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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

...with Lucas writing all three scripts and Cameron directing, only amazing things can be on the horizon!

ONLY amazing things? Really? With Lucas writing ONLY amazing things can happen. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah haaaaaaaaa.

Are they fucking serious? The #1 reason the first 3 movies sucked was because of how shit poor or a writer Lucas is. What a joke.


Del Toro would really be out of left field. Getting a director of that sort would make me really interested in the project.

Getting mediocre garbage like Johnston and Favreau would make me not give a fuck.


Carrie Fisher is sure looking good in this new irrelevant Christmas movie.



She can easily portray a wiser-older Leia :)
Del Toro would really be out of left field. Getting a director of that sort would make me really interested in the project.

Getting mediocre garbage like Johnston and Favreau would make me not give a fuck.

I just figured that Del Toro was completely out of play - hearing his name mentioned makes me pretty interested. The man is a damned great visual storyteller. If he was good enough for Peter Jackson to handpick for The Hobbit, he's more than good enough to continue Star Wars.

Of course, it probably won't be him.

Whoever it is, I'm betting we find out by the end of the week. If Frank Marshall is telling people it's down to two candidates, that means his wife is REALLY close to announcing the choice.

edit: Those pictures look - altered. somehow. Basically, she doesn't look like that. I know that's her, but that's - that's not what Carrie Fisher looks like.

What the hell is going on in those pictures.


This should be good. How awesome is it for the next generation of filmmakers, concept artists, and vfx artists to get a chance to work on Star Wars. Not that I have the talent for it, but makes me think what if had I chosen to stick with 3D/VFX.

Any word on who might be doing concept work? Still love the Iain McCaig stuff from the art books.

Mobius 1

No hope of success? Are you talking about financial success? Because if you are, then you must be ignorant of the fact that Star Wars has millions of die hard fans and that there are enough casual fans who will see this film. Especially if Luke, Leia, and Han are going to be back in any capacity.

A critical success? That remains to be seen, but I think the scrutiny and stress will just result in a better film. The original Star Wars worked through production issues and it came out as one of the landmark films of the 20th century. I'm honestly expecting something truly great to come out of episode VII, or for it to at least do for the franchise what JJ Abrams' Star Trek did for that franchise.

Critical , naturally.


I just figured that Del Toro was completely out of play - hearing his name mentioned makes me pretty interested. The man is a damned great visual storyteller. If he was good enough for Peter Jackson to handpick for The Hobbit, he's more than good enough to continue Star Wars.

Of course, it probably won't be him.

Whoever it is, I'm betting we find out by the end of the week. If Frank Marshall is telling people it's down to two candidates, that means his wife is REALLY close to announcing the choice.

edit: Those pictures look - altered. somehow. Basically, she doesn't look like that. I know that's her, but that's - that's not what Carrie Fisher looks like.

What the hell is going on in those pictures.

Here's Carrie Fisher on TV yesterday:



So Carrie looks fine, Harrison looks fine...

Mark just need to hire Lou Ferrigno as his personal trainer and we're golden.
So down for this movie. I love that I can come back and see my comment on the second page in 2015 right before I see the NEW Star Wars movie! High five future me!


I wonder if Edgar Wright has a gig lined up after World's End?


I wouldn't want Wright to direct and of the new SW movies. He's my favorite person making movies right now and I wouldn't want to hate him if they're bad.


When did Carrie Fisher drop all that weight? She's looking good.

Someone post a recent Mark Hamill picture.

Sam Mendes - Are you on the list? "No." Do you want to be? "No."
Gareth Evans - "I think I'm better suited as a rabid fan watching rather than making them."
Zack Snyder - "I don't think I'd be interested in [directing it]. I'm a huge 'Star Wars' fanatic. I just think doing [episodes] seven, eight and nine is just a slippery slope.
Quentin Tarantino - "I could so care less. No, sorry. Especially if Disney's going to do it. I'm not interested in the Simon West version of Star Wars."
Steven Spielberg - "No! No! It's not my genre. It's my best friend George's genre."
JJ Abrams - “I am looking forward more than anyone to the next iterations of Star Wars, but I believe I will be going as a paying moviegoer!”

