Tim's 3 part series with Elon was really good. I can't believe he got that kind of access. The 3rd part is short, but you get to listen to an interesting conversation between Elon and the launch pad foreman. How can you not root for this company to succeed? They're creating a new generation of space enthusiasts by allowing this kind of coverage. Changing hearts and minds was at the basis of the original space race. It's what got the country to tune in and support the effort. SpaceX wants people to be enthusiastic about what's happening, and by being this open about what they're doing, and letting us watch them grow and evolve, they're building a strong fanbase that will help to promote and support their efforts for years to come. Even if we have the tech, building a colony on Mars will take the support of the people, and they're doing an admirable job of fostering that kind of support. If I was graduating high school now, I would definitely pursue an aerospace degree. That's what I originally wanted to do before switching to computers. But in the 90s, computers had a stronger future than the space program. Nowadays, it has to be really exciting to work in the space industry.