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SpaceX building Starship in Texas (live videos of construction)

not even close to how much he spends on Tesla Gigafactories

I think the land was pretty much gifted to them by the county wanting them to build shop in Texas. They had to buyout the locals who lived near.

I've heard might be like $5 million per Starship so far, the predicted cost per flight is aimed at $2 million per flight can be 10x that at the end of this for all we know but he has not really spent billions on this project yet. SpaceX does not really have that much to spend yet. This is really one of his lowest cost projects.

Starlink is suppose to make SpaceX billions when full up and running as an ISP that is where most of his funding for Mars is coming from.

NASA money for the Moon landing version of Starship is also very low forgot the exact number but not high up there.
It's crazy that he won't even need government funding for his plans in a few years.
It's crazy that he won't even need government funding for his plans in a few years.
I know many people see billionaires as a negative and topping the list does not help but it was bound to happen to Elon he has crazy ideas and he follows through with them to the point where he delievers on his ambitions.

I am not sure how much of his own money he will use to keep SpaceX's goals on track but it is good to know he can carry it all himself with no issues if it came to that in the future.


So how many years will take to have something like this :


Or due to gravity and technical limitations those kind of spceships will belong to movies or fiction and most of them will look always like a rocket or rocket with wings.
So how many years will take to have something like this :


Or due to gravity and technical limitations those kind of spceships will belong to movies or fiction and most of them will look always like a rocket or rocket with wings.
There are a couple of interesting technologies out there, in present day tech (well 2 years ago) -

MIT engineers fly first-ever plane with no moving parts | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A No-Engine, No-Fuel Aircraft | Science Times

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished reading Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, and man, it's crazy how close he came to losing it all back in 2008. It's even crazier to see how far Tesla and SpaceX have come since the book came out in 2015.


Just finished reading Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, and man, it's crazy how close he came to losing it all back in 2008. It's even crazier to see how far Tesla and SpaceX have come since the book came out in 2015.
SpaceX are not secure yet. Their starship programme is ambitious and very expensive. Unless NASA pick it as their vehicle in the 5-10 years; it doesn't have a future.

The Falcon 9 will probably have a future as a profitable satellite delivery system though.
SpaceX are not secure yet. Their starship programme is ambitious and very expensive. Unless NASA pick it as their vehicle in the 5-10 years; it doesn't have a future.

The Falcon 9 will probably have a future as a profitable satellite delivery system though.
When Starlink is operative, it will basically print money.
I am sure a few of those billions will make it into Starship.

Seems to me Elon has an ambitious plan to get people unto Mars, and almost everything he does has something to do with it.
I could have posted a video about Blue Origins little test the other day but I am just not inspired by that little dick rocket, I'll wait until the real dick waving begins.
That test was at least some action out of them for once

A little delay for the flight due to damaging the Raptor

SpaceX moves so fast with their shit that they don't even take the time to clear the area of debris that will damage their rockets during testing


I watched the disappointing SLS test fire today, and can't help but wonder what SpaceX would be able to do with NASA's crazy budget. Seriously, the government should at least think about splitting the space budget equally between the competing programs. SpaceX is underfunded compared to the other projects, but is achieving by far the best results. SpaceX should be in charge of launch and lander projects, and NASA should just be building the payloads that are to be hauled.
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I watched the disappointing SLS test fire today, and can't help but wonder what SpaceX would be able to do with NASA's crazy budget. Seriously, the government should at least think about splitting the space budget equally between the competing programs. SpaceX is underfunded compared to the other projects, but is achieving by far the best results. SpaceX should be in charge of launch and lander projects, and NASA should just be building the payloads that are to be hauled.
Sounds reasonable, but that's simply not how it works, I guess...
Tax payer's money, etc.

When is the next launch or test flight? Watching the SN8's test flight was amazing.
It was this weekend but had to replace the Raptors
info on Raptor repairs

So monday or sometime later in the week for SN9's flight

I feel monday might be too soon just hours away that video might have been create a day ago but who knows SpaceX is really itching to move beyond SN9

does not matter I will be updating everyday there should be plenty of streams so they can't sneak a flight by those guys in Texas.
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It was this weekend but had to replace the Raptors
info on Raptor repairs

So monday or sometime later in the week for SN9's flight

I feel monday might be too soon just hours away that video might have been create a day ago but who knows SpaceX is really itching to move beyond SN9

does not matter I will be updating everyday there should be plenty of streams so they can't sneak a flight by those guys in Texas.

Judging by the TFR's this week, Tuesday at the earliest. Mondays TFR is only up to 7k~feet so more likely to get another static fire
Important Talky Talky

This is a Starship Platform?

SpaceX's recently purchased oilrig is arriving in Pascagoula, Mississippi for conversion in support of Starship operations. The rig was originally named ENSCO 8501 but was renamed Phobos after being acquired by SpaceX. Phobos departed Galveston, Texas for Mississippi on Sunday.
buying two oil rigs for cheap is Huge for SpaceX
can't wait to see what they look like after refit conversion

So SpaceX saved nearly a Billion dollars getting these 2 rigs on the cheap for $7 million
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8 hours just enough time to get a nap in before the flight?

this is going to be a lot of talkie talkie and waiting not sure if it is worth waking up at 8am

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