Seraphis Cain
bad gameplay lol
Probably like the first season and the OVAs will follow the true ending of the novels.
One can only hope.
Probably like the first season and the OVAs will follow the true ending of the novels.
What is Precure?
What if I watched it in Japanese?
Silver hair is a minus for me. Sick of that color in particular.
It's like Sentai but with little girls.
Magical girl franchise that skews towards very little girls but has somehow found an audience with young males.
So My Little Pony for anime fans.
Take that back.
So Corvo pick Kaname instead Tessa?
Bad taste confirmed.
Precure is happiness.
(God, I'm SO addicted to this OP.)
Then replace Hynden Walch with Yukari Fukui! <3
is it Good Anime or Bad Anime or somewhere inbetween?
[Gargantia] - 11
I was going to post about this earlier, but I assumed someone else would bring this up:
I find it a little silly that the staff decided to pantyshot into this particular scene. I know it's not particularly obvious but that's kind of the point, sneaking in panty shots when they shouldn't is the kind of thing that animators are known to do and it's rather childish. As seeing that particular shot led me down this whole train of reasoning I was rather annoyingly pulled out of the show itself.
[Gargantia] - 11
Official Precure OP ranking:
Splash Star > Futari wa > Heartcatch > who the fuck cares about the rest > Fresh
Bro there is a panty shot in the Gargantia OP the show lets you know it's a thing from the beginning![]()
Your picture did not load and I will not. Silver hair is not my cup.
[Gargantia] - 11
I find it a little silly that the staff decided to pantyshot into this particular scene. I know it's not particularly obvious but that's kind of the point, sneaking in panty shots when they shouldn't is the kind of thing that animators are known to do and it's rather childish. As seeing that particular shot led me down this whole train of reasoning I was rather annoyingly pulled out of the show itself.
is it Good Anime or Bad Anime or somewhere inbetween?
Heartcatch Precure is genuine good it Good Anime or Bad Anime or somewhere inbetween?
The real question is why Ami and not anyone else. Ami is worst girl and Best Girl is either Ridget or Bellows. Can't decide yet.
I disagree with this on grounds that I've heard the Smile Precure OP already and it's great. One of the numerous reasons I look forward to the day I make it as far as that series. (Most of the other reasons are Yayoi.)
...Admittedly Splash Star and Futari wa's OPs still have it beat, but there's no excuse for lumping it in the "who the fuck cares" category.
Bro there is a panty shot in the Gargantia OP the show lets you know it's a thing from the beginning![]()
Will unlock Summer when Spring ends.
Hyouka 4
Well, that mystery about Chitanda's uncle was resolved...rather quickly. Houtarou explained what happened and it seemed to fit. The only question left is why what he said made Chitanda cry, and I guess that could be chalked up to him being bitter about it and her seeing a side of her uncle that she never saw before. Or she discovered for the first time that life is a cruel and unfair mistress. But I suppose if they're going to continue on with that, it's probably something else.
Maybe if they put this level of effort and research and thought into what happened to her uncle in India, they might be able to figure it out (he's almost certainly dead, but closure and all that). But Houtarou wouldn't do that, since it would be more work than he's willing to do, plus he's not getting anything out of it.
I'm sorry, everyone. I'm really unstable today and so I think that my inhibitions against saying really stupid shit are weaker than normal. It's horribly wrong of me to act like I have any say in whether or not people can freely discuss what they enjoy; I think I'm selfishly throwing something that I like under the bus because I have a perpetual fear of being singularly associated with it by others to the exclusion of everything else when it's just something that I like, no more and no less than any other thing that I like. I know that I'm not personally responsible for the increase in discussion, but I still feel an inordinate amount of guilt over it, and fertygo is right that it's an egotistical attitude.
I'm just going to go spend the next couple of days playing Animal Crossing and hopefully I'll feel better by then.
Hey Mad Pierrot, get better soon bro.
Official Precure OP ranking:
Splash Star > Futari wa > Heartcatch > who the fuck cares about the rest > Fresh
Kill more zombies.
More ridiculous bullet dodging breasts.
It's probably the ending of the show. So that coveted last volume of the LN~
Probably like the first season and the OVAs will follow the true ending of the novels.
