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Spring 2011 Anime Thread PART TWO return of sex hair, ghosts, and ZAWA

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duckroll said:
Gundam AGE

The next Gundam TV series starting this Fall is a kiddy show with kiddy designs, and a total kiddy focus! Fuck yeah! Not just an anime, but manga, a card game, more gunpla, and other GIMMICKS! The new Gundam franchise comes from the mind of Akihiro Hino, the boss of Level 5. Fresh from ruining Dragon Quest, he tries his hand at ruining another beloved classic franchise not even in his industry specialization! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hino is in charge of the story, and probably the marketing concepts for Gundam Age. Looks super bad. I am impressed by the badness!

Man, this doesn't even look like awesome trainwreck material, it's just going be kiddy and boring like everything Hino writes i guess.:/


Lafiel said:
Man, this doesn't even look like awesome trainwreck material, it's just going be kiddy and boring like everything Hino writes i guess.:/

That's the most insulting part. It's not going to be like "LOLOLOL!" or "trainwreck" at all. It's Sunrise giving all long time Gundam fans, and more recent older Gundam fans, the middle finger. "Haha! Bet you can't complain about THIS show! It's -not- for you!"



duckroll said:
That's the most insulting part. It's not going to be like "LOLOLOL!" or "trainwreck" at all. It's Sunrise giving all long time Gundam fans, and more recent older Gundam fans, the middle finger. "Haha! Bet you can't complain about THIS show! It's -not- for you!"

Did G Gundam receive the same kind of reaction when it came out, or was it too crazy awesome for people to make that complaint?


duckroll said:
That's the most insulting part. It's not going to be like "LOLOLOL!" or "trainwreck" at all. It's Sunrise giving all long time Gundam fans, and more recent older Gundam fans, the middle finger. "Haha! Bet you can't complain about THIS show! It's -not- for you!"


It's not like gundam shows for kids is an entirely new thing. There is Gunpla Builders and all those SD Gundam shows.


duckroll said:
That's the most insulting part. It's not going to be like "LOLOLOL!" or "trainwreck" at all. It's Sunrise giving all long time Gundam fans, and more recent older Gundam fans, the middle finger. "Haha! Bet you can't complain about THIS show! It's -not- for you!"


Challenge accepted.


Articalys said:
Did G Gundam receive the same kind of reaction when it came out, or was it too crazy awesome for people to make that complaint?

G-Gundam was Imagawa. If people complain about Imagawa they get punched in the face, by his MIND.

flawfuls said:
It's not like gundam shows for kids is an entirely new thing. There is Gunpla Builders and all those SD Gundam shows.

It's not a new thing, but this is the new mainline Gundam franchise for the next few years. Being a completely kids-centric thing is definitely something Gundam has not done before in this way. It's quite a slap in the face.
Unknown Soldier said:
So let me get this straight. Wandering Son is about a guy who wants to be a girl, and a girl who wants to be a guy, and they cross-dress to trade gender roles?




Yep. Show of the year all years.


duckroll said:
It's not a new thing, but this is the new mainline Gundam franchise for the next few years. Being a completely kids-centric thing is definitely something Gundam has not done before in this way. It's quite a slap in the face.

Well there is always Unicorn for those fans and at least they are still serving their core demographic with dem shota.


Subete no aware
Hellsing321 said:
Wandering Son last season. No matter what you say about it.

I thought we were talking about non-noitaminA shows?

Unknown Soldier said:
So let me get this straight. Wandering Son is about a guy who wants to be a girl, and a girl who wants to be a guy, and they cross-dress to trade gender roles?





Well, Shimura kind of gets tired of the Tatstuki character mostly because there's less of a stigma for girls who want to dress as boys. In the manga, the girl nee boy character has somewhat faded away anyway and it's all about boy nee girl character doing his thing.


Articalys said:
So much so that it was pretty much the only show in the Winter 2010 thread OP to get a write-up of any kind, at the expense of everything else, thanks to Dresden's blatant favoritism.

