Is there a possibility that that Joel banadaras was a next gen render?
Is there a possibility that that Joel banadaras was a next gen render?
So Geoff blatantly lied about there being something from Sony there?
Finally, some real music.
This isn't music.
Not this again...Hey we haven't namedropped Titanfall for a whole 5 minutes - cut to another promo!
It doesn't feel genuine. It feels like dastardly PR wheels are turning and trying to manufacture fan hype.
Haha I hope this is sarcasm.
here you go NeoGaf
His voice was so off.This lead singer lolol
woah what
Not sure if serious.
I kinda feel bad for Geoff Keighley, it seems like he is very passionate about video games, and is only trying to put on a good award show for gamers. However he should have learned from now that gamers are one of the most jaded demographics. He has a better chance of winning the lotto than pleasing them.
I kinda feel bad for Geoff Keighley, it seems like he is very passionate about video games, and is only trying to put on a good award show for gamers. However he should have learn from now that gamers are one of the most jaded demographics. He have a better chance at winning the lotto than pleasing them.
No Man's Sky was seriously the best thing shown.
Thanks to ElTorro:
It doesn't feel genuine. It feels like dastardly PR wheels are turning and trying to manufacture fan hype.
"Co-hosted by Geoff Keighley"
No wonder Geoff was so pissed throughout the whole show. I would be too.
This thing set gaming back. If you care about this medium, at all in any small way, shape or form, you should be disappointed by this...thing.
LOL!Let me remind you guys that Nintendo was here and promoted this event. Think about that.