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Star Ocean sucks.




In the news post they talk about how they like the game:

"Robert was about 15 hours into the new Star Ocean when I left him yesterday, and he was pulling off some pretty cool shit - inventing items and securing patents on them for sale across the galaxy, pulling off hot combos and hanging out with nymphs. He and Gabriel do agree on one thing: it begins with nearly three hours of merciless boredom, after which point you probably deserve whatever great game might exist beyond that bleak expanse. One of them said things really start to look up around hour fifteen, and one of them began to roar and paw at the air."


They basically say how it starts slow, but eventually gets better. Gabe is just a crybaby. Lizard sex, pfft. Kinda funny though. Sorta.


Tortfeasor said:
In the news post they talk about how they like the game.
Not true, they talk about how one of their friends (Robert, I think) likes the game. Gabe, on the other hand, is much happier with Phantom Brave.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Nothing exciting untli 15 hours in the game? Sheesh. I passed Star Ocean 2 cause the first hour or so was boring. Tri-Ace seems to have long intros in their games. Good thing Valkyrie Profile's intro wasn't boring to me :p


Running off of Custom Firmware
They've properly identified the totally broken AI and battle system, and the game's merciless boredom. And they only suggest that there MIGHT be a great game after that. (I promise you, there isn't.) It's official. ;p


Wario64 said:
Nothing exciting untli 15 hours in the game? Sheesh. I passed Star Ocean 2 cause the first hour or so was boring. Tri-Ace seems to have long intros in their games. Good thing Valkyrie Profile's intro wasn't boring to me :p

2 hours...at least for me it got a lot of fun after that. but in those 2 hours i repeatedly wanted to stab my eyes out...finally turned off voice and now i just skip through the cutscenes. also, the cutscenes have these annoying "dramatic" pauses where the characters...just...stay...still...and...do...nothing...
but after the game got going, its become much more fun for me, dungeons are nice and big, battle system is fun. though they (PA) do have a point...partners keep wasting MP and/or keep getting killed. even taking control doesnt do any good...the system sorta makes you keep mashing buttons, its just not all that intuitive to use skills/magic. god...why didnt they just turn it into a single player ARPG, or keep it like a traditional turn-based system?? nuts!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Because the other 3 or so SO games didn't have traditional turn based battle systems?

Actually, what REALLY began to annoy me after awhile was all the gesticulating they did in cutscenes. Now, I found, in general, the performances to be very nicely expressive and well done, in a cartoonish, exaggerated kinda way. But, I read MUCH faster than they voice, so I always tap the button to prompt the next leg of the conversation. That leaves the characters stupidly gesticulating to text that's no longer in play, kinda killing the point of trying to fast forward through conversations to begin with. All kinds of silly. And after 30 hours of playing, silly = stupid.

Also, the main cast has some great VA, but why the FUCK did they have choose these forced-giddy 6 year old voices for just about every non-important female NPC? I'd rather they just not be voiced at all. Bleargh.
I don't have the time or patience to play a game 15 hours before I should be able to really enjoy it. I don't know how anyone can make fun of someone not willing to give a game that much of a chance. I'm not going to watch 15 episodes of a TV show I hate until I can manage to convince myself it's good.

It's a shame that this game apparently isn't blowing people away... but at the same time, it's nice to feel comfortable in skipping it. Too much stuff coming.


15 hours before getting fun...

hyperboleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...and some of you are gullible enough to take the bait.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Mrbob said:
15 hours before getting fun...

hyperboleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...and some of you are gullible enough to take the bait.

I don't know. I skimmed through some posts in the Star Ocean = sucks? thread and it seems like it's really that bad...


I am really enjoying it. The first couple of hours were slow, but things are starting to get a lot more interesting. Changing the combat camera to the Low / Active style is a huge improvement to the action as well. I had purchased Tales of Symphonia and it didn't work for me, and so far Star Ocean has a lot more of what I was looking for. The graphics, dungeons and combat are quality so far and I like the story and music. Levelling up is actually fun with the ability to hold an experience points multiplier across battles.


Wario64 said:
I don't know. I skimmed through some posts in the Star Ocean = sucks? thread and it seems like it's really that bad...
nah. either you like it well before that or you never do, i say. once it picks up, it's pretty consistent.

i can't imagine playing a game for 15 hours not liking it. star ocean 3 is likable, it's just not fantastic. i enjoyed the beginning OK. as far as slow RPG beginnings go, it has nothing on its predecessor.

i would hardly trust gabe to be my tastemaker, though. nothing PA says about a game validates or invalidates my own opinion. that's true for just about anyone, but it goes double for PA. =)


well not really...yet
Probably in my top 3 fav rpgs of this gen so far, although the ratio high quality rpgs this gen isnt exactly off the charts anyways. The shit AI hasnt exactly bothered me much though ive hardly noticed it anyways


