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Spiderman along with quite a few people died today, Jason Bourne implicated...

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Junior Member
1. Rick James. RIP. Well, that about wraps up all futher Chappelle jokes on him.

2. The Lakers as we know it. Kobe, say hello to a 30 win season

3. Spiderman. I just saw it today. I'll admit it was a good movie but in no way because of Zoolander:


and Hansel:


Hey Spiderman, you just saved the world? What do you think?

'I'm so happy.'

Hey Spiderman, you just lost your uncle. You must be devastated?

'I'm so upset.'

Spiderman, Kirsten Dunst wants you!

Ho hum.


'Uh, It's probably cuz of my bad acting. I, too, will act an entire movie while only changing facial expressions twice.'

I swear to god this guy is gonna pull down the Spidey series. How many dicks did he suck just to get this job? What started out as a great actor in the Cider House Rules has quickly latched onto the teat of commercialism and Spidey to hide the clear fact that the guy has actually tries to hide his emotion during every movie. Seabiscuit showed more range.

Seabiscuit is happy:

Seabiscuit is concerned:

Seabiscuit is triumphant:

Seabiscuit is strong:

That is about 3 more emotions shown than Tobey could muster in Spidey 2. And Kirsten doesn't help the situation. Her freakin monologues about her love for Spidey just make me wanna throw up. So my review of Spiderman 2: Wait till it's at Blockbuster.

The real movie you want to see is The Bourne Supremacy. Great flick and addition to the series. Good plot, good actor, better love interest, 213 more emotions, great pacing w/o the long winded 1st hour to get around to him denouncing then accepting his role as a hero, etc. Although I will knock The Bourne Supremacy for it's schizophrenic editing. Damn, I didn't see half the shit cuz it was a blur.

I hope Sam Rami drops the 9 Spidey movies idea and starts promoting a 9 Bourne movies idea. This spidey series, besides the lack of a really dumb plot could rival The Matrix in it's ability to wow me and lose my interest at the same time. I kept getting that feeling as I came to the realization that, like the Matrix, The Spoon and Kirsten Dunst's sexual appeal, Tobey's acting range just doesn't exist. Good thing I only spent 5 bucks. I feel like a fraud was exposed. Maybe it wasn't the intention of The Cider House Rules to have a retard-like, apathetic lead male role. He was carried by Charlize, Delroy Lindo and Micheal Caine. I've been living a lie. Tobey Maguire sucks.

To conclude:

Spidey is dead to me. I'm not gonna see the next one (i'm lying). At least Xmen is getting better with subsequent movies.

Rick James>Jason Bourne>Kobe>Spidey until they drop that woman and Kirsten Dunst team.


'With great power, comes great responsiblity. But first, I need a nap.'


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Haha, this thread rocks.

*shakes head at Tobey*


Seabiscuit is getting kicked in the mouth:


(sorry, couldn't resist after seeing you use the same photo i did)
Dude, Toby played the PERFECT emo kid.

Thats right, Spider-Man is an emo kid. He is whiny, he whines about a girl even though she is throwing herself on him, and he probably cries at night in the fetal position while writing songs for a band like good charlette.


wow i thought everyone here loved spiderman. My faith has been restored. My biggest problem with the movie was that spiderman himself didnt ever have any character, whats that about? Upsetting to think people think these are top class movies, my friend said to me the other day that he thought king arthur was one of his favourite movies. What the hell are people seeing in these films that im not, apart from *camera follows flying arrow 20 times, OMG so cool!*?


Junior Member
I think Chappelle has way too much class and a fear that a tasteless joke about a dead guy everybody loves now, due to his skit, will be a sign that he relys too much on one joke (although, not the truth, to the mainstream, he's still, "I'm Rick James, Bitch" guy).
skinnyrattler said:
I think Chappelle has way too much class and a fear that a tasteless joke about a dead guy everybody loves now, due to his skit, will be a sign that he relys too much on one joke (although, not the truth, to the mainstream, he's still, "I'm Rick James, Bitch" guy).

Pretty much, to the mainstream (white) it was just a funny skit to Chappelle it was more of a send up.
skinnyrattler said:
I think Chappelle has way too much class and a fear that a tasteless joke about a dead guy everybody loves now, due to his skit, will be a sign that he relys too much on one joke (although, not the truth, to the mainstream, he's still, "I'm Rick James, Bitch" guy).

Chappelle and class do not go together. Remeber the black white supremacist skit?


Junior Member
Schmo Florez said:
Chappelle and class do not go together. Remeber the black white supremacist skit?

Hey, class is much more than that, to me. His job, as a comedian, is to challenge our stereotypes and closely held beliefs. What better way to debunk racism than to place it in the realm the foolish and retarded? Not that racism needs debunking but the skit did a great play on racism and reverse racism. It's kinda why his comedy moves past the obsurd and has some intellegence behind it. But enough about Chappelle, although he is one of the 342 things that are better than Spiderman 2.

#342 happens to be this man:


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