Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.

Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
I would have figured the referencing done in High Score Girl would be fair use and wouldn't need permission for it. Big fuck up by SE manga publishing side to not have cleared the permissions before publishing the manga.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
They were prepared.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
bee-ooh c'n FEEeel the BWALM befoh dah stohm AS the bwaid begin
meanwhile, in the basement of S-E headquarters, Hiroyuki Ito is wondering what kind of mess his janitorial team will have to clean up later...
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
I would have figured the referencing done in High Score Girl would be fair use and wouldn't need permission for it.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
you can feel the calm before the storm as the raid begins
This thread didn't disappoint. That said its crazy how this got so far before it got this intense.Update:
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
Oh man! lolThey were prepared.
I wonder how much this has delayed Final Fantasy XV.
It totally is. High score girl is amazing, but yeah, they use every real world example on the books. There's totally a legit case there.that manga looks amazing but a copyright nightmare lol
Wouldn't this have been some good publicity for the characters/games?
Given the timescale we're talking about here, not much.
Humanity's journey, from our origin in east Africa, to today, and possibly our future exodus into outer space, are but a spec of dust, in what is the great chronicle of Final Fantasy XV's development cycle.
Nothing would really have come of this if the company making the anime didn't contact SNK asking for the use of their characters and music. The big thing that is probably going to swing the case in SNK's favor is the end pages of the manga had the copyright symbol with SNK Playmore's logo next to it, making it look like they got permission when they never did.Interesting. Japan is notorious for ignoring copyright (Beatles music cribbed in Earthbound, the Commando/Rambo/Pliskin image clones in '80s games like Contra and Metal Gear ... the whole doujinshi industry) so I'm very surprised to see a complaint/suit actually get to the point of a raid.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
I love this so much.Update:
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
you can feel the calm before the storm as the raid begins
SNKP is only worth 17M US Dollars.
I'm surprised they haven't been bought out, or went on to churn indie games alongside KOF.
Considering how protective Square Enix is of their own intellectual property given their strong history of handing out Cease and Desists to anyone and everyone ...well...its pretty IRONIC here to see them ripping off intellectual properties from other companies to boosts sells and interest in their own manga.
Police did a through search of the building but found no traces of Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Heats 3.
They were prepared.
Yeah, but the editor or someone should have caught this, especially if it has "(C) SNK Playmore" in the end pages but SNK was never contacted.I don't think any higher ups had a hand in referencing other properties at all, much less as a means to boost sales. It's a manga by one guy that just happens to be serialized in a magazine Square runs.
Iseewhatyoudidthere professor.