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Spiders - Why we need them/how to live with them

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as someone who can't really stand spiders, this was very good OP to read...

except for that gif of the black spider with fangs, probably won't sleep today


Good to see this thread alive again! GAF, can you help me name my spiders? I have two. one is a Metallic pink toe, and the other is a Honduran curly hair.

How about Shelob or Ungoliant? Got these two from the two giant spider in Lord of the Rings.
I'm fine with spiders and don't worry about them unless I walk into a web at night or one decides to drop down in front of my while driving. Especially the driving thing. I get so freaked out.
I had a spider living beside my bath for a few weeks, it made a web on the outer wall next to it. When I went to shit, it was always there with me. When I showered, it crawled back into its hidey-hole (must have been afraid of looking at my hairy ass, can't blame it!)

I'm not sure what happened to it, I think my brother unknowingly threw a pile of towels on top of the web. Hopefully the spider wasn't present during this incident and it found somewhere else to live!
Good to see this thread alive again! GAF, can you help me name my spiders? I have two. one is a Metallic pink toe, and the other is a Honduran curly hair.

Grown, they will look like this respectively;

Some features. The first is a tree dwelling spider. It stays in it's web near the top of the container. The other loves to dig. Both sexes are unknown, at this time. And thanks for the kind words guys! Spiders are the shit!

Peach and Gravy


I never really had a problem with spiders, predatory insects in general don't bug me, because I know they feed on other, more annoying insects.
Never understood the fear of spiders. If I see them in my house I just let them be. (probably helps that their are no dangerous spiders round here).

Fear of mice though, I understand that!


I love this thread.

Spiders are such beautiful animals.

I woke up with three spider bites on my arm this week. I put a bunch of sticky traps under my bed, spiders - you've been warned.
If you get bites while you are sleeping, they are almost certainly not spiders. Spiders use their venom for hunting and rarely self-defense. Venom is costly to produce, and so it's only the last line of defense after there's nowhere left to run. The only time a spider will bite you when you are sleeping is if you crush it, and in that case you will have a dead spider in your bed.


I used to be scared of spiders until my brother caught a redback and we'd have it do funky spider duels with other species. It dominated most of the spiders we found (mostly different types of cobwebs) but it lost to a daddy long legs. We probably wouldn't have done that if we knew that daddy long legs actually go out of their way to kill them.

Now we all bros, if I kill a bug/insect I leave it on the floor and it's usually gone by the next morning. Either by resident huntsmans or geckos.
I like spiders. Allies in my ongoing war against wasps and mosquitos - the truly nasty creatures. If a particularly big one was ever around my house I'd move it away (after checking what type it was), but I live in a temperate climate so few larger species survive in significant numbers.
I love spiders. I grew up catching orb-weaver spiders and having spider fights to the death so I wasn't really scared of them. I used to keep them in those tiny match boxes, sometimes multiples of them.

You basically get a stick and get two hungry spiders on them and see who survives. Those were cool but now I feel awful about it.


I generally don't mind spiders I just hate the kind that are dangerous like the Black Widow or Brown Recluse. I've actually been bitten twice by Brown Recluses and it scared the shit out of me both times. Once on my thigh and it looked necrotic, but it wasn't itching or spreading and nothing happened. The other time it was right on my thumb and it itched so fucking bad, was a little swollen, and almost half my hand felt numb. It didn't look necrotic either and about a day later it recovered.

I almost always kill them on sight and be sure to use bug spray around my bed.


Junior Member
I live in Australia so there are lots of dangerous spiders here.

Kinda off topic but the other day my dad had a big Tiger Snake in his backyard.


Good to see this thread alive again! GAF, can you help me name my spiders? I have two. one is a Metallic pink toe, and the other is a Honduran curly hair.

As a honduran myself, I'd name that one "Catracho"! That's the nickname for honduran peoples
In general, if I see a fly in my house I'll smash it flat. If I find a spider, I'll put a cup over it and bring it outside and throw it in my backyard so it can eat more flies for me.


I woke up with three spider bites on my arm this week. I put a bunch of sticky traps under my bed, spiders - you've been warned.

Spiders don't bite you while you are sleeping - they have no reason to, except for self-defense. As mentioned already, venom is biologically expensive, so it is only used when absolutely necessary, and only sparingly. If a spider were to bite you in your sleep, it would most likely be a single bite, not multiple.

My cousins would wake up with welts/bites from mites, or fleas, and would constantly blame spiders. No matter how often I tried to explain why it wasn't spiders, they wouldn't hear it - they just hated spiders, and all manner of creepy-crawlies.

Hopefully you don't have bedbugs, because if you do....well, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

Good to see this thread alive again! GAF, can you help me name my spiders? I have two. one is a Metallic pink toe, and the other is a Honduran curly hair.

Grown, they will look like this respectively;

Some features. The first is a tree dwelling spider. It stays in it's web near the top of the container. The other loves to dig. Both sexes are unknown, at this time. And thanks for the kind words guys! Spiders are the shit!

One should be named "Horace," and the other "Greeley."


In my old apartment, I used to literally kill over 20 spiders per year in the summer time.

I never saw 40,000 more insects dude. But I saw 20 less creepy ass giant spiders in my apartment.


at last, for christ's sake
ugh, spiders
I don't kill them, I don't kill any animal, they useful and harmless (well, most of them) but fuck me if I don't get a paper, slide them on and throw em out of the window if I see one crawling on my keyboard
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