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Spicy Ass Food appreciation thread! Tobasco sauce gets bitch slapped

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Junior Member

is no match for this


Clockwise from right:

1. Somtam (unripe papaya with chillies, lime, fish sauce, tomatoes)
Notoriously spicy in the NE region, the "kii nok"/"mouse shit" peppers will burn on the way in and out.
Spice rating 1-10=9

2. Nam Tok (dried beef with onions and spices) Another favourite of mine, can range from mild to super spicy depending on the chef.
Spice rating 1-10=7

3. Grilled Chicken While by itself is just plain ol BBQ style, the sauce next to it on the right will burn holes through cement.
Spice rating 1-10=8

I LOVE spicy food! Living in Thailand for 4 years has kinda spoiled my palette though, I laugh at most western dishes that are considered spicy now. Get that weak sauce tobasco out of here.

List some of your spicy favourites with pics and spice ratings 1-10!


I miss *real* stuff jalepenos. Not these not even close to hot jalepenos filled with creamcheese.

Come on people it's not that hard to make.



sasimirobot said:

is no match for this

Well, Tabasco was never a match for anything decently spicy, so that's no surprise. Not to mention the overpowering taste of the stuff - you may as well just drown your food in vinegar.

evil ways

I love spicy foods, everything from tabasco sauce, to cayenne pepper, mesquite sauce etc.

Surprisingly enough I have a stomach built like a brick, where I can eat any type of spicy food and not even break a sweat, buy if I eat a hot piece of brownie right out the oven, chances are I'll shit myself if I don't run to the toilet an hour or two after I eat it.


Chicago (suprisingly) has it's very own amazing hot thing. It is called Gardinere pepper salad. It is a mix of carrots, olives, celery, coliflower, and peppers packed in olive oil. You put it on beef sandwiches, subs, etc...

Amazing stuff!!!


This isn't anywhere remotely near the category of "really spicy", but for something similar to Tabasco (a touch of heat, a bit of flavor), I prefer:


Ah, Texas Pete. It's made in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, so as you can imagine it's more than a bit regional. If you're fond of Tabasco, try a bottle of this instead. Mmmmmmm...tasty. No, not hellaciously spicy, but tasty.



mac said:
This stuff can help. Ever since the REALLY spicy Thai cafe closed, I have to make my own spicy food.

Damn straight! I BS'd with this stuff one time and put a healthy serving into a bowl of gumbo and had to throw it out because it became inedible. My mouth was on fire and I was sweating. That's some good stuff though.... damn good stuff!

Don't bullshit with it though or you'll regret it.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I like spicy food a lot, though I suspect I'm not talking as spicy as you guys are. Too spicy detracts from a meal I find, though everyone has different opinions on what too spicy means.

However, what's even worst is food which is supposed to be spicy, but isn't. Somehow it then tastes even blander than normal foods that aren't supposed to be spicy.

I had these banana peppers once on a pizza. They're just normal peppers, only they're advertised as slightly milder. They tasted like shit. Apparently a pepper's flabour IS the heat. It was kind of tangy. Just rubbish.

Jalepeno and pineapple on pizza is good. Kind of work together, but against each other if you get what I mean.


Shin Ramyun, the Korean ramen is about as spicy as i like things. I know people who can't eat it, so it's not tame, but i know it's not the hottest out there either. to me it's the perfect blend of salty, sweet, and spicy.


this sucks, here in jersey there are no spicy potato chips or snacks. I can't even get Jalepeno Crunchers! here anymore.
Ah, good to see that others here are in love with spicy foods as well!

Sure there's way hotter, but my favorite hot sauce is Cholula. I just love the flavor:


Some of my favorite spicy foods would be

Kimchee Chighe (Korean)


(not a good picture. It's usually served in a black stone bowl)

Laksa soup (Thai) (I usually order with shrimp or pork)


Extra Spicy Miso Ramen is always good! (Japanese)


And if I'm not in the mood to go out, sometimes opting for a big-ass burrito (take-out, usually with shredded beef) and loading it up with homemade habenero sauce will do the trick for me, as well.


Isn't Dave's Insanity Sauce the hottest sauce in the world?

That being said, I've never had it, as I can't find it around here. I have had Ass Reaper sauce though, made from the H peppers (you know what I mean, but I just can't spell).

