is really about being covered if you go to court for whatever reason... the judge trends to be a bit biased to person/smaller company when fighting with big companies so the big companies needs to think ahead.

When I worked in IBM (they where of the company with most software patent per year) we have to follow guidelines with patents when we developed code for new ideias (there is a read there only to analisis your case to see if it was needed patent or not).
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So can Hideo do this again if he makes an Xbox game?

Companies are just keeping this majestic bird in a cage.
If the patent owner is open to allow other publishers to use it (very likely it's the case, there are tons of patents like this one but I don't remember publishers suing each other for copying ideas), they would be able to use it.

Pretty likely they would allow anyone to use it and simply patented this to protect themselves against patent trolls who could patent it and sue Sony for Death Stranding and its upcoming sequel.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Hey guys I just submitted a patent on a game mode where two teams battles over getting the opponents flag back to their own base while defending their own.

That is just as stupid as this shit.


I really hate that being able to Patent is even a thing for games. What sucks though is I wonder how much of it is they wanted to own it or how much they just didn’t want someone else to take out a patent and screw them.


If the patent owner is open to allow other publishers to use it (very likely it's the case, there are tons of patents like this one but I don't remember publishers suing each other for copying ideas), they would be able to use it.

Pretty likely they would allow anyone to use it and simply patented this to protect themselves against patent trolls who could patent it and sue Sony for Death Stranding and its upcoming sequel.
Looks like I was already beat to the punch. This is exactly what I think is going on, wasn’t there recently a patent taken out by another company on something pretty standard?


they have to patent this because kojima ate all the money during the production. Now they can make some money out of patent. /s

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
If the patent owner is open to allow other publishers to use it (very likely it's the case, there are tons of patents like this one but I don't remember publishers suing each other for copying ideas), they would be able to use it.

Pretty likely they would allow anyone to use it and simply patented this to protect themselves against patent trolls who could patent it and sue Sony for Death Stranding and its upcoming sequel.
Or maybe fix the broken patent system?


What the hell is wrong with humanity. We'll never stroll through the fields of grain on Mars or work extra hours mining copper in the asteroid belt as long as jerks are in power. What's next? They going to patent low gravity weighted toilet paper? Too bad. I already did that. Fkers.
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