Funi got Sakura Quest. It's a getting a simulcast dub starting May 4th.
It's weird that the series is being released via Amazon Prime in Japan but Anime Strike didn't get it in the US.
Well, I watched all of Fractale, and let me tell you, I fell left down. 5 hours of my life, wasted. The show goes nowhere. It super mediocre, it doesn't evoke any feelings at all. It's not even bad, just a waste of time.
Wait so AoT goes absent for 4 years and comes back with a 12 episode run? Are they purposely trying to kill its popularity?
Wait so AoT goes absent for 4 years and comes back with a 12 episode run? Are they purposely trying to kill its popularity?
I think a lot of the reason people are concerned is not just this episode but because there's been a whole season with pacing and other problems, and instead of fixing those problems in the second season as people were hoping it appears to be on track to continue a lot of them.
Checking out some anime PVs for this season.
What the hell is that thing?
Why do they think they should show that ugly CG scene in a PV?
But see, outside of the recap I don't feel like it moved all that slow. However I'll confess I really didn't feel like the first season was all that tedious to begin with either.
Edit: Just to clarify. As someone who read the manga, I don't feel like the adaptation moved all that much slower than the manga does. That first set of arcs from S1 moves slow anyway. So my feeling is that the anime just really replicates it much the same way the manga presented it in a very slow build fashion. It's part of the reason, I think, that there's always so much talk about how the Sports Festival is where people really get sucked in. Hence why I also think we had a five minute recap, in order to make this a kind of second jumping on point for people.
This is true.IBO is one of the best Gundam shows ever.
If you had no problems with the first season, then you probably won't have any problems with the second season. It seems to be basically more of the same. I will say, though, that there was a full recap episode for My Hero Academia aired last week, so if they needed a second jumping on point for people they already had one.
All hail Rustal. This guy can probably beat Jesus Kira.IBO is one of the best Gundam shows ever.
Best Girl Ranking
1. Chihaya
2. Yayoi
3. Takane
4. Makoto
5. Haruka
6. Ami and Mami
8. Kotori
9. Yukiho
10. Ritsuko
11. Azusa
12. Miki
13. Hibiki
14. Iori
IBO is one of the best Gundam shows ever.
One Punch Man 1
I'm probably the one person who didn't watch this back when it originally aired.
I like how OPM's reaction to the whole "so much stronger than everyone else that it becomes boring and redundant" is apathy rather than obsession with finding someone or something worthy.
One Punch Man 1
I'm probably the one person who didn't watch this back when it originally aired.
I like how OPM's reaction to the whole "so much stronger than everyone else that it becomes boring and redundant" is apathy rather than obsession with finding someone or something worthy.
Just finished the Idolm@ster TV anime.
I think it was quite the uneven experience with several great episodes like EP8 or 20 and Haruka's arc at the end was a nice way to wrap everything with again some great concert animations.
But at the same there were many just plain bad episodes like Hibike's which took me like 2 hours to finish it, such an episode at the beginning of the show and I would have just plain dropped it.
Maybe I'm a little biased because LoveLive was my gateway drug into the entire Idol business thing but I prefered the (melo)drama of LL with the steady progression over the more episodic approach of the Idolmaster anime. Doesn't help that I thought that many of the song inserts were kind of lazy inlcuded and were pretty subpar and forgettable - the NHK anime music ranking is justified in my eyes.
Although the hights like Chihaya's arc are far above anything in the LL franchise.
But the most important part of the post.
Code:Best Girl Ranking 1. Makoto 2. Yayoi 3. Takane 4. Chihaya 5. Haruka 6. Ami and Mami 8. Kotori 9. Yukiho 10. Ritsuko 11. Azusa 12. Miki 13. Hibiki 14. Iori
It was also nice to see a girls focused series where men are still allowed to exist.
Gundam Barbatos is now my favorite mecha in anime history.
Barbatos is everything a mecha should be.
Some other show probably took its slot already, which sucksHey guys isn't it funny how the final episode of Gundam could air today on multiple channels, but some how Tales of Zesteria is only ending at the end of April? Hurrrrr? XD
IBO is one of the best Gundam shows ever.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 19
While I like that both Chibodee and Sai experienced trauma from their encounter with the Devil Gundam, I feel like doing another "fight a strong enemy to regain their confidence" plot right after the last episode was a mistake. Still, Argo vs Sai may have been one of the show's best fights.
I found it funny how the writers still had to contrive a way for Domon to get in with a Shining Finger, like there's a mandate from on high to have one an episode.
What the fuck is BGBWs avatar
I can't recognize him with such a vanilla anime girl instead of a goofy looking one
I thought it was TUSR
I dunno, Miki is pretty goofy looking.
Don't trashtalk the 12th best Idolmaster girl!
IBO is one of the best Gundam shows ever.
Some other show probably took its slot already, which sucks
It seems like reception of the second season has been overall better than reception of the first, which is something unheard of for Gundam/Sunrise anime.
ID-0, Taniguchi's new show at Sanzigen, is airing in that timeslot starting next week.