Shadow Puppetry
Trumps ultimate humiliation would be Jared ratting him out and escaping together with Ivanka.
I want to see them all punished, but that would be hilarious to see.

Trumps ultimate humiliation would be Jared ratting him out and escaping together with Ivanka.
I want to see them all punished, but that would be hilarious to see.
Second sourced reporting is always welcome.
See above. Eventually it will trickle down to Fox, and the cries of fake news will end.
First they make up this LIE about "RUSSIA" connections.
Then lie about "OBSTRUCTION" and drop "IT".
Now they make up "MONEY" investigations on greatest "HUSBAND" for my beautiful, sexy daughter Ivanka. SAD.
"@NBCNews has learned the president of the United States is now under criminal investigation," @LesterHoltNBC reports on @NBCNightlyNews.
"@NBCNews has learned the president of the United States is now under criminal investigation," @LesterHoltNBC reports on @NBCNightlyNews.
I thought we knew Trump was under investigation yesterday?
they can't save themselves. Jared is more than likely one of the Key figures the FBI is targeting, and Ivanka was photographed going on vacations with Putins rumored girlfriend.
They can't save them selves.
The guy has a billion dollar loan that we know of. It wouldn't be surprising he has done something illegal to get out of that hole. Same with Trump probably, they are awful business people who rely on credit from ever more unsavoury types as normal avenues dry up and they can no longer cover their incompetence. I hope they all end up broke and in prison.
Why do I have this feeling all these assholes are really the leakers
Kushner leaking shit about others and they return the favor
Guess no Honor AmongThievesAssholes
I definitely think Banon and Kushner leak stuff about each other to diminish the other one.Why do I have this feeling all these assholes are really the leakers
Kushner leaking shit about others and they return the favor
Guess no Honor AmongThievesAssholes
That's exactly whats been happening, at least in some cases.Why do I have this feeling all these assholes are really the leakers
Kushner leaking shit about others and they return the favor
So, if this is going that far, Mueller has to trying to get Trump's taxes at this point.
Im going to wait until trump says something before i believe the news.
First they make up this LIE about "RUSSIA" connections.
Then lie about "OBSTRUCTION" and drop "IT".
Now they make up "MONEY" investigations on greatest "HUSBAND" for my beautiful, sexy daughter Ivanka. SAD.
So, if this is going that far, Mueller has to trying to get Trump's taxes at this point.
Just need to get one of these rat fucks behind bars to bring the rest of the house down.
"@NBCNews has learned the president of the United States is now under criminal investigation," @LesterHoltNBC reports on @NBCNightlyNews.
It's going to be Flynn
"Lock her up!" is gonna become "I will talk!", "Save me please", "Immunity for me!"
Presumably this would be separate from the obstruction of justice investigation. Otherwise, they're a bit late to the party.
I like this. Does Cambridge Analytica fit into this scenario?This is just fan fiction, but where I see this heading is it's going to turn out that Kushner, as head of Trump's data team, gave Russia tons of data about Americans so they could better target people with their fake news...
So, if this is going that far, Mueller has to trying to get Trump's taxes at this point.
It is just a matter of time before Sessions is personally, officially, under investigation as well. Bring it.
Then you think they would say something like 'NBC can now confirm reports that President Trump is under criminal investigation.'independent verification.
So, if this is going that far, Mueller has to trying to get Trump's taxes at this point.
You wouldn't last a second in prison Jared. You'd best flip now.
Maybe he can get his father's cell?