Lucas is writing the outlines and Michael Ardnt (Toy Story 3, Little Miss Sunshine) is writing the script
I am alright with this.
Lucas is writing the outlines and Michael Ardnt (Toy Story 3, Little Miss Sunshine) is writing the script
I see your point. Personally though, I was hoping that this would be a completely fresh look at the Star Wars franchise. Instead, Lucas is still heavily involved with the treatment and they want to bring back the most beloved characters from the original trilogy.
I am alright with this.
rpat said:"I actually kind of like Jar Jar. I don't understand what the big deal is about Jar Jar."
BREAKING: Robert Pattison officially interested
I wonder how much they're going to shit on the expanded universe. Since these aren't prequels, it seems like they're definitely going to take place post-Empire, which is going to invalidate a lot of great stories in the SW universe.
Another Hayden? No fucking thank you.
Oh so you only update the OP with info you are interested in dorito pope?
Another Hayden? No fucking thank you.
Another Hayden? No fucking thank you.
Hasn't he done a couple movies outside Twilight where he's actually a somewhat decent actor? How was he in Cosmopolis?
I wonder how much they're going to shit on the expanded universe. Since these aren't prequels, it seems like they're definitely going to take place post-Empire, which is going to invalidate a lot of great stories in the SW universe.
We don't know that Lucas is heavily involved. For all we know, the producers are going to look at his outlines and think "this is crap" and largely disregard them. They can totally do that if they choose to. Of course they're not going to come out and say it publicly, that would be bad form. But people need to stop worrying that Lucas is going to ruin the movies. He's just a resource that they can go to. If the movies suck, that's on Disney, not him.
My picks would be, Rian Johnson, Drew Goddard, Vince Gilligan. Pipe dreams I know but they would be awesome.
Now, I personally think Return of the Jedi isn't very well shot, or paced, but most people don't bring up Marquand's name, or his direction, when they start discussing Jedi's flaws. And we all know about Kershner.
Great stories that honestly most don't know/give a fuck about.
After the prequels I'm inclined to disagree - none of those films really flowed well. The extremely sudden descent into ridiculously evil deeds by Anakin is one of the dumbest parts of those movies. The entire trilogy should have cut out a lot of that content; IMO the first movie could be condensed to include both the child and teenage Anakin, the second movie his gradual descent to the Dark Side, and the third film should have been far more Darth Vader antics.
I'm being an armchair director now though, but I would not say I'm comfortable with him even providing a general outline of how these new movies should play out.
Eurghh. If Lucas redoes the EU - that would create an entirely new EU.
EU2 of which to sell more books/games/merchandise
Lucas's outline work for the last Indiana Jones was why the film was sooo terrible. As long as anybody working on the film can say, "Hey, this part of the script is terrible, let's change it," and Lucas is powerless to stop them, then these films may just have a chance.
Lucas's outline work for the last Indiana Jones was why the film was sooo terrible.
I agree, I blame Spielberg too. But I don't think anyone challenges Lucas anymore to push him to do the great things he's capable of. I don't think Spielberg had any passion in the making of Crystal Skull, it seems like he just made a lot of mis-judgements on certain aspects and didn't really try (that or it's hard working under the immense pressure of a Indy sequel). And if I remember correctly, Lucas would not budge a inch on his outline ideas, i.e. the nuke fridge, vine swinging, ect.I love that all the blame on Crystal Skull goes to Lucas when Spielberg is no pushover and has as much say about what goes in Indy as much as Lucas. Spielberg is as much responsible for the Indiana Jones films as Lucas is.
I agree, I blame Spielberg too. But I don't think anyone challenges Lucas anymore to push him to do the great things he's capable of. I don't think Spielberg had any passion in the making of Crystal Skull, it seems like he just made a lot of mis-judgements on certain aspects and didn't really try (that or it's hard working under the immense pressure of a Indy sequel). And if I remember correctly, Lucas would not budge a inch on his outline ideas, i.e. the nuke fridge, vine swinging, ect.
Whaaa, really? Then I concede to you. My Lucas hating lens I've been looking through for a while has impaired my memory it seems. Alright, maybe he isn't that bad.The fridge was Spielberg, not Lucas. It was something he liked from early drafts of Back to the Future.
Pretty sure the vine swinging was Spielberg, too. Could be wrong. But the fridge is Spielberg's call, definitely.
The fridge was Spielberg, not Lucas. It was something he liked from early drafts of Back to the Future.
I loved the fridge scene actually (aside from the CGI chipmunk or whatever) and the great shot that followed.
Anyone got this in higher res?
Keep Lucas OUT.
Keep Lucas OUT. I swear he's gonna force Ahsoka in the movie...![]()
I love that all the blame on Crystal Skull goes to Lucas when Spielberg is no pushover and has as much say about what goes in Indy as much as Lucas. Spielberg is as much responsible for the Indiana Jones films as Lucas is.
Again - he's no longer a part of Lucasfilm. Kathleen Kennedy runs that company now, and makes the executive decisions regarding the films. Lucas has no power to force anything on anyone.
I'm getting the sense that there's a lot of habitual shitting people are going to need some time to break themselves of. I'm not saying the man might not have earned himself a fecal fleck or two. But people are so used to instinctively opening their bowels in the goitered ones direction that they missed the part where his naming Kennedy the president and selling all of his Lucasfilm holdings to Disney means he doesn't get to actually MAKE decisions any more. At best, he gets to consult on other people's decisions, and that's if they care to ask him.
Here's the thing though, the movie needs a strong director that can push back if need be. That's my main worry about some of the smaller directors in that Lucas will backseat direct even if he has no actual authority and Kathleen Kennedy will just allow it to happen. Do we know about her preferences anyway like whether she liked the prequels or not?
Watch the Plinkett review for Indy. It sounded like Lucas kept throwing all these god awful ideas at Spielberg, and he was just like "ugh... fine whatever" to all of them.
I am alright with this.
If John Williams doesn't score this, I will be inconsolable. I'll lock myself in my room for a week and do nothing but cry.
It's perfectly acceptable to me. Many great movies have exaggerated the rules of physics in the past, which I think is different from disregarding the rules of physics completely.
Count me in as someone who loves the fridge scene.
It's been said by Mythbusters that surviving a nuclear blast by hiding inside a lead-lined fridge is possible, just not as close to the point of impact as Indy was. So it's definitely a stretch, but not that much of a stretch for a pulp adventure movie. It's perfectly acceptable to me. Many great movies have exaggerated the rules of physics in the past, which I think is different from disregarding the rules of physics completely.