Stalker 2 Dev GSC Game World Explains for the First Time What Went Wrong With A-Life 2.0, and Why It Was Removed From the Game’s Description on Steam

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

GSC Game World creative director Maria Grygorovych shows me a message on her phone. It’s proof, she says, that she’s telling me the truth about Stalker 2’s A-Life 2.0 system. The message is about why mention of A-Life 2.0 was pulled from Stalker 2’s Steam page and replaced with a generic description about the way AI works in the game. It turns out that Maria found out the description had changed when she saw players complaining about it on Reddit.
Stalker 2 launched late last month to a positive reception on Steam and one million sales. It’s a success for the Ukrainian studio, a miracle, really, considering the harrowing circumstances that followed Russian’s full-scale invasion of the country in 2022. Stalker 2 suffers from well-documented bugs; GSC knows this and is working as hard as it can to fix them. But it’s A-Life 2.0 — or its apparent absence — that has gained the most attention from fans.

A-Life was a key feature of the first Stalker game that governed AI behavior across the game world. At a high level, it is a system for simulating life in the Zone that works its magic seemingly independently of the player’s actions or whereabouts. It helps to create convincing AI and the emergent gameplay Stalker is famous for.
GSC had said A-Life 2.0 would make the Zone feel alive as never before, that it would fuel emergent gameplay on a scale previously thought impossible. Indeed for some fans, A-Life 2.0 was Stalker 2’s biggest selling point. Unfortunately, now Stalker 2 is out in the wild, A-Life 2.0 hasn’t quite lived up to that billing.

In fact, it feels as if A-Life 2.0 isn’t even in the game. Players have found little evidence to suggest anything approaching a life simulation is in operation at any scale, with NPCs and enemies spawning around the player and sometimes in obvious ways. This, players have said, lends Stalker 2 a more scripted feel than its predecessor, with emergent gameplay sorely lacking.
So, what happened? GSC CEO Ievgen Grygorovych and creative director Maria Grygorovych offer an explanation during our interview, which takes place at BAFTA in Piccadilly, London following a screening of War Game: The Making of Stalker 2. The 90-minute documentary, which includes interviews with GSC’s Ukrainian staff as they contend with the invasion, reveals the remarkable circumstances surrounding the extremely difficult development of Stalker 2.

It’s with this in mind that Ievgen and Maria explain what went wrong with A-Life 2.0, revealing for the first time how the studio's battle to optimize the performance of Stalker 2 in the months before release caused the feature to break down. A-Life 2.0 is in Stalker 2, the pair insist, it’s just bugged. Massively bugged.
Ievgen offers a technical explanation of what happened. In short, optimization issues ahead of launch forced GSC to shrink the area around the player in which A-Life 2.0 works. It is supposed to extend much farther in virtual distance terms than it currently does, but to get Stalker 2 into a decent place performance wise across PC and Xbox Series X and S, the developers had to reduce this distance. Then came the bugs on top.

“This system to work properly requires a much larger area for spawn NPCs, and it requires much more memory resources," Ievgen says in English, which isn't his first language. "We were fighting with optimization. To optimize, you have a lot of things that need your resources, and you try to cut things from different directions to properly optimize the game well.

“But to make it work we had to optimize some things, and they make A-Life work in many situations not as it should. Also, we created some bugs not long ago before release with NPCs spawning in the air and dropping back to the bottom. They should actually spawn in the terrain. Why it happened, I don’t know! And also we had some bugs with AI behavior.

“So, all these things connected make it look like it's very broken and not working. But we are now continuing working on the optimization part to bring more resources for the A-Life system, to increase the range where A-Life is actually visualized.

“There are NPCs outside of the range of the player and they are in offline mode. And when the player reaches some distance, they are going to online mode and they pop back up. The distance is dictated by our optimization range, where we stream the real world and not real world with all the collisions. It was tough work, and because of these optimization problems and bugs, it's become broken.”

OK, so now we know what went wrong with A-Life 2.0. The question is, can GSC fix it? Or, can it get A-Life 2.0 into a place where it realizes the developer’s ambition and makes good on that initial promise? Absolutely, Ievgen and Maria insist. In fact that’s exactly what the developer is working on now.

“For now we committed to players to make it work and it can be done from directions both optimizing, giving more resources to A-Life, fixing bugs, making it work properly, and then putting more efforts to make it more advanced,” Ievgen says.