It was Micaiah from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
Melissa Mao >>>>>>>> Kaname Chidori >>>>>>>> Teletha Testarossa >>>>> Kyouko Tokiwa >>> Ren Mikihara >>>>>>> Mira Kudan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nami. Sousuke doesn't even love Tessa. He tells her this.On her birthday.
Official Precure OP ranking:
Splash Star > Futari wa > Heartcatch > who the fuck cares about the rest > Fresh
Amy's doing a flip there, that makes perfect sense. This is just another sign, combined with the eyecatches and all the fanservice that's come before, that a number of members of the art staff are hankering to draw their own doujinshi. I don't want to be thinking about that while watching a series.
I was thinking it was Tomoyo that you meant to post
Tomoyo is the best. I'd like to play Tomoyo After sometime.
The character designs are by Hanaharu Naruko. It was pretty clear before the show even aired that it was going to be like this. Don't try to act surprised.
Amy's doing a flip there, that makes perfect sense. This is just another sign, combined with the eyecatches and all the fanservice that's come before, that a number of members of the art staff are hankering to draw their own doujinshi. I don't want to be thinking about that while watching a series.
I like how no-one is specifically acknowledging Suite Precures existence...
It's depressing ;_;
I like how no-one is specifically acknowledging Suite Precures existence...
Probably because it hasn't been covered as much as all the other seasons by users here.
based Ellen, even if you are a lame version of Cure passion, you're still the best here
Man, sorry to see that you're beating yourself up over this.
I honestly don't think there's anyone in this thread who actually thinks all the Precure posting is a bad thing. If there are, they're certainly in the minority, and I would argue not really in the spirit of the thread. If people aren't ready to sift through posts about things they're not interested in, I think they came to the wrong place. Precure or no Precure, people talk about all kinds of obscure stuff in here, to the point where I don't think it's possible for any one person to be into all of it. And that's all part of the fun!
I'm pretty sure anyone who is calling for a Precure OT is doing so with positive intentions, because they think the Precure community is big and awesome enough now that it deserves a thread of its own, not because they want to chase the Precure posters out of this one. Personally, I love this thread and the current state of PrecureGAF and would rather not split off into a separate thread, but I can understand why some people might see it that way. Either way, I don't think it's a bad thing or anything you should worry yourself over!
Suite is just forgettable. not bad but not great
that boobs appreciation thread was closed :_;
Hope summer is dead for anime. Need time to play, TLOU (waifu?), FF14 (fuck), project x zone (boobs!), runes factory 4 (waifus!), mario luigi 4 (the most moe brother around!), tales of xillia (are there waifus?), smt4 (dont remember why i preordered this).
Hey man, that was my best song in the game!Oh yeah man, I love banging on my drums to some....Blink-182?![]()
What's that thing when you feel wahjah except it's toward yourself? Oh, I guess that's just embarrassment.
You're actually burning through it because you're enjoying it, right? I mean, I think you are, but half of my anguish over this is the thought of something like Max Heart becoming a rite of passage for new people who lurked when I was posting hate-filled episode impressions. I don't want to be responsible for influencing other people, inadvertently or otherwise, into adopting masochistic viewing habits or just plain wasting time that they could have used watching good shows. Don't be like me, only watch things because you actually like them!
What's that thing when you feel wahjah except it's toward yourself? Oh, I guess that's just embarrassment.
You're actually burning through it because you're enjoying it, right? I mean, I think you are, but half of my anguish over this is the thought of something like Max Heart becoming a rite of passage for new people who lurked when I was posting hate-filled episode impressions. I don't want to be responsible for influencing other people, inadvertently or otherwise, into adopting masochistic viewing habits or just plain wasting time that they could have used watching good shows. Don't be like me, only watch things because you actually like them![/IM][/QUOTE]
summer's cancelled until Duckroll says otherwise
The best advice that anyone could ever give.You're actually burning through it because you're enjoying it, right? I mean, I think you are, but half of my anguish over this is the thought of something like Max Heart becoming a rite of passage for new people who lurked when I was posting hate-filled episode impressions. I don't want to be responsible for influencing other people, inadvertently or otherwise, into adopting masochistic viewing habits or just plain wasting time that they could have used watching good shows. Don't be like me, only watch things because you actually like them!