Dresden's IS writeup

Infinite Stratos. The trailer may make it look like a generic harem anime, because it is. Awesome, because it has guns. Set in a world where girls do the fighting because men can't, for some odd reason or another; yet the protagonist, a conveniently Japanese self-insertion character, can and thus is beset by virgins, virgins everywhere.

is so spot on its like he saw it beforehand!
or watched harem anime before
flawfuls said:
Well there is always Unicorn for those fans and at least they are still serving their core demographic with dem shota.

there seems to be a older lady as well (in the military uniform) to add to the fun lol


zeroshiki said:
Next we'll find out that Death Geass is a yaoi show =(

Fall 2011 worst season ever confirmed.
It had that and many other things in Code Geass R2. What are you frowning about?

Lulu x Rolo


duckroll said:
It's not a new thing, but this is the new mainline Gundam franchise for the next few years. Being a completely kids-centric thing is definitely something Gundam has not done before in this way. It's quite a slap in the face.
Man i thought this was just a one-off thing, but we are getting this kind of gundam for the next few years? NOOOOOOO.

I almost wish gundam got all moeifed and was replaced with a all-female cast instead of this shit.:/

is so spot on its like he saw it beforehand!
From his description i actually expected a lot of gunfights and shit but with a harem, considering I've actually watched IS in it's entirely, it did not live up to that.:(


Lafiel said:
Man, this doesn't even look like awesome trainwreck material, it's just going be kiddy and boring like everything Hino writes i guess.:/
Hey, man. Don't diss Inazuma Eleven. At least go play the game if you haven't already. And Danball Senki looks quite good.

Well, now, this is getting interesting. It seems that Keima's previous 'conquests', while having no actual memory of what took place during the 'conquest phase' after the escaped soul was captured, actually do retain some kind of fond emotional feelings toward him. That's kind of wierd, I guess. Also, NEET-mode Keima is pretty funny, the sequence where Elsie was waiting for Keima outside his door and seasons were passing had me rolling.


Its a one off in the sense that we'll be getting a 50 episode series out of it and then bupkiss for the next couple years ala the lulls between SEED and 00 and 00 to this.


If your name is Nonoriri you have to go buy Nanami's tampons.
hosannainexcelsis said:
I guess you didn't watch anything else, huh?

Oh I did and those things were bad, and the things I didn't watch were even worse than that!
Nonoriri said:
Oh I did and those things were bad, and the things I didn't watch were even worse than that!

Honestly I've only seen one show from that season, but I know that anyone who says that show is bad is someone whose opinions I can't trust. Thus I must conclude that Wandering Son is not worth watching.


hosannainexcelsis said:
Honestly I've only seen one show from that season, but I know that anyone who says that show is bad is someone whose opinions I can't trust. Thus I must conclude that Wandering Son is not worth watching.
You don't trust someone that dosen't like madoka of all shows? :lol


hosannainexcelsis said:
Honestly I've only seen one show from that season, but I know that anyone who says that show is bad is someone whose opinions I can't trust. Thus I must conclude that Wandering Son is not worth watching.

You should know that Nonoriri exists to troll.

Ah, a twist in the formula. Now Keima is trying to help a girl fall in love with somebody else! Too bad he's doing such a good job of making her fall in love with him without realizing it! Well, I suppose it doesn't matter much either way to the goal of capturing escaped souls, but it seems to be wearing on Keima quite a bit to have to make girls fall in love with him and then they forget all about it but he remembers. Even though he tries so hard to avoid the real world and hide his emotions, it's pretty clear he's completely unable to maintain the disconnect for any period of time, if for no other reason than when he's in NEET-mode he refuses to even eat and that means his endurance is only as limited as how long he can starve himself.


If your name is Nonoriri you have to go buy Nanami's tampons.
zeroshiki said:
You should know that Nonoriri exists to troll.

I dunno man, Madoka might have been worth watching but I wouldn't call it good. But for the record I've only posted with the intent to inspire reactions concerning Toradora :3c

hosannainexcelsis said:
Irrational nonsense.

See this is what liking Madoka does to people, it makes them completely irrational and keeps them from watching good shows.
hosannainexcelsis said:
Honestly I've only seen one show from that season, but I know that anyone who says that show is bad is someone whose opinions I can't trust. Thus I must conclude that Wandering Son is not worth watching.

Even now the show does nothing for me.


