When you announce a game with concept art this epic...
...and then release this for $40 when half your iOS games look better at half the price...
...the result is not terribly surprising.
No one seems to learn from Epic Mickey's mistakes. Don't lead your marketing with concept art unless you intend to match it.
Yep, that's my stance too.Dunno, I'm a big jrpg guy, and setsuna looks boring.
Nothing about that game makes me want to play it. Feels like one of those hippie rpgs like child of light.
Setsuna was terrible, so I'm not surprised.
When you announce a game with concept art this epic...
...and then release this for $40 when half your iOS games look better at half the price...
...the result is not terribly surprising.
No one seems to learn from Epic Mickey's mistakes. Don't lead your marketing with concept art unless you intend to match it.
I didn't think it was terrible, but I thought it was really weird that they looked at Chrono Trigger's nice, speedy battle system and then were like "OK, now how do we take that and make it slow and tedious?".
Pretty sure most of that is from the costs associated with setting up a new studio. Setsuna didn't do that badly, and I expect to see it on mobile soon enough to offset costs
Killjoy...That's like ~2.4M dollars, btw
As someone who has looked at Chrono Trigger battles extensively, CT's battle system isn't very fast, other than skipping the transition to a separate screen. I was actually surprised at just how slow most moves in battle are since I remembered it being much faster (and compared to FF6, I guess it is a little faster). You want fast RPG combat, look at stuff like Atlus' 1st person perspective games like Etrian Odyssey.
CT's battle system & leveling were very straightforward and accessible though, and I hear that's not the case in Setsuna.
Good. Companies that shamelessly plagiarize and then change mere words to make ideas fit don't deserve success.
Oh, okay, nevermind me then.
There's not a big market for turn-based games nowadays anyway, probably didn't help that no one knows about this game... good job squeenix
What? Why do you think SE dropped localizations for 3DS? Everything is published by Nintendo for a few years now.
Good. Companies that shamelessly plagiarize and then change mere words to make ideas fit don't deserve success.
was for nothing.Setsuna's sacrifice
This isn't that alarming, is it?
- This probably includes the start up costs, development costs and marketing costs;
- data is for the first week of Japanese sales, which means it includes all expenses but only some revenue;
- Japanese sales have risen since the first week, and Western sales should be added to it, so it likely already (nearly) broke even or made profit.
Seems to me like a good start for a first game, new IP no less, of a new studio.
Honestly feel a little bad, not buying it yet... But 40 is a steep price for a retro style rpg for me... Was waiting for a sale.
was for nothing.Setsuna's sacrifice
Nothing about that game makes me want to play it. Feels like one of those hippie rpgs like child of light.
The general consensus on this game seems to be that it's overpriced, was badly marketed, and either looks fairly mediocre or just probably isn't worth it - which is all fine, and a good indication as to why this financial loss occurred.
The real, worrying thing about it is Square's ability to now falsely justify a claim that classic-style jRPG inspired gameplay doesn't sell because it's classic-style jRPG inspired gameplay, and not because they chose the wrong price point and didn't market it well enough. Le sigh.