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Sports fans most hated teams.

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Wheeljack539 said:
That's my pick.


I Hate:

Sacramento Queens!
San Frandicso Giants!
Green Bay Fudgepackers!
Any Soccer Team that has anything to do with Mexico! (Bunch of whiney bitches)

(WNBA & Hockey Sucks!!!)


Ninja Scooter said:
doubt that. If there was as much news coverage and scrutiny what with the internet, 24 hour sports/news channels, and news radio, as there is now in the 80s, the same people would have been bitching about Magic and the showtime bunch as they ran off 5 rings and 9 trips to the Finals in the 80s. Its all about (over)exposure.

See you're wrong, cause that exposure would've been balanced out by coverage of the Celtics. And there's no fucking way I would've liked some creaky ass whitewashed team over the best fastbreak team of all time.

Oh yeah, I hate the Flyers as well. And the Ravens, cause of Art Model. And the Raiders, cause of Al Davis. And I think I'm starting to hate the Bosox again after a ten year repreive. And I guess I hate the Cowboys by default.
TheDrowningMan said:
Manchester United
Real Madrid

Chelsea and Real Madrid are bleh, privately owned so they can spend most. We (ManUtd) have managed to create a world of hate towards us with a budget!


I like this Odoul guy, resist the JORDAN CULT!


Yankees - Hi, I use half the league as my farm club.
Lakers - Hi, I cheat.
Cowboys - Hi, err I mean Howdy Y'all GEEHUYUK GEEHUYUK
Oilers - Hi, I just plain suck.
Notre Dame - Hi, I get on the top 25 just for farting. Where's my TV contract?

that bitch Michelle Jordan

I like you too.


MrPing1000 said:
Chelsea and Real Madrid are bleh, privately owned so they can spend most. We (ManUtd) have managed to create a world of hate towards us with a budget!

:lol Big deal...us Gunners managed to have a perfect season without even buying anyone a year ago!
Shinobi said:
:lol Big deal...us Gunners managed to have a perfect season without even buying anyone a year ago!

Nobody really hates u though. Arsenal have managed to build a brilliant team on a low budget (cept reyes) I commend them for that. Now lets see if u can win the european cup. If you cud sort out you're flaky european form i cud honestly see you's winning it the way u are playing atm even without vierra
I remember this same thread last winter. After the obivious Yanks and Lakers hate, the Patriots were running 3rd. Not sure why they've fallen off the radar. Good to see though.



Mike Modanno is a punk ass bitch. He looks like a fucking rat too.


Are there any more obnoxious fans in hockey than Canuck fans? This team has never done ANYTHING! NOTHING. No wonder the Stanley Cup got left in Vancouver... the way Canuck fans go on you would think it lives there permanently.


I'd like to take Cinderella's glass slipper and BASH HER OVER THE HEAD WITH IT.

No other sports are worthy of a mention.
I'll always hate the Browns for the way Cleveland was coddled and pacified by the NFL and the media after Art Modell moved his franchise to Baltimore to become the Ravens.

When the beloved Baltimore Colts were moved to Indianapolis in 1984 by incompetent drunkard owner Bob Irsay, there was no national outcry, no one shed a tear for Baltimore. The NFL then proceeded to pass us over in a rigged expansion in 1995 for Carolina and Jacksonville (which has been struggling in attendance the last few years).

The crybaby Browns, on the other hand, received outpourings of pity from the national media, and the NFL immediately gave Cleveland a new franchise, contributed money towards the new stadium they should have built years ago, and they were allowed to keep the Browns name and records.

It gives me great pleasure to watch the new Browns wallow in mediocrity while the Ravens won the Super Bowl and remain a strong contender every year.
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