Haha no one wants to take the blame if this thing goes tits up smart guys. Lol at Quentin.

Guillermo Del Toro - “I haven’t approached them, they haven’t formally approached me. If this becomes ever a reality, and there’s an approach to do it, I would then think about it, but — it’s like thinking if I want to date a supermodel."

My god. I'm imagining the possibilites of Del Toro doing it. The creation of the world and the various creatures would be right up his street. His shown he can do this stuff effortlessly he can work well with kids and get good performances from them. His films have heart. A rare commodity in Hollywood. Disney cannot fuck this up. They need a great director to get this franchise back up and running

Absolutely no way at Johnston and Favreau. I hate using the word but they are the very definition of hacks.

Alfonso Cuaron please.

He could work too. And looking at his IMDB shows that he has what sounds like a small personal film in production, but nothing other than that for 2013..sounds like the sort of film you'd do before you jump onto something big...


Knows the Score
Totally the wrong director for something like this imo. And he has Ant Man coming which sounds more tonally up his street

Yeah, it was more of an idle thought as I was initially wondering about Joe Cornish due to his days of directing Star Wars figures in Adam & Joe but I remembered he is attached to Snow Crash.


Do not let Joe Johnston any where near the director's chair for this movie.

I hope to god security has been warned to escort him off the lot if his sighted.

Yeah, it was more of an idle thought as I was initially wondering about Joe Cornish due to his days of directing Star Wars figures in Adam & Joe but I remembered he is attached to Snow Crash.

A Joe Cornish live action Star Wars film would be a sight to see. Especially with how crazy him and Adam used to get on their show with the toys.

Although after Attack The Block I think it would be awesome.
To those Speilberg quotes:

1) Not your genre? Really? Which one? Adventure? Sci-Fi?
2) Either Lucas is your secret lover or he knows about some dude you killed. That's the only way I can see you following his lead on both Crystal Skull (bowing to his every whim) and Star Wars 7 (not doing it simply cause it's "George's").


3) As you are an incredibly smart filmmaker and Lucas' best friend (or secret lover or blackmailee), I refuse to believe that you don't have knowledge that Lucas did not in fact make most of the original trilogy.

This leads me to believe that Lucas' role in the new Star Wars trilogy is much bigger than we are told.

Also: I lend my voice to the Johnston Haters. How he ever got to be the Speilberg Protegee is beyond me.
I haven't been following this very closely but I do recalled Brad Bird being mentioned a lot when the buyout was first announced. What happened with that? Just total bullshit, or he wasn't interested, or..?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I haven't been following this very closely but I do recalled Brad Bird being mentioned a lot when the buyout was first announced. What happened with that? Just total bullshit, or he wasn't interested, or..?

Still rumored to be a possibility.

Mobius 1

Wow, in the second picture she definitely looks like an older Leia. Both her and Hamill are looking better and better in the last few months, there's definitely something going on.

They have known that Lucas was going to make the movies for the better part of year, Hamill stated it himself. They must have parts written for their old characters and started to prepare.


Wes Anderson will direct SWVII, Bill Murray as Leia's new husband, Jason Schwartzman is Han Solo's kid

You know, Wes Anderson is a "quirky indie director", the same description give to Kershner (by Wikipedia) before he directed The Empire Strikes Back...
When did Carrie Fisher drop all that weight? She's looking good.

She was doing one of those weight watchers or jenny craig sponsored things for a while and lost a bunch of weight. Shes gained back some since it seems from the looks of it.

If they were gonna make new SW films, I'm sure both Hamill and Fisher would lose weight for the parts
George Lucas is not involved in this in a writing capacity is he? If so, all hope is lost.

Him being involved is not a problem, he is the creator of Star Wars after all.

A problem would be if he wrote the screenplay, or had any authority on the production. Neither are true.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Him being involved is not a problem, he is the creator of Star Wars after all.

A problem would be if he wrote the screenplay, or had any authority on the production. Neither are true.

It's been stated that the films are based on outlines written by Lucas.