All this brings us nicely back to A-Life 2.0’s mysterious disappearance from Stalker 2’s Steam page upon the game’s release. Its original description, which mentioned A-Life 2.0 by name alongside promises about how game-changing it would be, was removed and replaced by another description that fails to mention A-Life 2.0 at all. "Advanced artificial intelligence systems that will keep engaged even the most hard-boiled players,” it now reads. That’s not particularly exciting to fans, who are at best worried about the future of A-Life 2.0, at worst accusing GSC of misleading them.
Maria tells me someone on GSC’s marketing team took it upon themselves to change the A-Life 2.0 description to make it easier to understand. The thinking, apparently, was that Stalker newcomers wouldn't have a clue what A-Life meant and might dismiss it. But this marketing person didn’t run the change by Maria first before pushing it live.

“He told me there will be a lot of new players who don’t know what A-Life is,” Maria says. “They need to understand what we’re talking about in this description. So I will try to change it to a more understandable form. He did that without any discussion or permission. He didn’t ask, ‘Do we have some bugs with A-Life or something?’ Because we had. We knew that. It’s a really huge and difficult system. But, when he did that before release, it was a surprise for me, because I noticed it because of Reddit. We did the Steam page in 2021. So for me, I was shocked, honestly.”

Maria admits her explanation of events might sound unconvincing or suspicious, and suggests I probably don’t believe a word she’s saying. “People think it looks like it’s connected to us releasing the game with broken A-Life,” she says. “But it’s not. Even now, I’m talking about it to you, and you’re thinking, 'Hmm, yeah, yeah, it was some guy in the marketing team.' I understand it sounds suspicious!”

So she pulls out her phone and scrolls for a bit before showing me a screenshot of the inter-company message proving she was telling the truth about this marketing person changing the Steam page without her knowledge. I tell her I believed her anyway, but she insists on showing me her phone screen and yep, it’s there, in black and white.

So, will GSC put that A-Life 2.0 description back on Stalker 2’s Steam page? Not until the feature itself is fixed, Maria insists. But there’s no timeframe for that, and it’s hard to push for one given half the development team is still working in Ukraine and faces week-long power cuts that blanket the country in darkness and cut off internet access.

"We have a relationship with our players and players wanted to see something," Maria says. "We have to do it for them."


Gold Member
I think it was quite obvious that the issue was performance and thats why the spawn radius was so small but its good they clarify this. I really hope they manage to fix because the game is absolutely incredible and deserves to be polished


And not even a timeframe for them to fix it. Game should not have been released in its current early access state.

Stalker and Flight Sim were woeful launches for MS this year. I've completely lost any faith I had left in Xbox as a platform. We're paying to be beta testers on Gamepass and I'm done with it.
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We'll never know as they aren't developing a game while being attacked by murderous rapist orcs with team members being shipped off to fight the horde of mindless russian slaves.
No sane person expects anyone to make a massive AAA game under missile fire.

But if you DO make one and expect others to pay top dollar for it (they have Ubisoft-style special editions that cost upwards of $100), you better make a good product and deliver on your promises (which again, they themselves made under zero duress from others).
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Everyone expected it to have issues. Hopefully they can fix it up. I still am drowning in games, so I'm willing to give it a month or two. After that, I'll play it as is and move on.

Anyone giving them harsher criticism is fine with me though. The moment you start asking for money, that's the moment you should get your game reviewed and scored.


Stalker and Flight Sim were woeful launches for MS this year. I've completely lost any faith I had left in Xbox as a platform. We're paying to be beta testers on Gamepass and I'm done with it.

And yet here I am, a few weeks later, absolutely loving the hell out of both of these games and glad of my GPU subscription.

A little patience goes a long way.
This is the kind of stuff no one would forgive a Ubisoft or Bethesda for.
I agree in a round about way. I think that then even shipping this game is probably nothing short of a miracle really. I've not followed development closely but understand it at a high level. You are right that other developers would be hung out to dry for it, although we have to try and appreciate the differing scenarios and budgets too.

At least they removed the description of alife from the game though which is better than saying it's there when it isn't. After hearing a little bit about how alife works though, I don't think I'm interested in playing this game without it as it seems like a huge part of what makes STALKER the game it is.


Gold Member
Is a fix coming any time soon? I have the game and waiting to play through it.

