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Star Wars Battlefront demo on Trilogy DVD question...


... so, if you pop in the special features DVD on your X-Box, you're greeting by a "LOADING" message on the dashboard itself, and it boots to a menu asking whether you want to play the demo, or access the special features.

So really, this is a standard DVD, with X-Box enhanced features. (somehow)

We know the Dreamcast got fucked over by the Mil-CD backdoor, which was a standard audio CD, with Dreamcast enhanced features.

What stops this from happening to the X-Box now? Self-booting discs that are formatted like DVDs like this bonus disc, but that have X-Box executable data on them like self-booting Dreamcast copies?
a box being modded doesn't affect it's ability to read DVD±R media, as DVD movies on DVD±R play fine in xboxes that are unmodded (depending on the drive, media, etc)...

the main benefit is booting of unsigned code, which allows for homebrew apps, emulators, copies of games, etc to be booted from the HD or a DVD/CD...

though if someone somehow manages to turn what they have learned from the star wars bonus disk into some sort of loader, all bets are off...
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