Lucas is actually great at creating ideas and concepts. It's the actual process of screenwriting which is his weakness.

In other news, Tom Hiddleston is interested in a role in the new Star Wars films:



It's been stated that the films are based on outlines written by Lucas.

Lucas is actually great at creating ideas and concepts. It's the actual process of screenwriting which is his weakness.

Yup, that.

Seems like a screenwriter was already chosen, maybe that should be put in the OP. Or was that just a person they hired to do a very rough draft and a writer will be chosen later?
His dialogue isn't his strong suit but is plotting is impeccable.

After the prequels I'm inclined to disagree - none of those films really flowed well. The extremely sudden descent into ridiculously evil deeds by Anakin is one of the dumbest parts of those movies. The entire trilogy should have cut out a lot of that content; IMO the first movie could be condensed to include both the child and teenage Anakin, the second movie his gradual descent to the Dark Side, and the third film should have been far more Darth Vader antics.

I'm being an armchair director now though, but I would not say I'm comfortable with him even providing a general outline of how these new movies should play out.
2) Either Lucas is your secret lover or he knows about some dude you killed. That's the only way I can see you following his lead on both Crystal Skull (bowing to his every whim) and Star Wars 7 (not doing it simply cause it's "George's").

Or, you know, they are dear old friends and Spielberg had the decency to let Lucas decide what to do with the character he created.

For the record, I think the prequels are bad movies but I liked Crystal Skull.
After the prequels I'm inclined to disagree - none of those films really flowed well. The extremely sudden descent into ridiculously evil deeds by Anakin is one of the dumbest parts of those movies.

I disagree with that. That was planted in Episode II. He swore at his mother's grave that he wouldn't let the same thing happen again and went on a big rant to Padme about how he would learn to find a way to stop people from dying. Then in Episode III he started having the same kind of visions of Padme dying, and she's pregnant with their child. I think killing the Jedi kids was a bit much but he didn't just all of a sudden make that decision. It also happened very fast, the whole scenario of Palpatine being convicted, so he put himself into a situation where he knew Anakin would have to make a last minute decision. Once he attacked Windu, his path was decided for good. It was either "keep putting up with the Jedi's bullshit, or maybe prevent my wife and kid from dying."

Again, apart from him murdering kids, I kind of get his point of view. The Jedi haphazardly took him away from his mom, didn't let him visit her, and told him he couldn't love anyone which are very basic, fundamental human needs. This resulted in him not being able to save his mom and to him, would keep him from saving Padme and his kid. The Jedi were misguided douchebags in the prequels which is why they needed to be wiped clean and started anew.

So yes, I agree some things were a bit much, but I don't think he just randomly became evil.
I see your point. Personally though, I was hoping that this would be a completely fresh look at the Star Wars franchise. Instead, Lucas is still heavily involved with the treatment and they want to bring back the most beloved characters from the original trilogy.
I see your point. Personally though, I was hoping that this would be a completely fresh look at the Star Wars franchise. Instead, Lucas is still heavily involved with the treatment and they want to bring back the most beloved characters from the original trilogy.

Yeah. It's a wait and see thing obviously, but I'm not terribly worried about that yet. It's early days and Episode VII may or may not have those aspects-- but the point is, there's going to be many more movies. The way I see it, or at least what I hope for, is that VII will carry over a few things but it will establish a new story, a new threat. I'm okay with returning characters but I doubt they're going to be main characters.
Carrie Fisher is sure looking good in this new irrelevant Christmas movie.

She can easily portray a wiser-older Leia :)

Wow, in the second picture she definitely looks like an older Leia. Both her and Hamill are looking better and better in the last few months, there's definitely something going on.

I hope their roles are limited. Would rather see a fresh cast take the mantle of carrying on the story.

Haha no one wants to take the blame if this thing goes tits up smart guys. Lol at Quentin.

I think Quentin could do a great 'Star Wars 1313' esque Bounty Hunter film. You'd have an extremely tense 20 minute scene over some future variant of Poker in some seedy bar or over the negotiation of the purchase of a ship.
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