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Southpaw Region Wrestling

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despite having no wrestling yet, this is the best thing wwe has produced since they changed to being PG. it's a bunch of wrestlers in a fake promotion set in the past on lost VHS tapes, john cena gets to be ron burgindy, 'big bart' (Rusev) gets the farm he lives on with his...cousin...lover with sold to an eccentric evil banker, the nature boy makes fun out of how he does anything for a buck, and the impressive pelvis wesley....yeah
hopefully the hardy's go back to the wwe for this because broken matt would be perfect on it just as he is.
"Susan, call me back."

"I miss my father."


This is genuinely the best thing WWE has done in a few years. Hell, I'd say it's one of the best things they've ever done.

I would happily pay £10 a month for the Network for this show and maybe even a one-off live event on the Network featuring these set of characters and having Lance Cattamaran (Cena) and Chet Chetterfield (Fandango) as commentators and Clint Bobski (Jericho) as the backstage reporter.

There is so much potential here. So much of it. I want more. I need more. I don't even basically care it's essentially a KFC advert because one - the overall content is so good and two - the way they fit the ads into it actually is pretty good!

Yes! Give me more!
Honestly, if they hosted a "reunion special" for Southpaw in the middle of Wrestlemania, i'd probably forgive literally everything else about Wrestlemania this year. I'm dying.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
rusevs response to the sea creature is killing me. and the ric flair impersonator segments are gold

MC Safety

I would be intrigued by the prospect of a Southpaw Regional Wrestling T-shirt.

It would also be nice if WWE did an epilogue for Southpaw. Or even produced more lost tapes.

It might be amusing to follow Southpaw up to present day, with more segments parodying the attitude era and wrestling wars.

Regardless, there's some great stuff here: the crippling of Tex Ferguson, the sea creature, and evil Mr. Mackelroy laughing up a storm.


I would be intrigued by the prospect of a Southpaw Regional Wrestling T-shirt.

It would also be nice if WWE did an epilogue for Southpaw. Or even produced more lost tapes.

It might be amusing to follow Southpaw up to present day, with more segments parodying the attitude era and wrestling wars.

Regardless, there's some great stuff here: the crippling of Tex Ferguson, the sea creature, and evil Mr. Mackelroy laughing up a storm.


They should do another round of episodes only have that the company had shut down for an entire year so as to put on Lethal Leap Year, make some folks look a little different or something but pretend like nothing's changed

The Bad News Allen reference was killer especially the nice touch of calling him Allen instead of Brown


WWE made a funny. Jettison all that useless shit on the network and get working on more of this.

Lol at Rusev almost corpsing the entire time.


I thought it was hysterical. Rusev trying not to laugh and doing different accents is a thing of beauty.
I want Rusev to adopt a southern farmer gimmick when he comes back from his injury. I think it's past time they change things up with his character anyway.

I'm pretty sure "Kentucky Fried Wrestling" was a thing at some time but I don't remember exactly what it was.


I almost feel bad for the Ascension for how over the Surf Dudes with Attitudes are
I'm probably giving too much credit but I'm hoping that odd pause during the surfing the wave part was an intentional nod to them messing up their original promo.

Surf dudes: "whoooooaaaa!"
*stop whooooaaaaing*
Someone off camera: "we're still rolling."
Surf dudes: "whoooaaaaaa!"
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