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Star Wars Celebration 2017 |OT| A thread forty years in the making. You'll be Omazed.

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Saw someone say it was weird that Daisy didn't give John a hug but after seeing this Tweet

and the clip again


it's clear these freaks just like kissing each other on the forehead, you can see Daisy extend her forehead for a kiss.

Now I have an image in my mind of her and Boyega being into S&M...
Saw someone say it was weird that Daisy didn't give John a hug but after seeing this Tweet

and the clip again


it's clear these freaks just like kissing each other on the forehead, you can see Daisy extend her forehead for a kiss.
People were looking into it far too much. I didn't think there was anything odd with it at all.

The female characters panel making her leave early, though...
Ep. IX

"It's alright, Rey. I get to see them now."
Fuck, I would cry like a baby.
Ep. IX

"It's alright, Rey. I get to see them now."

Yeah, but since Colin Trevorrow is directing it, what will probably happen is this.

Luke: [choke choke]
Rey: Yes? [sniffles]
Luke: [choke]
Rey: I can't hear you. [tears roll down her face]
Luke: Your.....knee....is on my chest.
Rey: OH!
[Luke's head rolls to the side]


They're not going to be digitally recreating/de-aging Carrie Fisher going forward. They've already said as much.

If Luke & Leia don't share a scene together in this movie, it's never going to happen.

This will be the last time you saw all of them together in the same shot in a Star Wars movie:


This picture gets me. On one level because as you said. It's the last time we ever see them in the same shot in any of these movies.

Also because what? That was 34 years ago? I wasn't even born then, but I look at them. Look at how young they were and then you see them now. Hell I even look at myself now. I'm like "Damn. We're getting old."


Man the trailer thread is something else lol. I think I'll just stay here.

Only a Star Wars trailer can illicit that sort of reaction and it's why this brand/franchise isn't going away any time soon. Because even the people who are jaded..They'll still watch the movies, they'll still buy merch from time to time and they'll still be part of the fandom. Just in a different way.

On another note. Gonna watch this trailer a few more times just to make sure I caught everything. I also think just visually it looks great.

Tomorrow all I need is Battlefront 2. They better not try and pass off that leaked trailer as the only thing they have to show. I better see some gameplay. At least a new map.
Man the trailer thread is something else lol. I think I'll just stay here.
The earlier weirdness of the thread doesn't seem so bad now, huh?
Tomorrow all I need is Battlefront 2. They better not try and pass off that leaked trailer as the only thing they have to show. I better see some gameplay. At least a new map.
I think the YouTube description of the teaser said there will be gameplay tomorrow. I can't see them trying to pass off that 30 second ad spot as a "full trailer".
Celebration is over for me, and despite truckloads of bullshit, things happened that are just not easy to put into words. The suffering was real, but I got to be a part of some amazing shit in the long haul and well, that's a massive, messy convention for ya.


Celebration is over for me, and despite truckloads of bullshit, things happened that are just not easy to put into words. The suffering was real, but I got to be a part of some amazing shit in the long haul and well, that's a massive, messy convention for ya.

Kinda like this journey we call life :)


Only a Star Wars trailer can illicit that sort of reaction and it's why this brand/franchise isn't going away any time soon. Because even the people who are jaded..They'll still watch the movies, they'll still buy merch from time to time and they'll still be part of the fandom. Just in a different way.

On another note. Gonna watch this trailer a few more times just to make sure I caught everything. I also think just visually it looks great.

Tomorrow all I need is Battlefront 2. They better not try and pass off that leaked trailer as the only thing they have to show. I better see some gameplay. At least a new map.

Yeah definitely see where you're coming from. Star Wars provides all kinds of conversations.

And yeah I hope they bring something other than a trailer. Just booted up battlefront again to play a little bit this weekend. This weekend is exciting haha.
Tomorrow all I need is Battlefront 2. They better not try and pass off that leaked trailer as the only thing they have to show. I better see some gameplay. At least a new map.

My hope that the livestream schedule just calling it "EA panel" hints at some other games getting showcased. Probably wrong, but the hope is there.


Tomorrow all I need is Battlefront 2. They better not try and pass off that leaked trailer as the only thing they have to show. I better see some gameplay. At least a new map.

The EA Star Wars account has tweeted that we will see the full trailer tomorrow. Whether or not we see gameplay is another story.


Is there a reason why the Rogue One panel was not streamed?

They posted the schedule for today's live stream and it was included... but they didn't stream it. Technical difficulties or what?
Agreed on the trailer thread opinions. I thought the trailer was great and I'm far more hyped than I was for TFA.

And in there everyone is being negative just because or flinging shit at each other. Total mood killer when I just want to be happy and enjoy the excitement with others.


Neo Member
I was in the queue to get into the panel. It was delayed by 30 minutes due to technical difficulties.

It wasn't streamed cause of some of the stuff they showed. Some of it is ILM insider stuff. They prohibited video recording too.

Is there a reason why the Rogue One panel was not streamed?

They posted the schedule for today's live stream and it was included... but they didn't stream it. Technical difficulties or what?


semen stains the mountaintops
I was in the queue to get into the panel. It was delayed by 30 minutes due to technical difficulties.

It wasn't streamed cause of some of the stuff they showed. Some of it is ILM insider stuff. They prohibited video recording too.

