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Star Wars Galaxies: Welcome to Space! (56k NO!)


Gold Member
So JTL hit stores today and I decided to pick it up and reactivate my account if only because I was sure to get the free Lady Luck ship due to my account being open for over eight months. So, I get to start out instantly with a ship that is bigger than my house, plus it has a hyperdrive.

After signing up with the Rebellion on Tatooine and getting my free, crappy non-hyperdrive having, Z-95 Headhunter; I went up in space to check out my new SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 (which I did rename). This ship is HUGE and I am currently moving all of my items from my house on Tatooine into the ship. Here are some pics of my first Hyperspace journey from the Tatoo system to Corellia in my SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000:

In the cockpit looking out over Tatooine:

The main deck w/ bar and huge observation windows:

The guts of the ship:

One view of the upstairs observation deck:

Another view from the observation deck:

Balcony overlooking main deck:

The ship also has a whole storage deck downstairs from the main deck.

Jumping to hyperspace:

In hyperspace before arriving at Corellia:

The Rebel-friendly planet of Corellia:


Gold Member
Tabris said:

Z-95 Headhunter. You sure those pics are from one of those?

No, the pics are from the SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 that Veteran players get after having their account open for 180 days.



Then your post totally didn't make any sense.

You said "I got a Z95 Headhunter. Here are some pics of my first travels."

You should show some of pics of your headhunter.


Gold Member
Tabris said:
Then your post totally didn't make any sense.

You said "I got a Z95 Headhunter. Here are some pics of my first travels."

You should show some of pics of your headhunter.

It's crap! It doesn't even have a Hyperdrive!


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Tabris said:
Then your post totally didn't make any sense.

You said "I got a Z95 Headhunter. Here are some pics of my first travels."

You should show some of pics of your headhunter.

Aside from you completely misquoting him, I understood him completely the first time I read it. He got a Z-95, like everyone else gets for free, which he used to take off from Tatooine and reach his special yacht, which he then boarded and took a trip on.

One question though, do you thus get to keep both ships, and just dock the Z-95 somewhere on the yacht?


Gold Member
DarthWoo said:
Aside from you completely misquoting him, I understood him completely the first time I read it. He got a Z-95, like everyone else gets for free, which he used to take off from Tatooine and reach his special yacht, which he then boarded and took a trip on.

One question though, do you thus get to keep both ships, and just dock the Z-95 somewhere on the yacht?

Ships are docked in spaceports on the planet where you land. So if I take the SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 to Corellia and land there, it'll be parked there while my Z-95 is parked in the Mos Espa spaceport on Tatooine.


and reach his special yacht

Except he didn't say "and reach my special yacht". So I was assuming those pics were from the Z95 Headhunter. (he edited his post)

...and darn, I wanted to see screenshots of the headhunter :(


Gold Member
Z-95 Headhunter shots:

External view near some asteroids:

Another headhunter and myself blowing away a TIE:

The next ship you get qualified for is the Y-Wing.


I've heard that the flight controls don't support joystick and it takes tons of exp to improve your ship, with hardly anything to customize compared to x-wing vs tie fighter. True or false?


Gold Member
firex said:
I've heard that the flight controls don't support joystick and it takes tons of exp to improve your ship, with hardly anything to customize compared to x-wing vs tie fighter. True or false?

You can use a joystick.

And the customization is much larger than in any SW flight sim. Ever. When you fight in space you automatically loot items from other ships. These range from reactors, engines, blasters, missile placements, etc. You can then install those on your ship if you have the cert to use it (you get qualified for better equipment as you do missions). In beta, I looted an Imperial TIE Fighter blaster and installed it on my Y-Wing and it kicked ass.

You don't just go out and grind experience like on the ground. Instead the pilot professions are content driven where you get a mission to advance up the ranks of the tree.


Gold Member
The cool thing about the big passenger ships (like the SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 and YT-1300) is that you can take an entire group up to the ship with you and be a taxi service!


Chili Con Carnage!
yeah but if everyone who has had an account for more than 180 days has one, doesnt that mean nearly everyone has one?


Gold Member
Ghost said:
yeah but if everyone who has had an account for more than 180 days has one, doesnt that mean nearly everyone has one?

It's 180 days without any gaps. So if you played for three months and then cancelled and came back, you won't it.

I just qualified for a Y-Wing, now I just need to find someone to build me one.


I think Galaxies is approximately the worst shit evar.

That said, this ship stuff looks really cool. Thanks for sharing. ^_^


so.. JTL is kind of surprising for an MMO expansion, but do you think it makes the game fun? i mean, really, SWG itself wasn't that good, but is JTL actually fun to play? and is it garbage "endgame" stuff or is it actually, you know, something you can get into right away?


