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South Korean Paper Reports China Has Deployed 150,000 Troops To North Korea Border

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Junior Member
Hmmm.. how about the fact that any territory China has ever historically held, they tend to consider it a part of China now and forever even if it falls under others' control?

Tibet and Manchuria used to be their own countries... but once they became a part of China they were never thought of as anything but by the Chinese.

Oh, they pretty much already think the entire Korean peninsula is theirs for said reasons.


Yep, if they could release the details on said plan by 2020 he'd probably easily win reelection, if he even wants it.

We usually find out what Trump's plan of attack was when after he finishes doing something. But since he won't tell people what he's doing/thinking, we're getting mixed signals on everything.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Oh, they pretty much already think the entire Korean peninsula is theirs for said reasons.

Really? Do they think they have a right to traditional Chinese tributaries or something? Do they think Japan and Malaysia belong to them too?


Bankrupting his own companies has nothing to do with knowing how the stock market works. Trump didn't get rich via stocks. He's a real estate scammer and a marketing guy who's good at pushing a brand. As an actual company owner trying to navigate the economic landscape, though, he's totally clueless.

Trump doesn't think he exists in the global economy; it's why he's such an isolationist in the first place. Will the factories in China remain open for Ivanka's clothing to be made? Will the Russian steel mills remain open for the building of hotels? That's what he's worried about, and that's why I said that he needs someone like Kushner to explain to him how the ripple effect works in the global economy.

He knows how to play the market. That's the point. He knows how it works. He divested himself of companies left and right before becoming president like Apple and Nike who rely massively on Asian markets . It doesn't take a genius to figure out the basics of what happens when war breaks out and the market tanks. We don't know much about his finances because he kept it hidden in a lot of ways but we know he had some idea of what he was doing.
What if China decides to "liberate" the NK people from Kim and invade. Would NK hesitate to fire on China?

Would the rest of the world be fine with a China-controlled NK if it meant they weren't threatening nuclear war every other week?

I mean if NK fired on China, you'd essentially have a world war where everyone basically teamed up against Korea, except maybe Russia. I mean as far as world wars go, where there is no such thing as a good world war, this is probably the best case scenario, and one of few where the US and China would be on the same side.

Of course NK is not going to fire on what is essentially their one and only supporter though.
If the US attacks NK, won't thousands of refugees stream into China?

That's my guess as to why they might move troops to the border, in case something goes down.
He knows how to play the market. That's the point. He knows how it works. He divested himself of companies left and right before becoming president like Apple and Nike who rely massively on Asian markets . It doesn't take a genius to figure out the basics of what happens when the market tanks. We don't know much about his finances because he kept it hidden in a lot of ways but we know he had some idea of what he was doing.

He didn't divest shit. There's literally nothing blind about his "blind trust" and he's still reaping benefits from his businesses. The only reason why he did anything at all (which really wasn't much) was because of public pressure, not because he understands how the market works.
If the US attacks NK, won't thousands of refugees stream into China?

That's my guess as to why they might move troops to the border, in case something goes down.

That and I imagine if the US/SK/Western forces invade NK, China would invade as well to get themselves a buffer zone.


He didn't divest shit. There's literally nothing blind about his "blind trust" and he's still reaping benefits from his businesses. The only reason why he did anything at all (which really wasn't much) was because of public pressure, not because he understands how the market works.

Oh my god, that's not the point. Regardless of why he got rid of them or what he is doing behind the scenes now, he is playing the game he has always played. He has knowledge about world markets and that's it I'm done explaining or defending Trump's market savvy.


Don't know if it's a quality source, but one of the UK news orgs is reporting the U.S. has informed Australia it's prepared to shoot down any more North Korean missile launches. The facility that monitors such launches is in Australia.


You guys are nuts if you think China would go to war for North Korea.
Pretty much. Just like the US would be nuts to attack NK.
All around bad choices.

Not sure why NK icbms are such a big deal anyway. Multiple countries already have icbms capable of reaching US mainland and the US doesn't threaten to attack them


So far NASDAQ and a Taiwanese paper are the only other sources I can find along with a sketchy UK paper. No idea.

Guy reading through Chosun says this a report based on citing a Japanese paper as a source. SO no clue


Pretty much. Just like the US would be nuts to attack NK.
All around bad choices.

Not sure why NK icbms are such a big deal anyway. Multiple countries already have icbms capable of reaching US mainland and the US doesn't threaten to attack them

No other country is so hostile outright to the US. While militarily, capability is what is considered and planned for, politically hostile rhetoric is worrying and needs a strong response (in minds of politicians anyway).

Of course, the US needs to show certain strength to their (Pacific) allies. Being tough on the NK is effective in a way.

If the NK leadership wasn't so unstable, things might be different but as it is...


Pretty much. Just like the US would be nuts to attack NK.
All around bad choices.

