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Spike talks "Angel" Movies

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Just when we'd been advised that the gossip about future "Angel" TV movies was all just a load of hot air, one of the cancelled show's stars seems to have heard otherwise. 'Chris' caught a TV appearance by Spike himself James Marsters this week on Australian TV:

"Dunno if you caught Rove Live last night but all week they've been saying that they were gonna have James Masters on. Usually when it comes to stars like that it's usually a satellite link to the US or somewhere but I was pretty surprised to actually see him in the studio, I had no idea he was in the country. He was pretty good on the show, coming out and giving Rove a big hug, he was saying that he really like the show and that he thought Rove was better than Letterman! I'm sure that was an ego boost!

In relation to Angel, he said that things are really good since the show finished. He talked about how Joss Whedon loves James work on Spike and joked about how Joss kinda kisses his ass. He's asked James can they do a Spike TV movie, Joss is looking to do a few character movies, which James is all on for, he thinks Joss is one of the best writers he's ever worked with and has told Joss that if he wants him that he is there. The only thing that is stopping this from happening is the other actors, as he doesn't know if they want to do them".
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