Gold Member
Bog said:
So what happens if someone blows up your ship and kills you in space?

I haven't died in space yet, but you do not lose your ship. You just have to repair the damage to the hull and replace any components that may have been destroyed.


Gold Member
firex said:
so.. JTL is kind of surprising for an MMO expansion, but do you think it makes the game fun? i mean, really, SWG itself wasn't that good, but is JTL actually fun to play? and is it garbage "endgame" stuff or is it actually, you know, something you can get into right away?

Fuck the ground game. I only land on the ground to get new space missions, and to buy new parts for my ship or upgrade it. :)


If your ship gets destroyed is it destroyed forever. Also, if you are up in sapce in your big cruiser since you are alliance can other PC imperial members come with their Tie's or whatever and destroy your ship.


Gold Member
AeroGod said:
If your ship gets destroyed is it destroyed forever. Also, if you are up in sapce in your big cruiser since you are alliance can other PC imperial members come with their Tie's or whatever and destroy your ship.

Something they kept stressing during the preview at E3, Comic Con, and beta is that you will NEVER LOSE YOUR SHIP. I guess too many devs had their speeders blown up on the ground. :D

You do have to repair it and replace components though, and if your reactor or engine goes, you're out of luck until you can get another one. Luckily people make them a lot.


ok, but can you jump right into the JTL stuff if you're new to the game or do you have to "level up" (i know there's not strict xping to level up in SWG, but you know what i mean - grind out some skill) to get into the piloting?


Gold Member
firex said:
ok, but can you jump right into the JTL stuff if you're new to the game or do you have to "level up" (i know there's not strict xping to level up in SWG, but you know what i mean - grind out some skill) to get into the piloting?

Yeah, sort of. Immediately you get a free newbie ship with NO HYPERDRIVE. The higher level ships are made by players. My Y-Wing cost me a total of 45k, which can take a little while to collect.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
WOW that looks awesome!!!

Sucks that i use a laptop!!

Any chance of this baby coming out on the Xbox?

Edit: Shocking typos
More like Jump to Lagspeed....Went squill hunting the other day and the game was unplayable...massive lag, rubber banding all over the place. LAg so bad that houses just appeard ontop of you. Woo hoo we get ships to wander around in who needs a combat revamp or a GCW or a better Jedi/bh system?

Something they kept stressing during the preview at E3, Comic Con, and beta is that you will NEVER LOSE YOUR SHIP. I guess too many devs had their speeders blown up on the ground.


In the beta I lost my noobie ship and couldn't repair it at all I had to build a new one...I said fuck this and stopped.


Gold Member
Great Wasabi Man said:
More like Jump to Lagspeed....Went squill hunting the other day and the game was unplayable...massive lag, rubber banding all over the place. LAg so bad that houses just appeard ontop of you. Woo hoo we get ships to wander around in who needs a combat revamp or a GCW or a better Jedi/bh system?

Check your PMs about the combat revamp. Jedi are already revamped.


Great Wasabi Man said:
In the beta I lost my noobie ship and couldn't repair it at all I had to build a new one...I said fuck this and stopped.

either a bug that was fixed or you were doing something wrong. as of the end of beta, noob ships could easily be repaired but you're better off ditching one and getting a new freebie from a trainer. hate the game all you want, but hate it for the right reasons (i.e. lag, bugs that're never fixed, lame combat, etc.) :)


Gold Member
kamikaze said:
either a bug that was fixed or you were doing something wrong. as of the end of beta, noob ships could easily be repaired but you're better off ditching one and getting a new freebie from a trainer. hate the game all you want, but hate it for the right reasons (i.e. lag, bugs that're never fixed, lame combat, etc.) :)

Yup, I just died in space in the Z-95 (damn pirates hiding in asteroids) and just had to pay 2500 credits to 100% repair the ship.


SWG is crap and JTL lives up to that standard

Totally Games should have been involved with the design and development.


Gold Member
nubbe said:
SWG is crap and JTL lives up to that standard

Totally Games should have been involved with the design and development.

After secret weapons over normandy and their aborted xbox game, I don't think that would've been such a good idea. JTL was done by what members of the Privateer team that didn't go to Digial Anvil.
Hmm, looks nice. Excet the hyperspace shot. I know it's just a screenshot, but I hope it looks better in motion and not so... static. XWA, although pixelated and lacking in frames of animation, did hyperspace rather well.


Gold Member
Exploring the Yavin system today and I ran into this:

I also flew through this big debris field and then realized it was the remains of the first Death Star. Very cool.
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