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Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia probe


Sources confirm to @NBCNews Mueller is using multiple grand juries, incl. in DC and Virginia, for his Russia probe.

— Kyle Griffin‏ (@kylegriffin1) Aug 4, 2017

NBC News: Mueller Using Grand Juries in Va. and D.C. in Trump-Russia Probe

And your daily point-and-laugh-at-Fox-News moment:

Fox News anchor calls grand juries "an undemocratic farce" one day after demanding one for Clinton http://hill.cm/4DmZ5V0

— The Hill‏ (@thehill) Aug 4, 2017

The Hill: Fox's Jarrett calls grand juries 'undemocratic farce' one day after calling for one for Clinton

"There's only one other nation in the world other than the U.S. that employs a grand jury — it's Liberia,"

And there's respectively only two other nations out of the Paris accord and the metric system. Strangely I'm sure he'd argue that isn't a compelling argument.


I...don't understand how grand juries are an undemocratic farce. Like, I have trouble seeing any argument for that

The Universe must be tailored to prefer Donald, to help Donald, to move out of the way for Donald

how dare the law touch Donald


I really hope this comes to something man, we're crunched for time. The country is getting worse and worse faster than it ever has before.


Would multiple grand juries mean more, separate criminal charges/cases? It would certainly seem to fit with how Mueller's team of lawyers had such varied, but specialized, backgrounds if they were tackling a variety of complex but specific types of crimes.


I...don't understand how grand juries are an undemocratic farce. Like, I have trouble seeing any argument for that

The argument is typically that there is usually only one expert in law that is in the room with the Grand Jury, and that person is the Proaecutor and the Grand Jurists are just a bunch of smucks off the street.

So when the Grand Jury is considering complex charges, then they typically just take the advice of the one person in the room that actually understands the law. That person being the prosecutor.

So some think they give the illusion of community oversight, when they really don't do any such thing. They are basically a rubber stamp for the Prosecutor providing no meaningful oversight under the guise of a Democratic system.

The Grand Jury enjoys special investigative powers that otherwise would be unconstitutional, under the assumption that the Grand Jury is providing some sort of check on prosecutorial over reach, but in reality they probably are not.


I...don't understand how grand juries are an undemocratic farce. Like, I have trouble seeing any argument for that

The problem with Grand Juries is that it lets prosecutors let high ranking officials and police etc go with no transcript or record of what they said while in the grand jury process. There's been a long running joke that a competent prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. So when a grand jury doesn't charge someone, it's almost always the prosecutor burying the case. They are basically a formality in the process of charging someone. Ideally we wouldn't have them anymore, however, they are part of the Constitution, and would require an amendment to get rid of (it's part of the 5th Amendment)

5th Amendment said:
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Would multiple grand juries mean more, separate criminal charges/cases? It would certainly seem to fit with how Mueller's team of lawyers had such varied, but specialized, backgrounds if they were tackling a variety of complex but specific types of crimes.

I'm gonna guess its a combination of where any possible crimes happened and are therefore located so the grand jury has jurisdiction, also might be separating classified from unclassified.


lacks enthusiasm.
The problem with Grand Juries is that it lets prosecutors let high ranking officials and police etc go with no transcript or record of what they said while in the grand jury process. There's been a long running joke that a competent prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. So when a grand jury doesn't charge someone, it's almost always the prosecutor burying the case. They are basically a formality in the process of charging someone. Ideally we wouldn't have them anymore, however, they are part of the Constitution, and would require an amendment to get rid of (it's part of the 5th Amendment).
Everything said in Grand Jury testimony is recorded by a stenographer as part of the official court record. While the records can be sealed, it's not always the case.
I...don't understand how grand juries are an undemocratic farce. Like, I have trouble seeing any argument for that

Their backs are to the wall, their ratings are down, and more and more, they only have the real cuckoos listening 100% to their every word.

I'm still waiting on the Smith/Wallace/Baird/a few others wing to just start calling people out by name on-air as liars and bootlickers, that'd be fun.

Hopefully Mueller looks into Fox.

There's been alludes to that at congressional hearings into Russian active measures in far-x media over the last few months, so hopefully (also note the subpoenas against various kook-right whackjobs). At least some people there may be hit..

Mike M

Nick N
I would not at all be surprised if Fox is somehow entangled with shady GOP practices that are in turn potentially exposed to the Russia investigation.
I would not at all be surprised if Fox is somehow entangled with shady GOP practices that are in turn potentially exposed to the Russia investigation.

Republicans never reference this Adam Smith quote for some reason:
“People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”

Even the founder of Capitalism says you can't trust businessmen.


Fox helped share fake news. I'm sure they have something hide, maybe "contributions" too.

I would not at all be surprised if Fox is somehow entangled with shady GOP practices that are in turn potentially exposed to the Russia investigation.

There's some serious disconnect between Fox/Trump and the GOP right now.

Fox and Trump are going on about "FAKE NEWS", trying to discredit Mueller and attack Congress itself, meanwhile the Republicans are quietly putting roadblocks in place to prevent the dismissal of Mueller and are starting to question reality.
I really hope this comes to something man, we're crunched for time. The country is getting worse and worse faster than it ever has before.

It really hasn't but ok.

edit: Trump has TRIED to do a lot of shit but accomplished very, very little.
Fox News is the most important weapon the GOP has imo, Fox going down would be like hitting the republicans in the gut with a sledge hammer.


Fox News is the most important weapon the GOP has imo, Fox going down would be like hitting the republicans in the gut with a sledge hammer.

Fox has chosen to side with Trump, and if he starts opposing the GOP, Fox will too.

After Trump is gone Fox will slide back to the GOP, so the GOP has to think of them either in terms of a short term enemy or a long term ally.




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