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South Korean Paper Reports China Has Deployed 150,000 Troops To North Korea Border

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I haven't seen any reporting on this from the AP or any of the US based news sources but figured it warranted a discussion. According to the South Korean news organization Chosun, China has moved 150k troops to its border with North Korea to prepare for "unforeseen circumstances". Not sure how credible Chosun is but it's not a stretch to imagine given the current climate in South Asia right now.

Seems like China thinks Donald Trump is planning a pre-emptive strike on North Korea. Why else relocate a Carrier group unless you wanted the option available at a moments notice?

Source in English and Korean.


Junior Member
I haven't seen any reporting on this from the AP or any of the US based news sources but figured it warranted a discussion. According to the South Korean news organization Chosun, China has moved 150k troops to its border with North Korea to prepare for "unforeseen circumstances". Not sure how credible Chosun is but it's not a stretch to imagine given the current climate in South Asia right now.

Seems like China thinks Donald Trump is planning a pre-emptive strike on North Korea. Why else relocate a Carrier group unless you wanted the option available at a moments notice?

Source in English and Korean.

Because they put a carrier group there pretty often? I certainly hope they aren't planning any craziness in NK.
China's only real interest here is probably just detaining or murdering any North Koreans who fled their way after a US strike.

The main reason China props up the regime is because they don't want the refugees and as long as they keep getting the minerals they don't really give a shit who's in charge


What if China decides to "liberate" the NK people from Kim and invade. Would NK hesitate to fire on China?

Would the rest of the world be fine with a China-controlled NK if it meant they weren't threatening nuclear war every other week?


Junior Member
I said it before: China should just go in and take over. Especially now before Kim gets nukes and threatens them as well.

That's an easy thing to say, but if Kim launches a nuke at Beijing they'll being saying ivemadeahugemistake.gif

He already has nukes. It's not a before he gets nukes situation.


Corporate Apologist
I'm a bit skeptical, haven't South Korean News firms been known to lie about this kind of stuff? I will legit wait for additional sources.


I don't trust that English source.

The Korean one looks legitimate though.

Nasdaq (their site) reported it too, so I'm going to say it's looking legitimate.

IMO, it'd be best to orchestrate a silent coup where you don't realize China's taken over the role of dictator for a decade or so, but world Governments do and silently filter it throughout society


I said it before: China should just go in and take over. Especially now before Kim gets nukes and threatens them as well.
I don't think China wants to take them over, because NK is going to be a huge economic burden, at least for years until it gets developed. China probably prefers having a buffer zone that they don't really have to invest too much in.


China's only real interest here is probably just detaining or murdering any North Koreans who fled their way after a US strike.

The main reason China props up the regime is because they don't want the refugees and as long as they keep getting the minerals they don't really give a shit who's in charge

They might as well go set up a puppet government. The South Koreans aren't interested in ruling a wasteland.


What if China decides to "liberate" the NK people from Kim and invade. Would NK hesitate to fire on China?

Would the rest of the world be fine with a China-controlled NK if it meant they weren't threatening nuclear war every other week?

NK under Chinese rule would certainly be a step up for the citizens of NK. At least they have some freedoms in China and much more food and products.

Don't know if SK would like it though, and you could kiss all hopes of any future Korean reunification goodbye. Expect a lot of "Korea has always been part of China!" coming from Chinese internet trolls.


I'm gonna need some of that 2 million SPF sunblock soon aren't I?

Why? You only Russia matches the US unconventionally aka Nuclear weapons use. China does not want to get nuked for NK. This is a drill and posturing. Plus maybe they are expecting mass migrations of North Koreans or the US finally moving for regime change and China wants firm border control or stability.
Because NK tested another missile recently.
Its the standard show of force.

True, and China's leader was in the US over the weekend. If China is preparing for something and we've moved assets back into the area I think taken together you could surmise that this situation is a little different than your usual posturing and saber rattling.


NK under Chinese rule would certainly be a step up for the citizens of NK. At least they have some freedoms in China and much more food and products.

Don't know if SK would like it though, and you could kiss all hopes of any future Korean reunification goodbye. Expect a lot of "Korea has always been part of China!" coming from Chinese internet trolls.

I'm quite sure the South Koreans would be ecstatic to no longer have to worry about 1) rebuilding the north and 2) a madman with nukes.

If the US strikes (please no), China probably isn't going to come to Kim's aid, but will certainly try and fill the power vacuum.


Junior Member
Nasdaq (their site) reported it too, so I'm going to say it's looking legitimate.

IMO, it'd be best to orchestrate a silent coup where you don't realize China's taken over the role of dictator for a decade or so, but world Governments do and silently filter it throughout society

The brother is dead. Who do you put in instead? I suppose a military coup backed by china could work.
China probably doesn't want an unrestrained and unpredictable nuclear capable North Korea right at their doorstep as much as South Korea and the US. My guess is that at one point their stance towards NK changed as they see them increasingly unpredictable.
China probably wants to deal with the issue on their terms than let the US get more influence in the area.
I said it before: China should just go in and take over. Especially now before Kim gets nukes and threatens them as well.

