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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

A place to contain GAF meltdowns with occasional discussion of news, rumours and speculation. Remember, new threads for new news, this is not intended as being the sole discussion point for Episode 7.

News and rumours:

Director speculation

According to Frank Marshall - husband of Lucasfilm's new president and Episode VII producer Kathleen Kennedy - the studio has now narrowed its search to "a couple of candidates", although Marshall wasn't giving much else away during a recent chat with MTV. "I do [know who will be behind Episode VII], but I can't reveal it, or I won't be alive tomorrow."

  • Sam Mendes - Are you on the list? "No." Do you want to be? "No."
  • Gareth Evans - "I think I'm better suited as a rabid fan watching rather than making them."
  • Zack Snyder - "I don't think I'd be interested in [directing it]. I'm a huge 'Star Wars' fanatic. I just think doing [episodes] seven, eight and nine is just a slippery slope.
  • Quentin Tarantino - "I could so care less. No, sorry. Especially if Disney's going to do it. I'm not interested in the Simon West version of Star Wars."
  • Steven Spielberg - "No! No! It's not my genre. It's my best friend George's genre."
  • JJ Abrams - “I am looking forward more than anyone to the next iterations of Star Wars, but I believe I will be going as a paying moviegoer!”

  • Joe Johnston - “Without George Lucas and "Star Wars," I might have been responsible for some very exciting bus seats, but I would not be making films.” So would he direct Episode VII? “A lot would depend on what 'it' is. I am very glad to see Lucasfilm cranking up to get productive again, regardless of who ends up doing it."
  • Jon Favreau - “I have been very happy and lucky to just experience the culture that Lucas has created, both in my own life growing up as a kid and whether it was interviewing him at film festivals on stage. He is just a really wonderful, talented gifted guy who has changed the business so much, so I am just giddy, first and foremost as a fan, to see what happens with it."
  • Guillermo Del Toro - “I haven’t approached them, they haven’t formally approached me. If this becomes ever a reality, and there’s an approach to do it, I would then think about it, but — it’s like thinking if I want to date a supermodel."

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I heard Ben Affleck is directing


So we can have garbage headlines too?

James Cameron Confirmed Star Wars 7,8,9


A friend of mine suggested that Luc Besson direct it and bring some of that craziness that was The Fifth Element into the mix. I laughed at first but then I thought about it, and if tempered, it could be interesting. La Femme Nikita and Leon were pretty awesome, after all.


Bloodborne is shit
For some reason, I don't think this will happen.

And in the year 2015 man kind miraculously abandoned the long held tradition of money in exchange for goods and services. Movies stopped sucking balls and everything from that point forward was taken on purely as artistic endeavors.
A friend of mine suggested that Luc Besson direct it and bring some of that craziness that was The Fifth Element into the mix. I laughed at first but then I thought about it, and if tempered, it could be interesting. La Femme Nikita and Leon were pretty awesome, after all.

I loved The Fifth Element, but that's a guilty pleasure of mine.


They should go old school with Episode VII and not have any CG! Use miniatures and stop motion animation for any ships and large monsters and get Jim Henson's Creature Shop and the Disney Imagineers go make puppet and animatronic aliens!


They should go old school with Episode VII and not have any CG! Use miniatures and stop motion animation for any ships and large monsters and get Jim Henson's Creature Shop and the Disney Imagineers go make puppet and animatronic aliens!

That's what I wanted, but ILM shut down their practical effects wing and Ralph McQuarrie passed away. RIP



Pretty sure it's going to be Darren Aronofsky.
Clint Mansell on the soundtrack.

Relying on practical effects would have been great.


A Guillermo del Toro version of Star Wars could be fun.

Pretty sure it's going to be Darren Aronofsky.
Clint Mansell on the soundtrack.

Relying on practical effects would have been great.

This would be a best case scenario. Which means it won't happen. :(


Joe Johnston is the easy/boring choice, but isn't the worst choice.

You're right, the only worse choice would be John Moore. Johnston is a goddamn terrible director that would only ruin Star Wars in the same fashion he shit on Jurassic Park and the legacy of Universal's classic monster films.


Am I the only one that's hoping Disney will just hurry up and get this trilogy out of the way so we can get a couple of smaller budgeted "risky" films that might actually have the chance to be brilliant? I hope they're smart enough to do this sooner than later; I don't want to have to wait for them to drive the franchise into the ground in order to see a lesser-known (but extremely talented) director given a shot at filming a "side-story" in the Star Wars Universe.


Why would we go from one guy who can't write for shit and relies on too much CG to another guy who can't write for shit and relies on too much CG?

I realize this was a troll, likely pointed directly at Sculli, but taken as an actual statement it's asinine.

Mobius 1

These movies have no hope of success. The scrutiny over the production will be unbearable and the hype levels outrageous.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
It'll be most amusing to watch in any case. At least for insiders.

What day did you know about the Lucasfilm sale? It seems hard to believe that someone who still hasn't had a credit could be considered an "insider".

That's what I wanted, but ILM shut down their practical effects wing and Ralph McQuarrie passed away. RIP

They weren't shut down. They were sold and started operating as Kerner Optical in the previous ILM location. They went bankrupt several years later. They came back as 32Ten Studios in the same location.


It's time for optimism, folks. Strap yourselves in, and all negative nellies please proceed to the air lock.

I'm extremely excited for this. I can't believe this is even happening. With George taking a step back, Kathleen Kennedy likely producing, and a new person at the helm, this is bound to at least be good-to-superb. I expect nothing less. I'm sure that Lucasfilm realizes there was a pop culture backlash with the last trilogy and that they'll do their utmost to ensure that type of reaction does not happen again.

Sadly, I fear that no matter how good the film will be, there will be those who will still make sarcastic comments regardless.


These movies have no hope of success. The scrutiny over the production will be unbearable and the hype levels outrageous.

No hope of success? Are you talking about financial success? Because if you are, then you must be ignorant of the fact that Star Wars has millions of die hard fans and that there are enough casual fans who will see this film. Especially if Luke, Leia, and Han are going to be back in any capacity.

A critical success? That remains to be seen, but I think the scrutiny and stress will just result in a better film. The original Star Wars worked through production issues and it came out as one of the landmark films of the 20th century. I'm honestly expecting something truly great to come out of episode VII, or for it to at least do for the franchise what JJ Abrams' Star Trek did for that franchise.


Del Toro would be awesome but if Pacific Rim is as big as WB hopes it's going to be he will already have one huge franchise under his wing with other projects he wants to do.


It seems hard to believe that someone who still hasn't had a credit could be considered an "insider".
Do you know how credits work for departments outside the primary production teams in a company that focuses on for-hire work in the film industry?

No wait, you must know better, so I'll submit to your superior position on the matter and acknowledge the moniker isn't appropriate as there's no way an R&D group would get advanced info on what may be needed to be built for such a film project. ;P
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