They need to get their shit together with what is and isn't going to be streamed. The same thing happened last year where things were scheduled to be streamed and then never were for no apparent reason.
Agreed on the trailer thread opinions. I thought the trailer was great and I'm far more hyped than I was for TFA.

And in there everyone is being negative just because or flinging shit at each other. Total mood killer when I just want to be happy and enjoy the excitement with others.

I feel you. People are nuts.


Agreed on the trailer thread opinions. I thought the trailer was great and I'm far more hyped than I was for TFA.

And in there everyone is being negative just because or flinging shit at each other. Total mood killer when I just want to be happy and enjoy the excitement with others.

There's like 5 different discussions going on at once lol.


Agreed on the trailer thread opinions. I thought the trailer was great and I'm far more hyped than I was for TFA.

And in there everyone is being negative just because or flinging shit at each other. Total mood killer when I just want to be happy and enjoy the excitement with others.

Some people don't want others to love popular things. It's wrong, apparently.

Others can't believe popular things can also be interesting things, like The Last Jedi has the potential of being.

Ah well. At least we can be happy here!


Neo Member
They need to get their shit together with what is and isn't going to be streamed. The same thing happened last year where things were scheduled to be streamed and then never were for no apparent reason.

Don't disagree there haha they need to get a lot stuff together. Even with all the shortcomings with the "event/planning" side of things, it has still been a blast.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Some people don't want others to love popular things. It's wrong, apparently.

Others can't believe popular things can also be interesting things, like The Last Jedi has the potential of being.

Ah well. At least we can be happy here!

What really puts me off are those just chiming in just to drive-by with "Oh, another Star Wars. OK." Like what the hell are you expecting coming into the thread?

At the same, it makes me feel like shit since I know for certain I've done that to several other threads of franchises I'm not fond of.



That scene with the books, also Luke standing there at the end - is that the Rebels Tom Baker tree, or something like it?

Also, do those books hint at that book Obi Wan left Luke after his death in the comics (only read a couple of those so no idea where they went with that).
Some people don't want others to love popular things. It's wrong, apparently.

Others can't believe popular things can also be interesting things, like The Last Jedi has the potential of being.

Ah well. At least we can be happy here!

But it's an Empire retread. Didn't you see the speeders heading to fight the walkers like on Hoth?! /s


That scene with the books, also Luke standing there at the end - is that the Rebels Tom Baker tree, or something like it?

Also, do those books hint at that book Obi Wan left Luke after his death in the comics (only read a couple of those so no idea where they went with that).

Probably not, but I do believe the Bendu's role will be an important discussion point going forward, even if he's not mentioned again.

As for the books, not sure yet.



That scene with the books, also Luke standing there at the end - is that the Rebels Tom Baker tree, or something like it?

Also, do those books hint at that book Obi Wan left Luke after his death in the comics (only read a couple of those so no idea where they went with that).
I immediately thought of Atollon


What really puts me off are those just chiming in just to drive-by with "Oh, another Star Wars. OK." Like what the hell are you expecting coming into the thread?

At the same, it makes me feel like shit since I know for certain I've done that to several other threads of franchises I'm not fond of.

I've basically gotten to the point that I'm happy things have an audience, big or small. I have probably bagged on a few things on the past, same as you, haha, but now I'm just happy Star Wars is back and I get to have it every year. There's no pleasing everyone, but at least we get to be excited!

But it's an Empire retread. Didn't you see the speeders heading to fight the walkers like on Hoth?! /s

It was Crait while it lasted!


Also, do those books hint at that book Obi Wan left Luke after his death in the comics (only read a couple of those so no idea where they went with that).
That book looks different from Obi Wan's journal, though it's always possible that the design has been changed. As for it's contents, Luke's read the following from it

-Obi Wan having an existential crisis while in exile on Tatooine, because he has to keep turning a blind eye to evil things happening because to fight back would let out that he's a Jedi. He snaps and finally does some Jedi-ing, but possibly makes things worse.

-Obi Wan having to deal with a bounty hunter sent after him by Jabba (see above) and Uncle Owen getting caught up in it (the events surrounding this widens the rift between them even more than before.)

-Obi Wan writing about Yoda doing something Obi Wan partially witnessed as a child but mostly heard second hand. It very subtly sets up why Luke is convinced Yoda is supposed to be a great warrior.

Everybody should read the Star Wars comics. They are legitimately great.



That scene with the books, also Luke standing there at the end - is that the Rebels Tom Baker tree, or something like it?

Also, do those books hint at that book Obi Wan left Luke after his death in the comics (only read a couple of those so no idea where they went with that).

That was his personal journal that he kept on Tatooine.


What really puts me off are those just chiming in just to drive-by with "Oh, another Star Wars. OK." Like what the hell are you expecting coming into the thread?

At the same, it makes me feel like shit since I know for certain I've done that to several other threads of franchises I'm not fond of.

This is fairly widespread honestly. It's not about how BvS wasn't up to par, it's 'Dogshit' or how Strange is formulaic, no, it's always utter shite. Or the fact that that One scene from that particular franchise is the worst of all time and you should feel bad for liking it. One of these days I'm gonna slam Fast n furious for having cars pursuing each other. Can't be good if it's done before, y'know.
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