I think they will. I think that's part of why Kim may have had his brother killed (Allegedly I guess). I think China won't risk the economic and other issues that it would cause by allowing NK to actually get to that point. China will roll in and install a puppet. I just hope when that happens things improve for the people.
could be option c. they know the u.s is going to attack and are not going to let any refugees into china and use force to keep them out.

Yup. Chinas leader was with Trump when he fired into Syria. If they talked something out, then I can foresee Trump glassing NK, and China there to stop refugees and then pick up the pieces after they confirm that NK has lost nuclear launch capabilities.


If they are going to intervene it would be nice to have a China-USA joint operation, it would send a pretty strong message (and probably would be safer too).


He apparently has another brother.

hey its me ur brother

Yup. Chinas leader was with Trump when he fired into Syria. If they talked something out, then I can foresee Trump glassing NK, and China there to stop refugees and then pick up the pieces after they confirm that NK has lost nuclear launch capabilities.

They would do their best to reck Soeul. We'd probably see evacuations before an attack I'd fucking hope.


The US attacking NK would mean Seoul getting shelled by artillery, so that's not going to happen.

Considering how the relationship between China and NK has been getting worse I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones to launch a takeover.
hey its me ur brother

They would do their best to reck Soeul. We'd probably see evacuations before an attack I'd fucking hope.

Right, SK..slipped my mind. Hopefully theyd be able to evacuate.

IMO the NK regime is just an ugly wart on this planet that needs to be popped sooner or later. Kims regime is just bad for everyone.


Yup. Chinas leader was with Trump when he fired into Syria. If they talked something out, then I can foresee Trump glassing NK, and China there to stop refugees and then pick up the pieces after they confirm that NK has lost nuclear launch capabilities.

Trump's not going to attack NK because of Seoul, Taiwan and Japan. Particularly Seoul, since it's right on the border. If I had to wager, this is going to be on China taking him out.
Trump's not going to attack NK because of Seoul, Taiwan and Japan. Particularly Seoul, since it's right on the border. If I had to wager, this is going to be on China taking him out.

In normal circumstances I think you're right but Trump is anything but normal. I wouldn't put anything past him.
The US attacking NK would mean Seoul getting shelled by artillery. That's not going to happen.

Considering how the relationship between China and NK has been getting worse I wouldn't be surprised if they'd launch a takeover.

How long would that shelling continue if US Airforce operated with complete blessing of China in the region ?


Junior Member
If they are going to intervene it would be nice to have a China-USA joint operation, it would send a pretty strong message (and probably would be safer too).

If they actually have a realistic plan to wipe out nuclear strike capability as well as artillery, maybe.

Problem is if NK is even able to get one nuke off all hell breaks lose.


Trump's not going to attack NK because of Seoul, Taiwan and Japan. Particularly Seoul, since it's right on the border. If I had to wager, this is going to be on China taking him out.

They'd still go for SK and the rest though. It's the Samson option for them.

Right, SK..slipped my mind. Hopefully theyd be able to evacuate.

IMO the NK regime is just an ugly wart on this planet that needs to be popped sooner or later. Kims regime is just bad for everyone.

I read earlier on the Economist that they'd predict 150k deaths in the first hour and it'll fall from then, but holy shit at that casualty count (assuming no evacuation of course) so yes Trump wouldn't suprise attack them.

Kim needs to be dealt with. It's simply unacceptable to let them have ICBMs.
The US attacking NK would mean Seoul getting shelled by artillery, so that's not going to happen.

Considering how the relationship between China and NK has been getting worse I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones to launch a takeover.

The implication here being that Trump actually gives a shit what happens to Seoul?

I'll be heartbroken if/when this happens, because Seoul is my second favorite city on the planet (behind NYC). But I fully expect Trump to say "fuck Seoul."


If they actually have a realistic plan to wipe out nuclear strike capability as well as artillery, maybe.

Problem is if NK is even able to get one nuke off all hell breaks lose.

The assassination from two months ago also suggests they have a stockpile of VX. Things can very easily go very ugly very fast.
The US attacking NK would mean Seoul getting shelled by artillery. That's not going to happen.

Pretty much,
until NK gets to the point of nothing to lose and initiates a massive attack(bigger than sinking SK ships) nothing will happen to endanger SK.

*unless some 100% effective sci-fi like shield is established in SK.


Junior Member
They'd still go for SK and the rest though. It's the Samson option for them.

I read earlier on the Economist that they'd predict 150k deaths in the first hour and it'll fall from then, but holy shit at that casualty count (assuming no evacuation of course) so yes Trump wouldn't suprise attack them.

A complete surprise carpet bombing of their artillery line pointed at Seoul might work, but you better be damn sure to take out all their nuke sites as well.
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