Lafiel said:
From his description i actually expected a lot of gunfights and shit but with a harem, considering I've actually watched IS in it's entirely, it did not live up to that.:(
We have Mayo Chiki to look forward to.
Nonoriri said:
I dunno man, Madoka might have been worth watching but I wouldn't call it good. But for the record I've only posted with the intent to inspire reactions concerning Toradora :3c

See this is what liking Madoka does to people, it makes them completely irrational and keeps them from watching good shows.

When people disagree on the fundamental meaning of words, they can only hear each other's speech as meaningless rambling. What we are experiencing here is the total breakdown of human communication. It's a tragedy, but you are no longer speaking English to my ears.

Wandering Son's just a boring show for people with cross-dressing fetishes who want to pretend to be intellectually superior anyway.

Seriously, I do intend to watch Wandering Son. Eventually.

Something happened between the end of the arc involving Haqua and Chihiro's arc. Something serious. TWGOK suddenly turned from a goofy slapstick comedy into a goofy slapstick comedy with a serious underlying story. No seriously, keep reading this shit. Stop laughing! STOP LAUGHING! FUCK YOU I'M HAVING A SERIOUS MOMENT HERE! URUSAI! URUSAI URUSAI URUSAI!!! >_>


Somewhere along the line, probably when he ran into his first conquest Ayumi and discovered what the deal really was with Chihiro, Keima realized that he wasn't just capturing a bunch of stupid souls for some stupid contract. He realized that he was making positive impacts on other people's lives, and even though they didn't remember anything specific about Keima or his seductions (lol), they were happier and better people because of what he had done. More importantly, it was making his question his own existence for the first time. He had been avoiding the real world all this time, but having been forced to interact with all these random people, he realized that everyone else wasn't avoiding reality, they were always facing it head-on. So what the hell has he been doing? I mean, it's cool that he has dual-analog sticks on his PFP, the rest of us have to settle for a single shitty analog nub on our real PSPs, but still, that's no excuse to completely shut out the world! I wonder what Keima will discover about himself while he's dealing with this task of his.

Stay tuned?
Softenni 09 - More fanservice... as for the plot, this episode covers the rest of the training camp. #1 girl is really good, and none of our characters have much of a chance compared to her. Also, one of the girls runs off on her own because she thinks that Elizabeth and the coach are a couple, and of course she likes him too (it's not quite a harem because only the two girls like him and not the rest of them, but it's close). It was a misunderstanding of course and he is just thinking about soft tennis and not romance with his students, but the girls are of course. He chases her down because he's the teacher, and brings her back. There are some amusing scenes, this can be a funny show when it wants to be. :) This episode was stupid and entertaining as expected, this is a bad show but it's amusing enough to watch if you like stupid, fanservicey comedy shows.

Reign: The Conqueror 01-03 - This is a really, really weird series. Reign: The Conqueror is a series about the life of Alexander the Great... except instead of being in normal ancient Greece, it's in some sci-fi version of ancient Greece where everyone wears bizarre skintight costumes and Babylon has elevators and moving floors. They still fight with swords and spears though of course. This show is kind of interesting because they actually get a lot of their history right -- it's not entirely made up. It takes some serious liberties, of course, such as how in ep. 3 Alexander and friends go to Babylon even though at this point in the story his father is still alive (that didn't happen in history), but there's far more actual history here than you would expect from a series like this, particularly considering the crazy art design. Olympia likes snakes, his father has people influencing him, there are family tensions, Alexander is a great warrior, etc... there are some accurate things as well as the utterly bizarre stuff.

Unfortunately, while that sounds like an interesting formula -- one part history, one part insanity -- they mess it up by having a very slow pace. The battles aren't too interesting; indeed, the one big battle so far was almost devoid of action, until Alexander's cavalry charge. The rest of the show is no better -- the show is kind of boring. It's too bad. Overall, probably because of my love for history I do find this show interesting, but it definitely could have been better.

