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Sony wants to know - PlayStation(R) 2 DVD Survey

From the Playstation underground. Think they're doing a little Blu-Ray / UMD movie fishing?

Please complete the following survey, then click SUBMIT.

1.*When you purchased your PlayStation 2, how important was it to you that the PlayStation 2 had DVD capability?

Very important
Nice to have
Didn't care

2.*How important is it to you today that the PlayStation 2 has DVD capability?

Very important
Nice to have
Don't care

3.*Have you ever used your PlayStation 2 to play DVD movies?


4.*How long after you bought your PlayStation 2 did you play your first DVD?

1-3 months
4+ months

5.*How often do you play DVDs on your PlayStation 2?


6.*Was your PlayStation 2 the first DVD player you had in your house?


7.*Is your PlayStation 2 the:

Primary DVD player
One of many


sonycowboy said:
I nomitate this for the retarded ass post of the day.

Why? There is the possibility of an actual PSTwo coming out and not including the dvd movie playback. Doesn't Microsoft sell the DVD remote and dongle seperately because of the royalty that they have to pay to the DVD consortium? So when the PS3 comes out, why should the then possible PSTwo play back movies?
Spike said:
Why? There is the possibility of an actual PSTwo coming out and not including the dvd movie playback. Doesn't Microsoft sell the DVD remote and dongle seperately because of the royalty that they have to pay for the DVD consortium? So when the PS3 comes out, why should the then possible PSTwo play back movies?

Newsflash. The revision already came out. DVD playback costs them almost nothing at this point as they're one of the consortium.


sonycowboy said:
Newsflash. The revision already came out. DVD playback costs them almost nothing at this point as they're one of the consortium.

True, but this revision is not the PSTwo. They said it themselves.

Besides the point though, as I was being sarcastic in my initial post.


neptunes said:
Looks like potential "Blue-Ray" research to me.

Absolutely, and I hope that enough people realize this and answer their poll accordingly. I want my PS3 to offer movie playback. :D


neptunes said:
Looks like potential "Blue-Ray" research to me.
Yep... they'll likely use these numbers to boost confidence in PSP/UMD movies and PS3/BD movies. It's likely PR fodder.
jarrod said:
Yep... they'll likely use these numbers to boost confidence in PSP/UMD movies and PS3/BD movies. It's likely PR fodder.

Not likely. PR would require use of an outside agency to be part of any research as their are legal requirements for what you can claim with respect to surveys. That's why you've got all of those "independant surveys" being done.

I'm sure it's for internal use.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Your opinion is very important to us, so please take a minute to
respond. The PlayStation Underground values feedback from our
members, and the opinion you express today could have a direct
impact on future PlayStation(R) offerings.
PS3 feedback here ;)


sonycowboy said:
Not likely. PR would require use of an outside agency to be part of any research as their are legal requirements for what you can claim with respect to surveys. That's why you've got all of those "independant surveys" being done.

I'm sure it's for internal use.
Well, not PR per say, but no doubt Kaz will be regurgitating these figures at next year's E3. ;)


Here's a picture of the NA packaging.



Miburou said:
Here's a picture of the NA packaging.


If a mod chip hits for that, I may get it. I just will use my old model when an online game hits that needs the HDD.

Also, I am wondering how pissed Squeenix is at this new model.
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