The first time I had Ass Reaper was at a birthday party for a friend. We had wings for dinner, and then there was a cake. I decided to "meet the reaper", and cover a wing in the sauce. When his mom brought out the cake, I cried like a baby while singing happy birthday.
Kuramu said:
Shin Ramyun, the Korean ramen is about as spicy as i like things. I know people who can't eat it, so it's not tame, but i know it's not the hottest out there either. to me it's the perfect blend of salty, sweet, and spicy.
Those are my favorite kind of instant noodles.

I love spicy food but I hate how it sometimes makes my nose run. As a kid I could hardly handle tabasco sauce. Now it doesn't even phase me.
Mama Smurf said:
What is ramen? You guys mention it all the time, but I've not got a clue what it is.

You've probably seen or heard of the 'Cup O Noodles or Top Ramen-type stuff...

If not, go ahead and pick some up to try. Add hot water, let sit for a few minutes, and enjoy. They're great for starving artists and students. But keep in mind that it's nothing like real homemade ramen.

That's a bit harder to come buy. Japanese restaurants tend to focus on certain dishes. You may have one that specialises in tempura, and another in sushi. Finding one that specialises in ramen is still difficult, but getting a bit easier, at least where I live. The difference is that they make their ramen with homemade noodles and broths (usually Clear, Soy and Miso based), and add lots of veggies and meats to the huge bowl that is served. It's generally considered a cheap food, around $7-$10, but very filling.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I live in the UK, so maybe it's called something else. I've just searched a couple of big supermarkets and haven't found anything.

Could you just describe what it's like?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
That looks like it'd drive me fucking insane. The soup looks incredibly thin, it'd just drip right off.

Can you get it with a thick soup? Which sort of sticks to the noodles?

I'm almost describing pasta here I realise.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I want to, but I've had a quick search online at the major supermarkets and I can only find 2 results. One is mushroom flavoured, one's seaweed. I don't like either.


Mama Smurf said:
I want to, but I've had a quick search online at the major supermarkets and I can only find 2 results. One is mushroom flavoured, one's seaweed. I don't like either.
you are a strange strange little man

way more

Mama Smurf said:
That looks like it'd drive me fucking insane. The soup looks incredibly thin, it'd just drip right off.

Can you get it with a thick soup? Which sort of sticks to the noodles?

I'm almost describing pasta here I realise.

The broth is basically flavored water. The pasta is freeze dried fried noodles. It comes with a variety of flavor packets ranging from BBQ to Green Chile to more mundane like chicken and beef. They have trans-saturated fats through the roof and are not very healthy.

You can make it with out adding the flavor. Mushroom and Seaweed? Weird.


various dished that are cooked within my family i guess

depending on who cooks it...all the food can be spicy :b

west indian dishes > all


rollin' in the gutter
Ah, finally.. I love spicy food, and i have an extremely high tolerance for it. I have yet to find a food that is too spicy for me to eat, but there are definately hot sauces that are way too hot to consume a large amount of.

This is the sauce i'm adding to my food lately..


It's about 150 times hotter than tabasco, 357,000 scoville heat units. I put 4-5 drops in chilli and i'm sweating like crazy. There are additives that go up to 16 million scoville heat units right now, so i still have some room for improvent :p


Does anyone know why I get cold sores on my lip when I have hot sauce? I like to put it on my Schlotzkies Deli turkey sandwich.


Junior Member
Chilli Pepper Faq: http://www.e-von.ltd.uk/chilliworld/CI2.asp

Why do we like to eat chilli?
There is a reason why we go on eating chilli even though it "burns" the tongue. When nerve cells release substance P, the body produces chemicals called endorphines - and these act on brain cells in the same way that opium-derived drug morphine does. As a result, you feel good.

What is the worlds hottest chilli?
The title holder for 'World Hottest Chilli', according to experts at the Defence Research Laboratory in the army garrison town of Tezpur in the north-eastern state of Assam, is the local naga jolokia (capsicum frutescens). In testing, they claim that the Tezpur chilli was nealy 50 per cent more pungent than the red savina habanero from Mexico, registering a blistering 855,000 Scoville units. However, despite repeated requests the outside world has been unable to obtain samples and therefore substantiate these claims, for the meantime the red savina retains the title.

