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Star Trek: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow..?

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It's no secret that Enterprise is a total bomb and time travel episodes have been done to death and we're all sick of the stupid decon chamber with the rubbing and whatnot. The stories are really lame and it totaly shits in the face of everything that the series' continuity has been building to. I know many of you on this board are totaly sick of it judging by your posts on the season finale, but I must pose a question:

It's four years ago and the creators of Star Trek, lets just say Paramount and ignore the idiocy of Berman and Braga for a bit, are looking for an idea for a new series that will last for at least five seasons and possibly as long as seven--

Given this, what would you do with the series? What kind of show would you create?

After talking with Suikoguy, who recently finished watched the entire DS9 series and came away pleased, we both agreed that after Voyager, Star Trek should have done a show about Section 31. The idea has been posed, but I believe that with each season, Section 31 could have taken place in any of the time periods of the shows. For example, for season 1, you could have had section 31 performing covert missions slightly before and during the days of the original Enterprise commanded by Pike and Kirk. There's loads of different things you could do there, but I'll leave the ideas to the real TOS buffs on this board -- if any.

I was thinking along the lines of the later shows where they could even have one of the Section 31 operatives behind Voyager being spun into the Delta quadrant or perhaps show how Section 31 were behind some virus on some planet the Enterprise D shows up to save. The tie-ins and possibilities are endless really and you could have continutity on each season only the cast would change with each season. Generations of Section 31 operatives would not be out of the question as sons and daughters of previous agents could be seen in later season's episodes.

Well, I didn't want to go into too much detail but just kind of throw the idea out there and see what GAF thinks about it and see what direction you guys would have taken the series (or even expand on the idea presented here).


Unconfirmed Member
... Given this, what would you do with the series?

I'd follow up on that chance to refresh the series by employing J. Michael Straczynki and sacking Bermen & the other cronies responsible for the destruction of Trek.

I also liked the early leaked storylines/scenario of the supposed Star Trek: Hunter-Killer, where a small lone Federation scout/fighter ship returns to a Federation in ruins.

Bermen should go, either way.



Not too bad of an idea, but it sounds like it has that Voyager feel to it -- odds are stacked against you and you're all alone.


Junior Member
Star Trek was really just about being a default space-travel show, of how we basically see space exploration in the future. Now-a-days, you just can't relate to it in concept. I mean, it's biggest problem, is simply the fact that all the aliens look like humans.

Simply make Star Trek a believable to the point where this could be what the future looks like, and you've fixed the show.


Star Trek is virtually dead. If the 4th season of Enterprise sucks as much as the first 3 then they should just end it, give the whole franchise a 5-10 year break and then try another series or movie with new people running the show (i.e. no Berman and Braga). That's probably the best way to jump start the franchise at this point.

What might be a good idea would be to make a Star Trek movie that's not based on a show and then later on they can make a series out of it (instead of making movies based on a series).


You’re right: Enterprise does, in fact, suck.

The next series should focus on a galaxy class starship, not necessarily the Enterprise, but a federation ship that can hold its own against practically any other ship.

The series should take place after the events of Voyager and Nemesis, with the Romulan Empire or the Cardassians somehow gaining a strong foothold of Federation space. For once, I want the “good guys” to be the underdog this time – and I don’t mean the Voyager shit, I want the entire Federation fleet to be backed against the wall by a familiar foe.


aka The Hound
I actually would like a Klingon-focused series, set in the NG/DS9 timeline, maybe with Worf's wussy son Alexander as the star. It could be about his coming of age, learning to be a warrior, earning respect from his comrades, etc. Best of all, you could bring back Worf, who rules.

Another thing I'd like to see is a more adult oriented Trek, like an HBO series, with more sex, violence and foul language (I mean come on, Trek's always been about space sailors, and none of them cuss?). Maybe something CSI style?
The next movie should resolve something with the Romulan empire/Sela/and Spock's underground resistance.

That movie can then set the stage for a new series dealing with the new Romulus for the first couple of seasons(like DS9 dealing with Bajor for the first couple of seasons) and then breaking it out into something more explorative and whatnot. Nimoy will do another movie, right?

The next movie should definitely tell what the hell happens to Romulus though...as the whole place is fucked at the moment(after Nemesis). And Sela and Spock are some loose ends to fill up. It should be TNG's last movie...or at least some of the TNG crew(whoever wants on)...and could be mixed as well. With a ruined Romulus that changes things in the quadrant and yeah you could make a whole new show about that. Hell bring back Dina Meyer...and put her on a new Trek series dealing with Romulus.
Instead of Enterprise, I would have loved to have seen a retro 60's look series set in the Original Series time frame. There would be new characters, but the sets, costumes, and ships would all match the designs of the 60's show. Velour uniforms, girls in mini-skirts and go-go boots, colorful characters (for a change), and politically incorrect sexism...it could have been a lot of fun, and I think the nostalgia factor would have really drawn interest.

Of course it's too late now, Trek is dead.
Ugh, DS9, so overhyped. I think many of you who love the series remember all the good stuff, but forget how much crap there was in that series. When DS9 was good, it was really damn good, but there was so much garbage in between.
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