DeadStar said:
Probably in my top 3 fav rpgs of this gen so far, although the ratio high quality rpgs this gen isnt exactly off the charts anyways. The shit AI hasnt exactly bothered me much though ive hardly noticed it anyways

i'll go so far as to say its my second fav so far (excluding srpgs from nippon ichi that i havent played yet, though i feel they'd all kick ass) after SOA...so that should tell you how bad this gen has been for rpgs so far. but i think with SMT:Nocturne and DDS coming, things are going to change quickly.


well not really...yet
nitewulf said:
i'll go so far as to say its my second fav so far (excluding srpgs from nippon ichi that i havent played yet, though i feel they'd all kick ass) after SOA...so that should tell you how bad this gen has been for rpgs so far. but i think with SMT:Nocturne and DDS coming, things are going to change quickly.
yeah, im definately looking forward to nocturne, but I still need to finish SO3 and I still havent even gotten through disc 1 of Tales of Symphonia yet, and Phantom Brave is still sitting on my desk untouched :/


Hmm... 15 hours until fun in Star Ocean.

60 hours until fun in KIRBY AIR RIDE.

Oh, give off. You know someone had to say it.


Tag of Excellence
Raoul Duke said:
60 hours until fun in KIRBY AIR RIDE.
Actually it's been said a couple of times already. It's hidden amoung the SO threads.

It's funny seeing such a huge divide on this game, some people loathe it and some people love it.

EDIT: Yours was the best one though!


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I've only gotten my ass kicked once or twice so far, when I wandered in an area I totally wasn't supposed to be at this time :p Well, at least this PA was about videogames for once, and not lame homoerotic injokes...


I tried playing more last night. I didn't last more than an hour. It's absolute shit. Considering the great amount of quality titles in the market, I shouldn't have to go around a game forcing myself to like it.

I was really anticipating this game, but it has been such a terrible let down. I will probably give it another try before giving up on it though.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
IJoel said:
I tried playing more last night. I didn't last more than an hour. It's absolute shit.

All the "bad" reviews of SO3 are reminding me of what I didn't like in SO2... and it sucks because everytime I see the SO3 commercial I think... wow that looks good...and wow that's an awesome cutscene what game is that? ....awww crap it's SO3....


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
How could anyone who is normal choose this game over Phantom Brave or over 4 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts?


commish said:
How could anyone who is normal choose this game over Phantom Brave or over 4 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts?


MMM... Krispy Kreme r0x.

I did get Phantom Brave though.


commish said:
How could anyone who is normal choose this game over Phantom Brave or over 4 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts?

Not interested in PB since I didn't like N1's other games that much. And you can't eat from one box of donuts for six months unless you freeze 'em


IJoel said:
I tried playing more last night. I didn't last more than an hour. It's absolute shit.

Sorry a game like Sudeki is absolute shit, SO3 a good game just takes a bit of time to get to the great stuff. If you can truthfully say SO3 is absolute shit I have to think you are completely jaded.


Maybe my gaming standards are low but I think SO3 is a great game and it was fun from the start. Nothing pleases most gamers these days :p


signet said:
Sorry a game like Sudeki is absolute shit, SO3 a good game just takes a bit of time to get to the great stuff. If you can truthfully say SO3 is absolute shit I have to think you are completely jaded.

No. You are wrong.

I beat Sudeki. An entirely different game from the likes of SO3.

I'm close to beating Tales of Symphonia, which has been quite good so far and is akin to SO3.

I beat Xenosaga, which has some stuff people has to tolerate to enjoy it.

None of the games mentioned above LITERALLY put me to sleep the way SO3 did during the first hour. I gave it a second chance, and what does it do? Continue the incredibly stupid (good God, the first 2 hours of this game is ABSOLUTE SHIT, and I'm being generous) story with dreadful cutscenes and pointless dull 'play' sequences.

Anyway, yes, I'm being harsh with the game considering I really haven't put much time into it, but it all comes from the fact, that the game has, possibly, the worst 2 initial hours in any game I can think of. It's THAT horrible. And, good God, who wrote that dialogue? It's worse than Episode I's dialogue. And again, I'm being generous with it. :p


IJoel said:
None of the games mentioned above LITERALLY put me to sleep the way SO3 did during the first hour. I gave it a second chance, and what does it do? Continue the incredibly stupid (good God, the first 2 hours of this game is ABSOLUTE SHIT, and I'm being generous) story with dreadful cutscenes and pointless dull 'play' sequences.

There is a difference of a not liking a game and it being ABSOLUTE SHIT. Nearly every review of SO3 mentions the long lead in time before it gets any good, so you were warned about it. Not the games fault you did not research your purchase properly.

