STALKER 2 Patch has more than 1,800 bug fixes. How did we get to this point?


Why didn't people overlook the Cyberpunk's bugs because of the scope and ambition, that is not fair! Cyberpunk had much less bugs than Stalker 2 and was completely destoryed.

Lmao, you guys come at this from a position of ignorance.
The PC version of Cyberpunk received great reviews. The major furore was for the console version that shipped in a fundamentally broken state.

There are 17 perfect scores for CP2077 on PC Metacritic. Overall landed at 86% MC.

Let’s not attempt to revise recent history here.
Two things can be true at once: the devs shouldn't have released the game in the state, and the game is compelling enough for people to still enjoy it in that state. I've been (slowly) playing since launch and most of the issues that have actually affected me are minor inconveniences. Plus the game is definitely in a better state now.


You only have yourself to blame. You always need to have this shit day one.

Just wait for 9 months, you get the game fully bugfixed and with a 75% discount. You already have a mile long backlog, so keep clearing that and adding new titles there when both the above happens.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Whats even more pathetic is i see people saying this is GOTY in another thread. STFU already I don’t care about your politics and who you support.

So you don't think this could be anyone's GoTY ... because of politics? 🤭

Ambitious game, Russian invasion, etc. At some point you need to ship. It’s good that they’re squashing the bugs and handling post-launch support well. I will definitely buy once it’s patched up.

Pretty much.

GSC outright said that another delay was out of question for them.
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Zelda Ocarina of time also had bugs and is considered one of the best games in the industry.
For most of them you have to get out of your way to find them.

I don't remember having a single issue on my first playthrough.

I mean, all games have bugs if you look hard enough. This isn't even a comparable situation.


Fixing this many bugs in a month is an impressive feat of Engineering. But if they can fix 1,800 issues in a month, why not just release the game on December 19th? Is Black Friday really that important?

You're assuming they knew about all those a month ago? Instead, it's possible the bugs were discovered after release, and only because of the release.

There's also no guarantee they've gotten most of them, at least from my little time in it. I'm guessing those 1800 fixes are just the beginning. Let's see down the road.



Gold Member
It’s a big game. Shit happens. Don’t like it, that’s ok. There are plenty of other games to play. Like Astro Bot or Indiana Jones.


Issues were much deeper than just a few bugs. That situation is similar to Redfall launch where game didn’t work as intended.
I ve completed Cyberpunk at release month and got all achivements and the game worked fine. Much better than Stalker 2, which even has a lot of broken questes (that you can't complete).


Lmao, you guys come at this from a position of ignorance.
The PC version of Cyberpunk received great reviews. The major furore was for the console version that shipped in a fundamentally broken state.

There are 17 perfect scores for CP2077 on PC Metacritic. Overall landed at 86% MC.

Let’s not attempt to revise recent history here.
1. You are overreacting

2. I ll revise whatever i want but this is not even a matter of revision. This is a fact I've seen happened - Cyberpunk got way more hate than Stalker 2, and the negativity was towards all platforms. Maybe a little more on consoles, but the PC version was slammed too.

Stalker 2 is way more broken and got less hate. You can argue, but it's a fact.

Stalker 2:
-has barely functioning core mechanic (A-Life)
-much more animation glitches that Cyberpunk
-Stalker 2 crashes all the time
-requires people to wait for the shader compilation every time they load the game
-and also Stalker 2 has broken quests the cannot be completed.

Stalker 2 feels like an early beta version.

1.1. patch made thousands of fixes. you can look here

This game is sooo broken that the devs had to make almost 2000 fixes month after the release. Overall they will probably make tens of thousand of fixes. Cyberpunk never had to fix this much, cause it always were less broken.

3. Did you open your link? Critics can suck my ass, Cyberpunk on PC STILL has a yellow user rating of 7.6. Years after the game was "fixed" and received a lot of positive reviews for being "fixed".
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Question is, in this rhythm, do you all still support physical disk without day one patch or continuous improvement patches? What's the point to make a physical library if you cannot play the games in a decent state.
You can update your physical games once installed. Better to own something (at least a base version of the game) than nothing at all. Even if you dont care about preservation at least you can sell it or lend it if you want.
Even then, this would be an exception, most games are fine on disc.
I agree though that in this case a staggered release of a physical version would be best like what happened with Wukong or Alan Wake 2.


dude you seem like a nice guy and i like the way you think but you are an idiot

you want gamers to vote with their wallets ?

Look at witcher 4 reception , people already cant wait to preorder , they learned nothing from the CP2077 fiasco , we deserve this situation
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