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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Squadron 42 can be played in single player. It's kinda like the game Wing Commander. Star Citizen is the persistent online universe with real people flying around exploring, fighting, mining for materials, shipping materials and resources. Basically do whatever you want. It is scheduled to hopefully release in 2015 with many alphas and betas before then.

So in short yes it will be an online game.

There's also private moddable servers to fuck around with, if you don't wanna be part of the one big persistent universe.


The merlin, so delicious



Just got the 300i package...wish I had gotten in earlier...now its time to figure out when I should build a new PC :(
The perfect time to build a new PC?
Sure there's some great hardware in 2015, but EVE Valkyrie is out in 2014. That's when I'm upgrading.
Happy to see option D winning so far in the poll. :)
It got my vote.

Happy to see a lot of interested people! For now I have to clear the queue on people interested in packages. I'm full for now, but maybe by the end of the week I can start helping again. The more money SC gets maybe the more publishers get interested in reviving the genre. Welcome to the addiction :]


Can I close the doors to my 300i while I am inside? Every time I try I end up climbing out or opening the other door.

I've been wondering this too. After trying a few times I figure it's just not possible in this current build. Would be cool to seal the ship and get a feel for the interior space.


Well this game has inspired me to buy a flightstick!
I went with a Cyborg FLY 5, as I have a budget, it seems to be decent enough.
I have used flightsticks in a few simulators before, but this was more than a decade ago, and they weren't 6dof space sims.
I also used to fly for real.
This game just seems to be everything I ever wanted in a space sim (if the goals come true.)
I just can't decide what package/ship to buy?!

Any advice for a rusty pilot who has a budget, who wants to explore, and still be competitive in a dogfight?

Edit: Stuff it, bought digital mercenary pack, dl'ing now!


I want to build a new PC from scratch just to play it in all its glory. GTA5 PC version and this should be out around the same time right?
This game has my interest, but how does the pricing work. If you buy the Alpha do you get the full game when it comes out (such as Arma3) or how does it work? Alot of this stuff seems very pricey.


I want to build a new PC from scratch just to play it in all its glory. GTA5 PC version and this should be out around the same time right?

No, totally not. GTA V should be for 2014, while the full game only releases in 2015
This game has my interest, but how does the pricing work. If you buy the Alpha do you get the full game when it comes out (such as Arma3) or how does it work? Alot of this stuff seems very pricey.

Read the description of the packages. All the packages come with the full game (Squadron 42 and Star Citizen) on release. Just get the Mercenary package. It's the cheapest that includes alpha acces. Everything is earnable in-game.

Dead Man

This game has my interest, but how does the pricing work. If you buy the Alpha do you get the full game when it comes out (such as Arma3) or how does it work? Alot of this stuff seems very pricey.

Yeah, it's still a bit confusing on the store page. You need to buy a package which includes a copy of the game. You can check what each package comes with before dropping money on it.


I'll be able to check in most of the day today. If you've already PMd me and you near the front of the line let me know if you are ready :]


61% achieved
DAT peak. I still think that we will be at 18mil by the end of next week.

So exciting. As exciting as those shopped pictures with space and action holy damn!


We need some dates for planned commercial/brochures and new ship reveals soon. I thought they wanted to do some when the hangar got released but I guess I was wrong.


Heads up. The game is making bank as always, but Alpha/Beta slots are also being taken at pace. There are 28.8k slots left and falling steadily.


Did I miss some more free credits? Somehow I have 12k credits now.

My original backing included 2k, got 5k for hanger module download. We got another bonus 5k somewhere?


Neo Member
Did I miss some more free credits? Somehow I have 12k credits now.

My original backing included 2k, got 5k for hanger module download. We got another bonus 5k somewhere?

Did you vote on the latest poll? I believe I read something in the related letter regarding the poll that they were going to give us each an extra 5000 although my balance has yet to reflect that change.


Did I miss some more free credits? Somehow I have 12k credits now.

My original backing included 2k, got 5k for hanger module download. We got another bonus 5k somewhere?

I have an extra 5k too.

I wonder if having no more alpha slots left (when it happens) will negatively affect the number of new pledges. I hope not! :)

It will probably be fully pledged once it hits the alpha cap. And they said they could always use extra money to increase capacity if it is really needed.


I had to install this on my wife's computer as mine only has 6 gigs of ram compared to her 32 gigs >_>. Hanger looks great, though every time I load it up, one of the walls is missing.


Seek victory, not fairness
Did I miss some more free credits? Somehow I have 12k credits now.

My original backing included 2k, got 5k for hanger module download. We got another bonus 5k somewhere?

Did you vote on the latest poll? I believe I read something in the related letter regarding the poll that they were going to give us each an extra 5000 although my balance has yet to reflect that change.


"In the spirit of community involvement and discussion and as a big thank you for reaching $17M I think the best thing to do is to give everyone a further 5,000 UEC and let you voice your opinion on some of the proposed solutions (and know that if you vote to reduce the Voyager Direct prices we will credit back the difference in UEC to people’s accounts for people that have already spent UEC)"

The "sign in to vote" thing is a bit buggy. I was already signed in but it prompted again anyway. I signed in there, and then it gave me the "vote" option. From the wording, people don't need to vote to get the credits though.


I'll see if I can get some nice screenshots of my 350R later. The discount hangar's all messed up so the backgrounds look silly in my screenshots. Similar effect to when your system's locked up and your windows leave trails when dragged around.

Also, wow at that funding bump. The hangar module's a much bigger deal than I expected.
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