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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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That looks fucking disgusting.




You guys know what I could go for?

Some delicious, yeasty bread. The kind with the most perfect aroma that you just wanna put in your mouth. The kind even Alvin could love.


The Light of El Cantare
I think you'll end up just doing a sequel thread at some point.

I should just go ahead with my plans to push this year's crop of new animegaffers through the Happy Science quintology. At least that way, those who make it to the end can share in my agony.


I've always wanted to try one since Anthony Bourdain described the taste as "like french-kissing your dead grandmother".

Maybe I'll throw down the $16 that one costs at my local import supermarket and then create an OT thread to liveblog my experience.

16 bucks!?

Da fuck. I can get a whole durian for 5 bucks down the street.
Dont spend 16 bucks on one ever.


hear hear. if there was only a legit gyro place in my area i'd be a happy man instead of eating at shitty dennys :l
That sounds terrible. :(

I don't see why you would need to be drunk to enjoy a gyro. They can also easily fall apart if you're clumsy so it doesn't seem like a good food for drunkards to me.
They're good anytime! Except from Sicily's Pizza. Everything they touch is greasy as fuck :/
Gyro's a great anytime but they're 10x better when your drunkenly walking down the street and come across a street stall just when you need something to eat. God bless those gyro/doner kebab street vendors.


Just because the terrorist are dicks we should should just hold them indefinitely in Guantanimo too because they're dicks and we do mostly good stuff so we can do some naughty stuff just this once, right?

So if Suzaku can do bad shit for good reasons, why can't Kallen? Correct me if I'm wrong, but while she knows Zero's identity, she doesn't know Lelouch's intentions, right? Like,as far as she knows, she and Zero are still doing their shit for Japan and all that, no?

I don't see how what I'm saying is that at all. You're applying what Suzaku can do to what a country can do, and those are two different things. Suzaku can do what he can do to stop Lelouch because Lelouch
murdered the love of his life.

What a country is permitted and what a person is permitted are entirely different.

Going past that, I'm glad you bring up Gitmo, because that's precisely what Suzaku IS NOT doing here. He's exhausted peaceful negotiations with Kallen at every turn, and is now informing her that further failure to comply with the search for Lelouch will result in more severe measures being taken against her. There is no torture. No waterboarding. No abject humiliation. She's a prisoner of war, and has been treated with the utmost humanity given that, and now she is being informed that failure to comply with questioning will result in the administration of a serum which will make her comply.

There's nothing wrong with that on any level. If an enemy general has failed at every opportunity for peaceful resolution, the use of force is permitted. And here we see that even then Suzaku has chosen the utmost peaceful form of force to get from her what needs to be obtained for the sake of stopping the man who is slaughtering innocents left and right. To suggest otherwise is to be naive. Everything here is perfectly within reason and entirely beside the point.

The point is that Lelouch took something from Suzaku that justifies every last move Suzaku can possibly make for the remainder of the game. Suzaku doesn't need to be better, he needs to get revenge.

What the Black Knights do IS justifiable as long as its for the sake of freeing Japan. Slaughtering innocents and defenseless is entirely against the very things Lelouch said they were about. Remember how he murdered all those hoteljackers? And then said the Black Knights were defenders of everyone who was weak and enemies of all those who used power to suppress? It seems to me that its the Black Knights, not the Britannian military, which needs to do some explaining.

And I'm going to have to correct you: Kallen DOES know Lelouch doesn't give two fucks about Japan. She's known that ever since she found out who he was. She even SAYS that he was using them. She'd have to be blind at this point not to realize it. Hell, she admits as much a second time implicitly when she begs him to come back to them.

Even so, what Suzaku is doing isn't on Lelouch's level, and it isn't on the level of Gitmo, either. What he's doing is interrogating a prisoner in a manner which is considerably less violent than breaking her fingers to get what he wants. Which is what he COULD be doing. And even that wouldn't be on Lelouch's level, because Lelouch would just out and out murder someone, as he always does.

And in case it isn't painfully clear, Lelouch ISN'T justified in murdering people for "revenge" because none of this is about revenge to him. It's about making daddy notice him and give a shit.
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