We dont know yet, but they have said that they are going to fix it so that means that at some point it will happen. That being said I would be not be surprised if this was another Cyberpunk 2077 case, where only certain systems get the improvements, like maybe exclusive to PC and PRO consoles or something because it seems like the main problem are the weaker consoles


I agree in a round about way. I think that then even shipping this game is probably nothing short of a miracle really. I've not followed development closely but understand it at a high level. You are right that other developers would be hung out to dry for it, although we have to try and appreciate the differing scenarios and budgets too.
Again, the scenario that's happening here is entirely of their own volition. No one asked them to make a AAA game during a brutal war, I would rather all the devs stay alive than get a game out of them, I'm sure any sane person would say the same.

Plus they could have removed the A-Life stuff months before releasing the game. They had the time to shoot a bespoke 90 minute making-of documentary, but not to check if they weren't (inadvertently) lying to their customers? I am honestly skeptical.

At least they removed the description of alife from the game though which is better than saying it's there when it isn't. After hearing a little bit about how alife works though, I don't think I'm interested in playing this game without it as it seems like a huge part of what makes STALKER the game it is.
They very conveniently removed it after the big preorders came in that largely can't be refunded by now. Also this only happened after people figured it out themselves, they didn't come out and voluntarily tell us, if no one figured it out, then there's a chance we might not have been told about it.


Tag, you're it.
OMG all that wall of text just for this:

"Ievgen offers a technical explanation of what happened. In short, optimization issues ahead of launch forced GSC to shrink the area around the player in which A-Life 2.0 works. It is supposed to extend much farther in virtual distance terms than it currently does, but to get Stalker 2 into a decent place performance wise across PC and Xbox Series X and S, the developers had to reduce this distance. Then came the bugs on top."

You're welcome.
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Performance suck too…I tried to like the game but sadly it’s deeply flawed
Same. I dont understand why game have so much positive comments on Steam given the fact they practically lied about A life.

I played about 3-4 hours and stopped. Its decent average game but definitely not great.

Im planning to play again in 5-6months after they hopefully fix lot of things.


So, before release they knew one of the fundamental systems of this game was completely broken because it needed optimization and still shipped it like this nonetheless?
I understand the difficult circumstances that the studio had to go through while developing the game but that still doesn't justify this kind of behaviour imo. If they knew it was broken they should've delayed the game or released it in early access if they really needed the funding that much.
Now it'll most likely be months or even years before A-life is working properly with all its systems working well and in tandem.
I'm regretting buying the game ngl, not because I don't enjoy it (I'm well past the refund window) but because my purchase further encourages behaviour like this from publishers and developers alike.


Well thanks for letting us know what happened I guess. I wonder if they can even fix it. I am guessing no, and best you will get is a compromise. Or more likely a modder can do better. This went from wait for a patch to wait a few years for a mod and steep sale.


Gold Member
It's totally unacceptable to release a game and ask for $70 when one of the fundamental, core elements of it is totally broken and unoptimized and buggy. If you can't delay the game, release it as early access or something. This is also a big temporary exclusive on Xbox and a game that MS used to push GamePass and hyped for a long time. It deserves as much criticism for this as Fallout 76 or any other broken piles of shit.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Yet it is still better than any other game this gen, well outside of Cyberpunk. Its STALKER its going to have issues anomalies. Its not a mainstream game anyway. And yes I bought this game, its not a gamepass type of MS dick riding. And well yes MS deservers a lot of credit here, given that they went to this risky project. Although timed exlusive sucks.


Gold Member
It's totally unacceptable to release a game and ask for $70 when one of the fundamental, core elements of it is totally broken and unoptimized and buggy. If you can't delay the game, release it as early access or something. This is also a big temporary exclusive on Xbox and a game that MS used to push GamePass and hyped for a long time. It deserves as much criticism for this as Fallout 76 or any other broken piles of shit.

Not really and it shows you haven't played it. Like the poster above said, it's still better than most other games this generation.


Gold Member
Gabe bless modders.

Mods will sort the game out. Should be awesome when fully realised.

Like others have said should have been an early access title no doubt. Cut the consoles loose while they are at it.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Visuals are great, soundtrack is great, and the gun play it satisfying.

The rest is a joke. I played a large chunk, modded the shit out of it, and it’s still a game I can’t believe someone said go ahead and launch.

Early access is exactly what this is. The actual game needs another year plus of refinement before A Life could even be considered to be added.

In its current state it’s a 6/10. If it was t as buggy, crashed, and performed fine it would be an 8/10. Add in A life and it becomes a 9/10 game.