Anyone who could sit through Sudeki, should have the tolerance to put 2-3 hrs into SO3. Hell even the awful beginning of SO3 is better than the mess of a game (and this is coming from an excused Xbot).


signet said:
There is a difference of a not liking a game and it being ABSOLUTE SHIT. Nearly every review of SO3 mentions the long lead in time before it gets any good, so you were warned about it. Not the games fault you did not research your purchase properly.

Errr, so reviews pointing out a FLAW justifies it being there in the first place? Then I should say that anyone buying Sudeki should have known WHAT TO EXPECT and hence you can criticize it. YOU WERE WARNED ABOUT IT! :p

Anyway, SO3 is doesn't "get any good" imo, it's just that most people haven't finished it, so they're in a delusion thinking the game is now "somewhat interesting". Boy I can't wait for the reaction of those who eventually get to the end. WTF <-- only way to put it. :p

So let's look at the checklist:

Story = shit
Ending = shit
Cutscenes = shit
Character designs = shit
Music = decent
Battle system = broken shit
Item creation = complete shit

I would have to say you're right, the music alone saves it from being ABSOLUTE SHIT. But it's just about almost there. :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
IJoel said:
No. You are wrong.

I beat Sudeki. An entirely different game from the likes of SO3.

I'm close to beating Tales of Symphonia, which has been quite good so far and is akin to SO3.

I beat Xenosaga, which has some stuff people has to tolerate to enjoy it.

None of the games mentioned above LITERALLY put me to sleep the way SO3 did during the first hour. I gave it a second chance, and what does it do? Continue the incredibly stupid (good God, the first 2 hours of this game is ABSOLUTE SHIT, and I'm being generous) story with dreadful cutscenes and pointless dull 'play' sequences.

Anyway, yes, I'm being harsh with the game considering I really haven't put much time into it, but it all comes from the fact, that the game has, possibly, the worst 2 initial hours in any game I can think of. It's THAT horrible. And, good God, who wrote that dialogue? It's worse than Episode I's dialogue. And again, I'm being generous with it. :p

Dude, you liked Sudeki. :)

Boy I can't wait for the reaction of those who eventually get to the end.

I should be there today or tomorrow. I'll let you know what I think. :D


signet said:
There is a difference of a not liking a game and it being ABSOLUTE SHIT. Nearly every review of SO3 mentions the long lead in time before it gets any good, so you were warned about it. Not the games fault you did not research your purchase properly.

Anyone who could sit through Sudeki, should have the tolerance to put 2-3 hrs into SO3. Hell even the awful beginning of SO3 is better than the mess of a game (and this is coming from an excused Xbot).

Well, I've played slow games before and I don't have a problem with them at all. But SO3 just broke the mold. It's not that it's slow, it's that so far, IT HAS SUCKED. I can live with slow, as long as it's not downright awful.

Again, as I said before, I'll give it another try, but the presentation is just so awful, I can't imagine cutscene direction, voice acting and dialogue improving to make it bearable.

As for Sudeki, hey, I guess that should tell you how much tolerance I already have. And it's not really because of the type of rpg, because I've played pretty much all different kinds.

As for the whole 'research', sorry, I don't rely on reviews that much, unless the review just completely blasts a game, which hasn't been the case for SO3.

Dude, you liked Sudeki.

That should tell you how much of an open mind I keep when playing games. It's not a matter of taste.


I guess you have to love or hate this one.

82% overall at Gamerankings.com

Please continue bashing the game, but the reviews say otherwise. SO3 is only trailing Phantom Brave by a 1% and ToS by 4%.


IJoel said:
Well, I've played slow games before and I don't have a problem with them at all. But SO3 just broke the mold. It's not that it's slow, it's that so far, IT HAS SUCKED. I can live with slow, as long as it's not downright awful.

Don't feel so bad. Instead give yourself a pat on the back knowing that you can honestly look yourself in the mirror and say you're not the type the must convince yourself that every game purchase decision you make is a solid and good one. We all got fooled by SO3 at one point or another, at least we don't delude ourselves into thinking it's a good game to justify the mistake. :D

I kinda regret selling the game now that I think about it, with all this backlash on the game it would have been great to be able to take picks of myself destroying the box, burning the manual, cracking the disc, and feeding it all to a stray dog. :D :D :D

signet said:
I guess you have to love or hate this one.

82% overall at Gamerankings.com

Please continue bashing the game, but the reviews say otherwise. SO3 is only trailing Phantom Brave by a 1% and ToS by 4%.

This is the same gamerankings that has Sudeki at 74% and Legend of Dragoon at 76%. :p

Oh and:

Final Fantasy VII PS SCEA 62 8.9 93.5% 93.5%
Final Fantasy VIII PS Square Enix 74 8.3 89.7% 89.1%
Final Fantasy IX PS Square Enix 92 8.7 92.1% 92.4%

and yet

Final Fantasy Tactics PS SCEA 27 8.8 84.9% 83.2%

So seriously, gamerankings means jack shit to anyone with taste. :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
That should tell you how much of an open mind I keep when playing games. It's not a matter of taste.