Are peppers good for you?
The pleasure/pain reaction to peppers is said to have a psychologically beneficial effect and nutritionally peppers contain lots of Vitamin A, B and C, as well as magnesium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin.


deadlifter said:
Ah, finally.. I love spicy food, and i have an extremely high tolerance for it. I have yet to find a food that is too spicy for me to eat, but there are definately hot sauces that are way too hot to consume a large amount of.

Same here. Funny that none of my family can tolerate hot stuff yet I eat it up like nothing else. Every damn time my mom goes to the store she tries to find one more bottle of hot sauce for me to try to find one that is too hot for me. She hasn't yet. I prove it to her by drinking it all straight from the bottle. Tabasco sauce and all. :)

As for Jalopenos, I'll eat them on pretty much everything -- and eat them straight from the jar.

My family thinks I'm nuts. :(


Knows the Score
Mama Smurf said:
I live in the UK, so maybe it's called something else. I've just searched a couple of big supermarkets and haven't found anything.

Could you just describe what it's like?

Have you never seen a pot noodle? Imagine one with too much water in it, and you're on the way.

I realise it's a bit of a bastardisation of ramen, but it's close to warrant some sort of comparison. If you're in a major city city in the UK, there might be a wagamama nearby. It's a chain of Japanese noodle bars, and is quite nice from what I hear. I've only been to a similar place called Ichiban in Scotland, so I don't know how it compares.



To try to get back on track, I picked up a bottle of this when I was in Thailand last year.


A lot nicer than the normal Tabasco. One thing that was odd about Thailand is that I was expecting spicy food, but until I started specifying that I wanted the local version and not tourist level dishes they weren't that hot.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Tabasco is literally weak sauce. My mates dared me to drink a whole bottle of it in one go... wasn't even a challenge.

I have had the misfortune of eating a raw bird’s eye chilli (aka scuds) and mistaking wasabi (spl?) for avocado though -_-;

That shit will knock you on your ass.
Scrow said:
I have had the misfortune of eating a raw bird’s eye chilli (aka scuds) and mistaking wasabi (spl?) for avocado though -_-;

That shit will knock you on your ass.

What's raw bird's eye chili?

Yeah, I forgot about wasabi. Good stuff. For those that don't know, it's basically horseradish, mustard and food coloring now that wasabi rhizomes have become increasingly scarce. I usually dump a ton of it in my soy sauce when I go for sushi. Wasabi fried peas are also really good.
Ah, thanks for the links. I can see how that would be some potent chili! I'd like to try some, but I'll have to work up to that level. I might have been kind of close a couple years ago, but my tolerance has gone down a bit.

I think I'll get some Thai food for lunch today... ;)


rollin' in the gutter
mj1108 said:
Same here. Funny that none of my family can tolerate hot stuff yet I eat it up like nothing else. Every damn time my mom goes to the store she tries to find one more bottle of hot sauce for me to try to find one that is too hot for me. She hasn't yet. I prove it to her by drinking it all straight from the bottle. Tabasco sauce and all. :)

As for Jalopenos, I'll eat them on pretty much everything -- and eat them straight from the jar.

My family thinks I'm nuts. :(

You should try some hotter sauces like the one i have. Before getting this hot sauce i was a bit skeptical on how hot, hot sauces could get. But this definately reassured me, taking a teaspoon of this stuff could send a guy to the hospital...


I grow Thai dragons, habaneros, anchos, and a few other kinds of peppers every summer, so I end up making a lot of my own hot sauce and freezing or drying a lot of peppers as well. I don't buy alot of hot sauce but I go throught tons of this stuff.

It isn't all that hot, but tastes great.
ballhog said:

Oh hell, yeah! That stuff rocks. I can't remember what it's called off hand, because I always just call it 'Rooster Sauce' (because of the rooster on the front). I'll add that to almost everything... And it goes especially great with almost all pasta.


That rooster sauce is actually pretty good on hot dogs.

My weapon of choice is Frank's Red Hot. Incredibly weak, but good.

Any happen to try atomic wings from Quaker Steak and Lube? They make you sign a release form before you order them. That shits hot as fuck!


Mr. E. Yis said:
Spicy foods are another type of addiction, much like alcohol and cigarettes. :(

You mean "much like alcohol and cigarettes, except for the minor detail that spicy food isn't actively bad for you".



I am a spciy food adict...or at least was..but I just found out I cant eat it anymore cause of axid reflux...WTF

have you ever had Daves Insanity Sauce?
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