Not sure why NK icbms are such a big deal anyway. Multiple countries already have icbms capable of reaching US mainland and the US doesn't threaten to attack them

It is a bit different with N. Korea though. The other countries are super powers. N. Korea doesn't have much to lose.
Pretty much. Just like the US would be nuts to attack NK.
All around bad choices.

Not sure why NK icbms are such a big deal anyway. Multiple countries already have icbms capable of reaching US mainland and the US doesn't threaten to attack them

The problem is that both NK and the US are fucking nuts at this point and would probably do it.
Pretty much. Just like the US would be nuts to attack NK.
All around bad choices.

Not sure why NK icbms are such a big deal anyway. Multiple countries already have icbms capable of reaching US mainland and the US doesn't threaten to attack them

All those other nuclear powers are rational actors that understand what MAD is. North Korea is an irrational actor. They are led by an in bred lunatic that has threatened to nuke the US, South Korea and Japan. He has nuclear weapons and is constantly testing new long range delivery systems to extend their reach of the their weapons. That's nit even accounting for the fear that if he ever miniaturized them, he could sell small yield suitcase nukes to all the lunatics in the Middle eat via the Black Market. It's the same reason Iran getting nukes is feared as well.
Oh my god, that's not the point. Regardless of why he got rid of them or what he is doing behind the scenes now, he is playing the game he has always played. He has knowledge about world markets and that's it I'm done explaining or defending Trump's market savvy.

He doesn't have knowledge of world markets! If he did, he wouldn't be anti-free trade! Everything is just Trump, Trump, Trump, regardless of what happens to the US economy or any other economy worldwide. I'd be surprised if he even knows what the term "global economy" means. The "game" that he's always played has been Trump-centric for immediate gratification and nothing more. The "game" is "does this affect me in a direct way, yes or no?" It has NEVER been "will this affect me at some point down the line, or will this action cause a chain reaction that will thereby negatively affect me?"

Trust me. I grew up in Trump's back yard. I went to college 15 minutes outside of Atlantic City. This motherfucker has been in my local immediate focus for literally my entire life. He has no concept of a long-term agenda. He doesn't know what planning is; he doesn't care to know how things are connected or what the nuances are between actions and reactions.

He'll look at the shelling of Seoul the same way that he looks at everything else. "Will my business be in the direct line of fire of NK artillery? No? Okay, let's do it." And it'll take an outside voice like Jared Kushner to come in and be like HOLD UP A MINUTE, POP and explain to him how SK's economy is tied to China's which is tied to his (and his daughter's) businesses.

That's been my point the entire time. We are literally hedging our bets on someone like Kushner to come in and say WAIT DON'T.


just posturing guys!

seriously xi was with trump a short time ago, they agreed upon something im sure
Any South Korea news about anything North Korea related is not reliable.

Plus, there is only 1 fucking carrier over there. The war build up has not remotely begun.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Hmmm.. how about the fact that any territory China has ever historically held, they tend to consider it a part of China now and forever even if it falls under others' control?

Tibet and Manchuria used to be their own countries... but once they became a part of China they were never thought of as anything but by the Chinese. Might be a dynastic trait not applicable to modern times but still.... imagine China never letting Korean territory go, ever.

That is a real problem with China. Tibet is the most prominent example of course but it's a big thing with them. It's also where their nine-dotted line mentality comes from.
I think it could be a best case scenario if China took over North Korea. Honestly, North Korea just needs to go. It's an awful country rulled by actually insane people. North Korea / South Korea reuinifcation would destroy South Korea's economy, but families split apart would still be able to rejoin after a China rule.

The only issue (well certainly not ONLY) is the current weird tension between China and South Korea. That might have interesting reprocusions on a China / NK takeover.
What if China decides to "liberate" the NK people from Kim and invade. Would NK hesitate to fire on China?

Would the rest of the world be fine with a China-controlled NK if it meant they weren't threatening nuclear war every other week?

All China gets out of that is millions of refugees and some mines.

Rest of the world should be ecstatic if that happened besides sk and japan.

Also that would be a true liberation not a quotes bs one.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Pretty much. Just like the US would be nuts to attack NK.
All around bad choices.

Not sure why NK icbms are such a big deal anyway. Multiple countries already have icbms capable of reaching US mainland and the US doesn't threaten to attack them

The thing is if North Korea CAN hit the US, then there's no one backing up South Korea when North Korea invades. Which they certainly seem to want to do.


You guys reckon it won't be long before we witness a nuke attack ?
I mean somethings going to happen with NK eventually right ? They're a ticking time bomb and eventually, if done nothing, they'll strike. I hope it doesn't get to that but everything points to that possibility.
They are led by an in bred lunatic that has threatened to nuke the US, South Korea and Japan. He has nuclear weapons .

Wait they've confirmed that North Korea has weapons grade plutonium????

Do they have the facilities to create weapons grade plutonium or did they buy it?