Oh, I tried it too...

...and damn, how could you play that? I wanted to kill all of the characters AND the designers (in-fucking-sulting, those designs were). Was this not the same Climax that made those two MotoGP games? Yeah, they should stick to making MotoGP...those games kick serious ass. Sudeki did not.


Junior Member
I'm 5 hours into SO3 and I think it's absolutely addicting and I love evey aspect of the game tho it have some flaws. I guess you need to be a bit of an RPG fanboy to really enjoy it like I do.


u_neek said:
I'm 5 hours into SO3 and I think it's absolutely addicting and I love evey aspect of the game tho it have some flaws. I guess you need to be a bit of an RPG fanboy to really enjoy it like I do.

Not really; I'm by and large tired of RPGs (or rather, JRPG conventions) and I like the game too, warts and all. Then again, it helps not to be super jaded when you set out for the game store too


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
duckroll said:
Oh and:

Final Fantasy VII PS SCEA 62 8.9 93.5% 93.5%
Final Fantasy VIII PS Square Enix 74 8.3 89.7% 89.1%
Final Fantasy IX PS Square Enix 92 8.7 92.1% 92.4%

and yet

Final Fantasy Tactics PS SCEA 27 8.8 84.9% 83.2%

So seriously, gamerankings means jack shit to anyone with taste. :)

Liking FF Tactics equates to having taste? You wanna talk about broken, horribly balanced game play and a terrible, incoherent story??


djtiesto said:
Liking FF Tactics equates to having taste?...a terrible, incoherent story

Errr, I'll agree with you that the gameplay has problems but how can you think FFT has a terrible story? Sure it's not as amazing as Tactics Ogre's story, but it's still an extremely interesting plot.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Bebpo said:
Errr, I'll agree with you that the gameplay has problems but how can you think FFT has a terrible story? Sure it's not as amazing as Tactics Ogre's story, but it's still an extremely interesting plot.

Well, I played the English version, famous for having one of the worst localizations of all time, so the plot for me was a jumbled mess of nonsense...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Boy I can't wait for the reaction of those who eventually get to the end.

Hmm, I think I may have hit that major twist. :p

Yeah...very odd direction there. It makes up the seriousness from before, though, I must say. I kinda like the twist, actually. Nothing particularly original, but hey...at least the game isn't trying to take itself so seriously to the point that it becomes silly.


duckroll said:
Errr, so reviews pointing out a FLAW justifies it being there in the first place? Then I should say that anyone buying Sudeki should have known WHAT TO EXPECT and hence you can criticize it. YOU WERE WARNED ABOUT IT! :p

Anyway, SO3 is doesn't "get any good" imo, it's just that most people haven't finished it, so they're in a delusion thinking the game is now "somewhat interesting". Boy I can't wait for the reaction of those who eventually get to the end. WTF <-- only way to put it. :p

So let's look at the checklist:

Story = shit
Ending = shit
Cutscenes = shit
Character designs = shit
Music = decent
Battle system = broken shit
Item creation = complete shit

I would have to say you're right, the music alone saves it from being ABSOLUTE SHIT. But it's just about almost there. :p

Duckie!!!!!! I was waiting until you showed up. I can't wait for the negative bashing to begin once people start beating the game. Do people not hear press about their awaited games before they hit our shores?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tsubaki said:
Duckie!!!!!! I was waiting until you showed up. I can't wait for the negative bashing to begin once people start beating the game. Do people not hear press about their awaited games before they hit our shores?

Well, tell me this...

Is the major twist...

The event that occurs when you enter 4D Space and are told that the entire world you came from was nothing more than a computer simulation? At least they didn't go down the whole religion path as that is even more of a cliche these days to grab attention.

A simple "yes" or "no" will do. If no, I can't imagine what else you are talking about. However, I certainly don't see any problems with that. People are acting like "OMGWTF, stupidest thing evar!!11".


Cool. This hate will make it go bargain bin real quick. I'll pick it up on the way cheap. It can't be worse than KOTOR. It'll be cheaper to boot. Less age inducing load times as well.


dark10x said:
Well, tell me this...

Is the major twist...

The event that occurs when you enter 4D Space and are told that the entire world you came from was nothing more than a computer simulation? At least they didn't go down the whole religion path as that is even more of a cliche these days to grab attention.

A simple "yes" or "no" will do. If no, I can't imagine what else you are talking about. However, I certainly don't see any problems with that. People are acting like "OMGWTF, stupidest thing evar!!11".

Yes, but the ending itself is even more stupid. I dunno, if you don't have problems with that, then you must be trying REALLY hard to like the game. It *is* the stupidest thing ever, hell people even complain about MGS2's plot and this is dumber than that. :p
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