Getsumen To Heiki Mina 01 - This is a silly comedy show about an American girl who wants to be a superhero, which apparently are called Miina in this version of Earth. The Miina are girls with special powers who protect normal humans from aliens and such. She wants to be one, but isn't. When one saves her (in LA) she lies to our heroine and tells her that only by going to Japan can she train to be a Miina, in order to get her out of her hair. Our not-too-bright blonde heroine believes her and goes off, and funny antics ensue (fortunately she seems to know Japanese for some reason). She eventually meets other Miinas there, etc...
and at the end of the episode is about to give up, when a cute creature appears and says that she is actually a Miina too. Her costume looks like ears of corn, because the costumes are all food-based. The corn ears that stick onto her shoot off from a rabbit-shaped base on the moon. Yeah, this is a weird show. :) Then she gets a book full of missions she needs to do; naturally it's got an American flag cover.
I kind of want to see more of this, it's certainly not a good show but it was kind of entertaining.


I wanted to post in so people will be confused as to why there is a Spring and Summer thread both active but that would be bad form.

So umm...

Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai Anime confirmed!!! OMG


Original Work - Yomi HIRASAKA
Original Character Designs - Buriki
Director - Itsuro KAWASAKI (Sengoku Basara, Rental Magica)
Series Organization - Mamiko IKEDA (Rental Magica, Regios, Keroro)
Character Designs - Hideki HASHIMOTO (Samurai 7, Regios)
Animation Production - ZEXCS


It was announced a month ago!


Kodaka Hasegawa: Ryohei Kimura
Yozora Mikazuki: Marina Inoue
Sena Kashiwazaki: Kanae It&#333;
Yukimura Kusunoki: Nozomi Yamamoto
Rika Shiguma: Misato Fukuen
Kobato Hasegawa: Kana Hanazawa
Maria Takayama: Yuka Iguchi


Dresden said:
It was announced a month ago!


Kodaka Hasegawa: Ryohei Kimura
Yozora Mikazuki: Marina Inoue
Sena Kashiwazaki: Kanae It&#333;
Yukimura Kusunoki: Nozomi Yamamoto
Rika Shiguma: Misato Fukuen
Kobato Hasegawa: Kana Hanazawa
Maria Takayama: Yuka Iguchi

Yeah yeah, I just saw it now.


Neon Genesis Evangelion 6-10

Alright, the gang's all here! I never realized how much comedy and fanservice there was in this show, though when I remember that it's Gainax it shouldn't be too surprising. It does make me wonder what it would have been like watching it when it first aired in 1995 -- or maybe just without all the foreknowledge of what's to come.

This set of episodes contains one of the most famous attack sequences of the show, which was later made into a move for Super Robot Wars.


Articalys said:
Neon Genesis Evangelion 6-10

Alright, the gang's all here! I never realized how much comedy and fanservice there was in this show, though when I remember that it's Gainax it shouldn't be too surprising. It does make me wonder what it would have been like watching it when it first aired in 1995 -- or maybe just without all the foreknowledge of what's to come.

This set of episodes contains one of the most famous attack sequences of the show, which was later made into a move for Super Robot Wars.

I can't access youtube but I'm gonna take a wild guess:

Animax Musix Fall 2010:

The setlist for this concert is pretty crazy. Animelo was apparently always more of an independent event so it had lots of less recognizable songs, at least for me. But the songs being performed at this concert are pretty much an all-star list of anime OPs and EDs. It's opening with Scandal performing the Fullmetal Alchemist OP and then a Bleach OP. Damn, if you love Gundam, I think somebody performs like every single OP and ED from the entire history of shows and movies. The entire concert was 7.5 hours long o_O, I don't think I'll be watching this in one sitting.

Unlike the Animelo DVDs, this one actually is showing captions when a song starts telling me who the artist is and what song it is. Phew.


7Th said:
Fuck that shit. Where are my Penguin Drum scans?!


Oh look, the OP for Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid. I still need to watch that. Nice song though.

Oh look, it's Himeka, the French-Canadian winner of Animax Anisong a few years back. It's weird to see her real life self singing the OP for Valkyria Chronicles as she's so incredibly not Japanese. She does have a pretty amazing set of lungs, though. I can see how she won even though she didn't really speak any Japanese when she won that song contest a few years back. Now she's performing the OP for Revolutionary Girl Utena, a show which certainly isn't on my watch list.


I know how much we all value having information ASAP, but it would be nice if just for one month, there were no leaks or scans and things could be released when they were intended. Let a surprise stay a surprise until it was supposed to be revealed. But who am I kidding, this is the internet age, that's never going to happen.
Just some random thinking out loud.
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