Edit: just looked it up what a mess. Why on earth did we allow them to get to this point where they even have nukes.

This is a total foreign policy failure, it's just kicking the can down the street for the next asshole to deal with.

Shouldn't of let them make infrastructure that allows for nukes


North Korea has a standing army of like 10 million or something ridiculous.

The US and China can establish air superiority in hours and flatten their armored divisions. I think the bigger problem is how to deal with 10 million fanatics - are you going to kill every one? The people are brainwashed from birth.
The US and China can establish air superiority in hours and flatten their armored divisions. I think the bigger problem is how to deal with 10 million fanatics - are you going to kill every one? The people are brainwashed from birth.

I don't know anything about NK but I doubt many in that country are true believers.


I don't know anything about NK but I doubt many in that country are true believers.

There's a fantastic CNN(?) documentary where they interview people who fled who blame the administration for the terrible conditions but still can't/won't criticize Kim. They might not die for him, but the reconstruction is going to suck


The US and China can establish air superiority in hours and flatten their armored divisions. I think the bigger problem is how to deal with 10 million fanatics - are you going to kill every one? The people are brainwashed from birth.

Let their god emperor live under heavy supervision like postwar Japan. But definitely don't turn it into another Saddam/Iraq
Mmmmm...two minds about this whole "China invades, US supports" prediction.

On one hand, the rapidly slowing growth of China and inevitable financial crisis around the housing/construction bubble means that the CCP is rapidly losing its political legitimacy. To counteract this, Xi can run a campaign of "tighten your belts" if they choose to invade the DPRK. They could disable other factions and keep down political dissent, whilst installing a new government in Pyongyang.

However, does China really want to be the one to engage in decades of guerrilla warfare with troops and command that are insufficiently battle-hardened? It would be their Iraq, times one hundred. Even with the US & ROK guaranteeing air and sea superiority, they can do nothing to fully disable the domestic paramilitaries and special forces stationed all around the peninsula and mainland China. Secondly, this would spit in the face of China's image of soft projection. It could aggravate the situation in the South China Sea further, and cause huge dissent inside of Hong Kong. Taiwan could fall into political turmoil as well, perhaps electing a populist hawk that butts heads with China, slowing down trade and travel agreements.

Ultimately, this looks to be a "now listen here, Kim" move from Xi.


There's a fantastic CNN(?) documentary where they interview people who fled who blame the administration for the terrible conditions but still can't/won't criticize Kim. They might not die for him, but the reconstruction is going to suck

Kim Il-Sung was (and is) held in genuine reverence by the vast, vast majority of the North Korean populace. Less so Kim Jeong-Il, and even less so Kim Jeong-Eun.


Kim Il-Sung was (and is) held in genuine reverence by the vast, vast majority of the North Korean populace. Less so Kim Jeong-Il, and even less so Kim Jeong-Eun.

I'm hoping they saved their reverence for Kim the elder, then, I can't remember who they were kneejerk defending.
Kim Il-Sung was (and is) held in genuine reverence by the vast, vast majority of the North Korean populace. Less so Kim Jeong-Il, and even less so Kim Jeong-Eun.

Un is revered by the younger and civilian population, but hated by the military elders due to his age.

Il was blamed for the Arduous March, despite it largely being due to the default on Soviet loans set up by his father.
I don't know anything about NK but I doubt many in that country are true believers.

This. However large their military is, they're poorly trained, poorly equipped, poorly maintained. But I imagine the biggest question is whether they're actually loyal to the Kim regime or just in fear of it. If war were to break out in North Korea I would imagine a not-insignificant number of North Korean soldiers laying down their arms/defecting.

EVOL 100%

China deployed military troops to the NK border several times before.

Also the US isn't going to start shit with just one carrier. They deployed 6 for the Iraq war, for one

As it is, this is sabre rattling. I'd be more worried if Chinese and American civilians in Korea were returning to their respective countries en mass
All those other nuclear powers are rational actors that understand what MAD is. North Korea is an irrational actor. They are led by an in bred lunatic that has threatened to nuke the US, South Korea and Japan. He has nuclear weapons and is constantly testing new long range delivery systems to extend their reach of the their weapons. That's nit even accounting for the fear that if he ever miniaturized them, he could sell small yield suitcase nukes to all the lunatics in the Middle eat via the Black Market. It's the same reason Iran getting nukes is feared as well.

Inbred? What?

NK has attempted to scrap their nuclear weapon programme twice under mutual agreement with the US. It's the US that then tears up these agreements after an election and continues huge, multi-million dollar exercises with South Korea simulating attacking NK outposts. If anything, it's the US' complete instability and inconsistency between the two parties that prevents any sort of lasting peace or normalisation of relations.

Case in point: the agreement with Iran.


South Korea needs to align itself with China if it wants the North Korea problem to go away peacefully.
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