Gold Member
And not even a timeframe for them to fix it. Game should not have been released in its current early access state.

Stalker and Flight Sim were woeful launches for MS this year. I've completely lost any faith I had left in Xbox as a platform. We're paying to be beta testers on Gamepass and I'm done with it.
Flight sim had a bad launch couple of days due to online but is great now, hardly woeful.
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Gold Member
Gamepass is 10 euro's bro

You call it unfinished, I call it better than most games released these past years.

One feature isnt working correctly.

"One feature isn't working correctly" - yes, this one feature that is a core part of the game, the one feature that defined the prior games of this series, the one feature that gave these games tons of replayability and dynamism, this one feature that is so important that the devs are out there trying to explain why it's not working, that is the one feature.

It is like saying that it's just one feature when the shooting in Doom doesn't work correctly. I am not going to criticize anyone who likes the game in spite of this, but it is impossible to deny the state of it.
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I don't get why don't they just place enemies in set places, like i go to some camp/building and there's enemies there so it's fine, what i don't like is enemies actually "looking" for you out of nowhere, like chasing you regardless if you came to their camp etc... they should (if possible since i don't understand in coding game lol) disable all that death squads which reminds me a bit of Fallout New Vegas assassins.
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How far we have fallen. I guess I am not surprised to see so many defending this. Sad. Must be some form of Stockholm syndrome. Getting screwed over for so long, you have become used to it and even seem to like it.

So what if this buggy mess is still "better" than some other game. Some bugs are expected. I still see plenty in Cyberpunk today. This is a broken feature. A main feature of the series and a major selling point of the game. Absolutely this should not have shipped like this. I am very tired of beta testing games and paying way to much for the privilege.


The best part of the game is definitely not the AI. Enemies that can pinpoint your location from afar, mutants that attack and retreat repeatedly, rats that keep spawning and follow the same path, and many other annoyances can be frustrating. Yet the game is still very enjoyable. If the AI were truly perfected, I’d call it a 10/10 game, one of the best games of all time. But it's still a great game nonetheless.
The worst performing parts of the game seem to be CPU rather than GPU limited, and we can imagine that simulating more actors would have raised the CPU load further.

I do find it interesting that he mentions AIife 2.0 requires much more memory resources the one thing we know Series S has an issue with. On top of that one of the devs mentioned how they never thought they would get it working on the Series S. Is butchering AIife 2.0 how they got it working there?


Well, what can I say, it's very annoying, since in fact A - Life is what makes the series unique against the background of other games of this genre. But honestly, it was expected, exactly at the moment when they decided that taking Unreal 5 would be a great idea, they signed the game's death warrant in terms of performance and capabilities. And it seems to me that this will ultimately affect the mods, not the small ones, but the global ones, most likely their size will be significantly smaller than in the original game, due to the load on the hardware. Well, my condolences to everyone who took the console version, most likely the game will remain in an unfinished state on consoles, on PC this situation can at least be corrected somehow with mods. But honestly, it's a huge disappointment.


Yet it is still better than any other game this gen, well outside of Cyberpunk. Its STALKER its going to have issues anomalies. Its not a mainstream game anyway. And yes I bought this game, its not a gamepass type of MS dick riding. And well yes MS deservers a lot of credit here, given that they went to this risky project. Although timed exlusive sucks.
Yeah it’s the GOTY here, warts and all, absolutely loving it. Went with the ultimate edition on Steam, they deserved the money more than any other dev out there.

Will look into the mod rodrigolfp rodrigolfp posted though, seems interesting, had no idea there was already mods out going that deep.


I actually think the up front honesty is pretty cool. I’m willing to give them leeway because I think the game is genuine in a way most AAA games today are not. The team also seems genuine.


It is supposed to extend much farther in virtual distance terms than it currently does, but to get Stalker 2 into a decent place performance wise across PC and Xbox Series X and S, the developers had to reduce this distance.

That's a lot of words to say that a certain console is holding the gen back


This is the kind of stuff no one would forgive a Ubisoft or Bethesda for.
Except for, you know... *gestures at every Ubisoft and Bethesda game that's sold millions of copies despite being a fucking mess*.
No sane person expects anyone to make a massive AAA game under missile fire...
Ok, seems like a normal take so far...
... But if you DO make one ... you better make a good product and deliver on your promises...
... aaaaaand there's the entitled fuckery.
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