D DJ_Tet Banned Jun 7, 2005 #1 Suspect got wrecked, apparently in car with semi-automatic rifle. He is suspected for attempted murder and kidnapping?
Suspect got wrecked, apparently in car with semi-automatic rifle. He is suspected for attempted murder and kidnapping?
D DJ_Tet Banned Jun 7, 2005 #3 The spinouts were great. The first one I saw spun him out right onto the on-off ramp, dude did a 360 and jumped back onto the highway :lol
The spinouts were great. The first one I saw spun him out right onto the on-off ramp, dude did a 360 and jumped back onto the highway :lol
S sc0la Unconfirmed Member Jun 7, 2005 #4 I thought this was the name of a new show where extreme pundits try to pass off their brain's feces as fact and yell at each other incoherently a car chase is actually a + in this case
I thought this was the name of a new show where extreme pundits try to pass off their brain's feces as fact and yell at each other incoherently a car chase is actually a + in this case
D DJ_Tet Banned Jun 7, 2005 #5 well I was gonna post car chase in the title, but the chase was over by the time I posted.
M Matlock Banned Jun 7, 2005 #7 The guy has two guns, both pointed at his own head. Wow, what leverage!
N Ninja Scooter Member Jun 7, 2005 #8 they should get a rocket launcher and shoot a missle at his van. i've clearly been playing too much Mercenaries lately.
they should get a rocket launcher and shoot a missle at his van. i've clearly been playing too much Mercenaries lately.
P ParkPace Member Jun 7, 2005 #10 :lol @ the train passing by the standoff. "Ladies and gentlemen, off to your left you'll see ...."
G golem Member Jun 7, 2005 #12 man i live right near there... stinkin ghetto birds woke me up i hope this happens to him: http://img193.echo.cx/my.php?image=chase273ea.jpg why is abc7hd not on the scene
man i live right near there... stinkin ghetto birds woke me up i hope this happens to him: http://img193.echo.cx/my.php?image=chase273ea.jpg why is abc7hd not on the scene